Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 257 Fighting Generals!

With a dull bang, Qin Ming, who had hit Sun Ji with his shoulder, forcibly lifted her up on his shoulders.

He completely ignored the other party's movements of hammering and stabbing his back with crutches in his hands.

Qin Ming, with his head on Sun Ji's abdomen, rushed forward frantically with her.

After knocking down countless weapon racks along the way, he slammed the other party into the wall!

Sun Ji, who was hit head-on, could not help but stare with wide eyes and open her mouth.

Before she could adapt to the severe pain, Qin Ming, who had pushed her against the wall, roared and opened his mouth, grabbing Sun Ji and throwing her high, and directly threw Sun Ji up.

Sun Ji, whose body spun twice in the air like a windmill, first hit the roof heavily, and then fell on it with a bang.

As soon as she landed, she stood upside down with her hands on the ground, avoiding Qin Ming's flying elbow.

Looking at the cracked board, Sun Ji, who was sitting on Qin Ming in a leap, hit Qin Ming in the face with a swinging stick.

After taking a hard blow, Sun Ji stared at him fiercely without even shaking his head, and stretched out his hand to grab the enemy.

At this moment, Sun Ji also opened her eyes wide, roared and raised the crutches in her hands, riding on Qin Ming and pressing down on his neck!

The hard iron crutches hit the raised arm armor, making a harsh friction sound.

The arms and crutches started a head-on wrestling. As Qin Ming's arms trembled, his hands that he raised desperately to parry were actually pressed down slowly by the iron crutches!

In terms of strength! Qin Ming was not the opponent of Sun Ji who had turned on the rampage state!

Looking at the weapon gradually pressing towards his neck, Qin Ming's forehead was bulging with veins. Seeing that he could not fight, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit Sun Ji's arm hard.

Sun Ji, who was hit on the spot, couldn't help but scream. She didn't expect Qin Ming to bite her when he couldn't beat her. She stopped wrestling on the spot and swung her hand to hit Qin Ming's face with a stick.

This move was successful, leaving a red mark on Qin Ming's face on the spot.

However, she was also seized by Qin Ming and was knocked out by a punch.

She stabilized her figure while rolling, knelt on one knee, slid to stop moving, knelt on the ground and raised her crutches again.

She looked at her opposite angrily, and her eyes suddenly widened in the next second.

Because on the opposite side, Qin Ming, who had slowly stood up at this moment, was actually expanding in size.

In two seconds! He had changed from an ordinary young man of 1.7 meters! To a giant of 2 meters in height!

Qin Ming, whose muscles were knotted all over his body and held up his clothes high, had red eyes at this moment, hot air was spraying from his nostrils, and his expression was extremely fierce.

After exchanging glances with Sun Ji, Qin Ming suddenly roared, swung his hand and pulled over the weapon rack, and threw the heavy object weighing hundreds of pounds out directly.

Sun Ji rolled to avoid it, and then dodged left and right, nimbly avoiding the large number of weapons thrown at her!

Turning her head to look at the wall of swords and spears behind her! Looking up at Qin Ming who was rushing towards her frantically, Sun Ji swung the Bu-shaped crutch in her hand and launched an attack.

She turned on the rampage state, and her agility value was as high as a terrifying 70 points, which was nearly three times the agility of Qin Ming.

Such a big gap can no longer be made up by skills.

Qin Ming attacked once! It was enough for Sun Ji to counterattack three times in a row!

Flashing around Qin Ming, Sun Ji kept dodging the attack of Qin Ming's fire arm, and counterattacked continuously with full concentration.

Occasionally, when she couldn't dodge, she could also hit with a stick to forcibly offset the damage with Qin Ming.

With a high panel and swift steps, Sun Ji's combat power is definitely far superior to Li Dian, the first scene BOSS in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2!

The only thing that is inferior to the opponent may be defense.

After all, compared with Li Dian who is fully armored, Sun Ji, who chose to wear leather armor in pursuit of flexibility, has a pitifully weak defense. She is not a military general at all. Compared with going to the battlefield, she is more proficient in single combat.

After another fierce fist fight, Qin Ming and Sun Ji slid away from each other.

