Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 256 Identity Exposed

Sitting on the table, Sun Ji looked very unhappy at the moment.

This was not only because of dissatisfaction with being controlled by others, but also because of dissatisfaction with Zhou Dun.

Speaking of Zhou Dun, it can be said that he grew up with her since childhood, and he can be regarded as a half-childhood sweetheart, and he is a loyal retainer of the Wu family.

Sun Ji originally had a good impression of him, and could clearly feel that Zhou Dun also had very strong special ideas about her.

As a family general, representing the confidant of a group of subordinate forces, if he showed enough talent, the two might really be able to come together and have an internal marriage.

But the problem is that Zhou Dun's talent is limited and he has not achieved much, but this is actually nothing.

After all, Zhou Dun has no talent, then Sun Ji will work hard. She has a very strong personality and doesn't care much about the talent of her partner. After all, in her eyes, it is normal for ordinary people to be inferior to herself!

However, Zhou Dun's lack of talent has led to a series of chain reactions.

Sun Quan, the King of Wu, who no longer had high hopes for him, happened to meet Liu Bei who came to unite with him to fight against Cao. In order to promote the alliance, he directly chose to marry Sun Ji to him, hoping to achieve the effect of marriage.

This sudden news caught Sun Ji off guard, and Zhou Dun's performance afterwards made her completely disappointed in him.

Zhou Dun, who learned about this, actually accepted his fate! He dared not resist the order of the King of Wu! He even led the armored troops to escort Sun Ji in person! He received Liu Bei's wedding team!

She, Sun Shangxiang, could tolerate her man's uselessness and mediocrity, but she absolutely could not tolerate the other party's lack of courage!

His woman was about to marry someone else, but he didn't even have the courage to resist! What kind of man is this!

So Sun Ji married directly into the Liu family, and from then on, she never gave Zhou Dun a good face.

It really showed with practical actions what it means to be angry at his lack of struggle! Angry at his lack of courage!

Since he wants to be someone else's retainer for life! Act according to other people's eyes! Then go and be it!

From now on, he is his Wu family general! I am the eldest daughter of the Wu family! Let's go our separate ways!

After sitting on the ground for a long time to adjust my emotions, Sun Ji finally recovered from her unhappiness, stood up and punched and kicked a scarecrow.

Her punches and kicks were as fast as the wind, and her strength was amazing, causing the whole cabin to echo with muffled bangs for a while.

After a long while, Sun Ji felt that it was meaningless, so she suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Ming on the side and waved at him fiercely.

"Come here!"

"Ah? What's the matter with the eldest daughter?"

"Practice a few moves with me."

"Me? I don't know martial arts! I'm just a sweeper!"

"Don't talk nonsense! What's a man doing? I'll hit you if I tell you to! I can't kill you! I hate it most when a man is a woman's moaning!"

Raising her hand quickly, without giving Qin Ming any time to react, Sun Ji pounced on him and launched a crazy attack on him.

Although her attack was obviously less powerful, it was still fast and accurate.

The most important thing is that Qin Ming is now just a logistics soldier. He dare not use martial arts at all. He can only wave his hands to block and retreat while blocking.

"Miss! I am really not your opponent! Let's stop!"

"Don't waste time! If you can't hit people, you will always be beaten! Stand still!"

"No! How can you just be beaten!"

"You are blessed to be beaten by me! I told you not to move! Why are you always running!"

"Nonsense! How can I not run after being beaten!"

Facing Sun Ji, whose movements are getting bigger and bigger and whose attack power is getting stronger and stronger, Qin Ming gradually began to be overwhelmed.

Even if the opponent does not hold a weapon, he can't hit him for a while.

But not being able to hit does not mean it doesn't hurt! This woman likes to attack the vital points! The attack is very dark! The attack frequency is high!

He Qin Ming is not here to be a punching bag! Who can withstand such a beating!

He took dozens of punches in a row, and watched Sun Ji chase him and hit him endlessly, with no intention of stopping.

Qin Ming, who not only took a long attack on his body, but also a punch in the eye, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His face turned black, and he suddenly stopped moving and kicked out.

Sun Ji, who had never expected that the sandbag in front of him would fight back, and the action was so swift, and he specifically attacked when his middle gate was wide open, was hit directly in the abdomen, and the whole person flew backwards on the spot.

He rolled on the ground twice in a row and hit his head on the weapon rack.

Sun Ji, who was kneeling on the ground, supported the ground with one hand and covered his abdomen with the other hand. His eyes were wide open, and he looked up at Qin Ming with disbelief.

"You! Don't you know martial arts?!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming, who instinctively kicked, froze.

"I... was born with supernatural powers."

After the words fell, the cabin fell into silence.

Sun Ji looked at Qin Ming, her eyes narrowed slowly, and after a second of silence, she suddenly stood up and grabbed the stick-shaped crutch that was inserted beside her.

After spinning the crutch, she kicked it with a flying kick. This time, the action was fast and fierce, which was completely different from the bare hands just now.

Faced with this level of attack, Qin Ming no longer dared to use his body to block it, and quickly dodged it with a sideways move.

Then he retreated continuously and quickly avoided Sun Ji's double crutches.

After dodging four or five moves in a row, he finally raised his hand and smashed it, using his arm to hammer the sweeping crutch, and forced Sun Ji away.

Qin Ming took the opportunity to distance himself, retreating while taking a fighting stance.

Sun Ji, whose series of attacks from the opposite side were all ineffective, also stood on one leg at this moment, with her arms raised and her crutches raised, and spoke aggressively.

"Didn't you say you don't know martial arts? How did you dodge without martial arts!"

"I was born with different reactions than ordinary people! It's not possible!"

"Humph! Such skills! Such martial arts! Who are you! Why do you disguise yourself as a logistics soldier and hide on the ship!"

"Who I am is none of your business!"

Qin Ming, who was forced to use martial arts, did not hide at all this time.

He raised his hand to put on the pair of golden arm guards, and suddenly raised his fists.

"I've had enough of you! You are a stubborn tomboy! Apart from looking like a woman! What else do you look like a woman! You like to beat people, right! Come on! I'll fight you to your heart's content!"

"You! You're looking for death!"

Hearing Qin Ming's words, Sun Ji's face suddenly turned black, and she flew up without thinking.

The two crutches swung in a row, colliding with Qin Ming's iron arm.

With sparks flying, the two fought hard for a while.

Both sides held short weapons and were good at close combat. Although Qin Ming was far inferior to the other in agility, he was much better than the other in fighting skills.

This resulted in Qin Ming not being able to compete in speed, but he could win in reaction.

Even if he defended more and attacked less, he could defend tightly, making it impossible for Sun Ji to attack at all.

After fighting for dozens of moves in a row, Sun Ji found that she couldn't hurt the enemy, and couldn't help but stare.

After recovering from the shock, she suddenly roared, and a powerful energy wave emanated from her body.

B-level continuous skill! Rage runaway! Activate!

All attributes +10!


Activate the runaway state, Sun Ji, who dragged a residual image behind her, hit Qin Ming with a phantom stab.

In front of the raised elbow, the sharp-pointed scimitar broke through the defense and stabbed Qin Ming's chest!

Qin Ming, whose defense was broken instantly, grimaced in pain, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Then he roared, gave up defense on the spot, and rushed forward at full speed!

He actually chose to attack with attack!

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