Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 255: Exclusive Logistics Soldier

With Sun Ji's initiative to promote him, Qin Ming, who was just a deck logistics soldier and had a lower status than ordinary soldiers, suddenly became the logistics captain, responsible for managing all logistics soldiers' mobilization and logistics work management on the main battle ship.

In other words! He became an official!

Although he still had no real status, his official position was still not as good as that of ordinary soldiers, and he was still a small soldier.

But as the saying goes, a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, if he could get a position on the main battle ship, no one would dare to look down on him.

Not to mention that Qin Ming was promoted by Sun Ji himself, so no one dared to provoke him.

However, Qin Ming, who became an official at this time, did not enjoy the treatment of being an official, nor did he enjoy the flattery of other logistics soldiers.

On the contrary, at this moment, he was not served by others, but was serving others.

In the main cabin, a child of only three or four years old was playing with toys on the side, and a beautiful woman with a very nervous expression was following him.

They are Liu Adou, the son of Liu Bei, the overlord of Shu, and Liu Adou's wet nurse.

As for the other side of the cabin, there was a woman in red armor, lying leisurely in a chair, and even put her long legs, which were only wearing leggings at the lower half, on the table casually.

With her hands resting on her head and her legs crossed, Sun Ji was resting with her eyes closed, and Qin Ming, who was wearing a high-level military uniform and holding a fruit tray, was standing next to her, motionless.

Qin Ming, who had just been promoted, was called by Sun Ji to serve her.

And this was not the first time he was called over. In just a few hours, Sun Ji had called him no less than six times.

She called him when she was eating, when she wanted to drink tea, when the room was dirty, and even when she was free, saying that it was too boring and asked Qin Ming to perform a show for her to liven up the atmosphere.

Perform a show? What show does he have! Usually, it is Eri Kasamoto who performs for him!

This woman really thinks she is the boss, right! If it weren't for completing the promotion task! He had already hit the other person on the top of his head with a tray! When had Qin Ming ever suffered such a great injustice!

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and danced a mechanical dance for Sun Ji, and finally dealt with the matter.

Oh, by the way, he also received a coin tip worth 500 points from Sun Ji after watching the performance...

In the room, he leisurely glanced at Liu Adou who was making trouble in the distance. Sun Ji didn't even want to care about this stupid boy who was obviously underpaid.

She sighed suddenly, feeling very bored, and suddenly shook her legs on the table.

"Hey! Don't stand there stupidly! Come over and massage my legs... Hey! Didn't you hear me! I'm talking to you! Come over and massage your legs!"

The voice in his ear made Qin Ming, who was holding a tray next to him, turn his head slowly.

After looking at Sun Ji expressionlessly, Qin Ming resisted the urge to give the other party a tray and lingered over.

But before he could reach out his hand, an iron arm suddenly stretched out from the side and forcibly stopped him.

"How dare you!"

The eyes behind the iron mask were like knives. Zhou Dun, who stretched out his hand to stop Qin Ming, suddenly roared.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Ji, who was lying leisurely on the chair, frowned instantly and looked up at him with dissatisfaction.

"You are the one who is presumptuous! Zhou Dun! Who allowed you to meddle in my business!"

"Miss! You are a precious body! How can you allow such a servant to touch you! He..."

"Huh? What? I have to listen to your opinion on who to massage my legs, right? Then he can't do it, how about you do it?"

"This! Family, the retainer dare not!"

"Hmph! If you don't dare, get out! Don't interfere in my business! It's not your turn to make the decision on this matter!"


Zhou Dun, who was scolded, lowered his head and backed away.

As a retainer of the Wu family, he was raised by the Wu family since childhood, so he dared not disobey the orders of his eldest lady.

But this did not mean that he would not be angry, so after retreating, he raised his head with eyes like knives, staring at Qin Ming fiercely.

This made Qin Ming, who felt the other party's gaze, stunned. After turning his head and looking at Zhou Dun, he was originally reluctant to do this job and was very dissatisfied with others' arbitrary command of him, and his movements suddenly became swift.

He directly pulled Sun Ji's leg, and didn't care about the fact that he almost pulled the other party off the chair.

Qin Ming, who put his legs on his thighs on the spot, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to knead hard, and turned his head to look at Zhou Dun while kneading, which made Zhou Dun's eyes tremble, and his eyes were about to spit fire.

Sun Ji, who grabbed the chair with both hands and adjusted her posture quickly, saw this and put her other leg on it, and once again rested her eyes leisurely on her arms.

Half an hour later, Sun Ji, who had finally rested well, finally got up and left the cabin.

This time, Zhou Dun, who rarely did not follow immediately, suddenly approached Qin Ming after watching Sun Ji walk away, looked down at him, and said in a cold voice.

"Pay attention to your behavior, kid, don't forget your identity."

Looking at Zhou Dun, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall and even more burly after wearing armor, Qin Ming couldn't help but shrug slightly.

"Shouldn't you tell Miss Sun this? What's the point of you telling me, I'm just a worker."

"Humph, you'd better pay attention! After all, no one will care if there is suddenly no cleaner on the ship."

Grabbing his long-handled broadsword, Zhou Dun turned around and left after threatening.

Qin Ming rolled his eyes, shook his sore arms, and turned around to leave for a rest, but he didn't expect that before he could walk far, another female soldier suddenly ran over from a distance and shouted before he got close.

"Hey! Logistics soldier! The young lady is calling you over!"

"Fuck! It's not over yet!"

Qin Ming, who had just rested for less than five minutes, widened his eyes instantly when he heard the words.

He looked angry and followed the female soldier through the cabin, and soon came to an inner cabin.

Looking at the large number of armored soldiers and female guards guarding the door, and Zhou Dun holding a long-handled broadsword, standing in front of the door motionlessly, looking at him with a squint.

Qin Ming, who was approaching, couldn't help but look at him again.

The two looked very unfriendly, and they just glanced at each other and passed by.

Qin Ming pushed open the door and walked in, and found that the cabin was actually a closed martial arts field.

The two sides were filled with fixed swords, spears, swords and halberds, and there were several women's armors and several armored straw men of different shapes on the side.

Sun Ji was now standing in the middle. She had taken off her armor and changed into a red tight leather armor that was more convenient for stretching.

She put one leg on the weapon rack and kept stretching her legs to stretch her muscles. When she heard the movement at the door, she didn't even turn her head.

"Go, make me a pot of tea."


Qin Ming, who received the order, turned and walked towards the table beside him, and behind him, Zhou Dun actually followed in with big strides.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was busy at the table and obviously didn't know the tea ceremony at all, Zhou Dun hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but speak.

"Miss, it doesn't seem good to let a man be present when you practice martial arts, not to mention that he doesn't know how to make tea at all."

Hearing this, Sun Ji paused in stretching her legs, was silent for a second, and suddenly retracted her legs, retracting her long white legs.

Turning her head to look at Zhou Dun standing at the door, she suddenly sneered.

"What? It's not appropriate for him to be there, but it's okay for you to be there?"

"This! I'm a retainer of the Wu family! I'm different from him!"

"What's the difference? Aren't you also a man? And I've said it before, you don't need to care about my business!"


"Get out!"


"Others get out too! Ling, you too! Let this kid stay to accompany me! I'll let whoever I want to accompany me!"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone who received the order left the room one after another. Zhou Dun, who left last, had a livid face. When he left, he didn't forget to close the door with his hand.

Looking at the wooden door that creaked shut, Sun Ji, with her hands on her chest, suddenly raised her leg and kicked the weapon rack beside her, causing it to make a loud noise.

"Waste! Useless coward!"

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