Qin Ming, who stabilized his body, grabbed the wooden box next to him and forcibly threw the box and everything inside to Sun Ji.

This time, the throw naturally missed again without any accident. The wooden box hit the wall hard and broke into pieces on the spot.

Qin Ming, who missed the first attack, pulled up the weapon rack next to him and raised it viciously.

Seeing this, Sun Ji on the opposite side also put on crutches and took an aggressive posture, ready to go.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, the door on the side was suddenly kicked open.

Hearing the constant noise in the room, Zhou Dun and others finally realized that something was wrong and rushed in.

After all, it would not make such a big noise just to fight a logistics soldier, even if the other party was killed!

The armored soldiers and female guards swarmed in, weapons like a forest, and cold light flashed above.

Looking at the two people who were confronting each other in the room, especially seeing Qin Ming, who was holding a heavy weapon rack and whose body had become two circles larger.

Zhou Dun and others couldn't help but change their faces, and instantly raised their weapons.

"What are you doing! Presumptuous! Take him down for me!"

With an order, the soldiers next to Zhou Dun rushed over immediately.

This made Qin Ming's face sank when he saw this scene, and he instinctively prepared to reach out for the aircraft jacket in the inventory.

After all, he might not be able to win against Sun Ji alone.

If there is a small BOSS with strong attributes and so many super elite monsters, then it will be a problem whether he can win or not, and whether he can escape alive!

So Qin Ming decisively prepared to start the aircraft and forcefully break the window to escape.

But before the soldiers rushed over, Sun Ji, who had her arms hanging down, suddenly roared with a stern face.

"Who allowed you to come in! Get out!"

"But the eldest lady! He!"

"Get out! The same words! I don't want to say it for the third time! Who dares to break in without my permission! I will break his legs!"


Seeing Sun Ji's anger, Zhou Dun and others hurriedly clasped their fists and quickly turned around to leave the room.

Seeing this, Sun Ji strode over, closed the door, and pulled the bolt on the side, forcibly sealing the door from the inside.

After doing all this, she turned the crutches in her hands again, turned to face Qin Ming, and once again posed in the shape of a golden rooster standing on one leg, with crutches up and down.

"Okay! The strangers have left! Let's continue!"

Looking at the aggressive Sun Ji, Qin Ming raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What? You don't want to call people to fight me together? Didn't you say that I sneaked into the warship with bad intentions?"

"Ha! I don't care if you are a human or a ghost! Even if you are Zhao Yun's man! It has nothing to do with me! After all, don't forget that Shu is also my husband's family!"

Heroic sword eyebrows raised, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Sun Ji, who was standing on one leg with crutches, was obviously very excited at the moment.

"Are you from Shu or Wu? It has nothing to do with me! I only know that you are good at fighting! Boy, now I give you two choices, one, beat me, then I won't stop you from doing anything you want! Two! Lose to me! This lady will break your legs personally! Then throw you into the sea to feed the fish! You choose!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, and the hand that was about to take the flight jacket was slowly retracted.

After gently stretching his muscles, he suddenly pulled the military uniform on his body and tore it apart! The extremely strong muscles inside were exposed.

Then he roared fiercely and rushed towards Sun Ji at full speed like a heavy tank.

It was self-evident which one he chose.

Looking at Qin Ming who was rushing over frantically, Sun Ji also shouted loudly, turned the crutches in his hands, and used a flying kick, colliding with Qin Ming again.

After turning on the rampage state, Sun Ji's all attributes reached 50, and her agility reached 70. Her combat ability was outrageous, and she was lightly equipped.

It can be said that in terms of close combat, especially in a one-on-one duel, Qin Ming is definitely not a contender.

Among all the BOSSes Qin Ming encountered, Sun Ji is definitely the second strongest. The only one who can be stronger than her is Captain Hook who has the power of the elves!

Qin Ming, who was rarely suppressed in close combat, suddenly roared after being hit several times in a row, his whole body was burning with flames, and he threw out a sound-speed hand knife!

He! Finally chose to use his skills!

And as soon as he made a move! He hit Sun Ji by surprise!

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