Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 258: The weak defeats the strong

The sudden sword light instantly caught Sun Ji, who was doing personal damage, by surprise.

She quickly raised her two sticks to block, but was directly hit by the sword light in the next second.

Sparks flew out when Bu Xingguai was slashed, and she also suffered a powerful impact, causing her whole body to take two steps back uncontrollably.

He was just struggling to stand firm when he looked up and found that Qin Ming had his arms spread wide, and the violent airflow and fire had gathered around him.

Super sure to kill! Charge up the sonic hand knife! Seven consecutive shots!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Continuous huge sword lights lit up in the empty cabin, and the huge blade more than two meters wide slashed at the wall like this, penetrating the wall on the spot, leaving a series of ferocious gaps.

Sun Ji rolled to avoid several attacks, but in the end suffered the loss of being unprepared.

She didn't expect that her opponent, who had been beaten for a long time, could still have a killing move hidden in his hand, but she was unable to dodge the seventh sword light.

Looking at the huge spinning air blade, Sun Ji gritted her teeth and only had time to hold the weapon in front of her body. The next second she was completely hit.

Hit with a bang! Powerful shock waves spread out!

Sun Ji, who was hit head-on by a sonic hand knife, was sent flying backwards.

Before she could stop rolling on the ground, a wooden box flew right behind her and hit her with precision.

The next second, with the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming, who was running wildly, suddenly collided with Sun Ji, who was struggling to stand up.

The huge impact caused Sun Ji to fly backwards again. After her body flew several meters away, she hit the wall hard.

A series of attacks caused Sun Ji, who was not good at defense, to be seriously injured, and blood even flowed from the corner of her mouth.

She quickly stood up with her hands on the wall, and looked at Qin Ming who was rushing towards him again. A cold light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

The next second! She doesn’t hold back anymore!

A-level nirvana! Serial phoenix dance stick!

Sun Ji, who dragged out the afterimage behind her and with a flash of light in her hands, quickly spun the two sticks in her hands and aimed at the charging Qin Ming and launched a series of violent blows like a storm!

Just three seconds! She just gave Qin Ming thirty-two sticks! And every move never misses the mark!

This series of attacks is airtight! The advantage of Bu Xingguai in short hitting at close range has been brought into full play!

Take advantage of this set of A-level skills head-on! Anyone who fights with iron will be riddled with holes! Killed suddenly on the spot!

However, Sun Ji, who had used her most powerful killing move, was not greeted by a single blow that determined the outcome. Instead, she was greeted by a scene that shocked her immensely.

That was Qin Ming, who had taken a combo of her moves head-on. Although he was badly beaten, there were bruises and blood all over his body.

But with an extremely ferocious expression, he still stood firm.

Instead, he grabbed Sun Ji's neutral position when her skills and strength were exhausted, and her iron-like arms directly hugged her slender waist!

Contract your arms hard! Accompanied by a deafening roar!

Qin Ming, whose legs were staring at the ground, directly hugged Sun Ji and lifted him up! Then the body lowers to form an arch bridge! Sun Ji, who was in her arms, fell headfirst and hit the ground behind her with all her strength!

The ultimate move in wrestling! The arch bridge fell!


A dull loud noise sounded in the cabin, and Sun Ji, whose head was completely stuck on the ground, directly caused numerous cracks in the ship's plank.

She suffered a severe head injury and felt dizzy for a moment, and her vision became pitch black.

Before she could recover from the severe dizziness, Sun Ji, who was lying on the ground in a large shape, suddenly felt her body sink.

It turned out that Qin Ming, who had resisted the attack and dealt the heavy blow, had already turned over and sat on top of her, raised his iron fist with an arm guard, and aimed it hard at her face!

Then the second hit! The third time! The fourth time!

The dull sound of hammering kept ringing in the room, and Sun Ji, who was hit continuously on the face, began to struggle to resist.

It's a pity that her strength is almost the same as that of Qin Ming. In a normal duel, the two sides can be evenly matched, but once one side completely takes over the overwhelming physical advantage, it will be difficult to regain the situation!

Especially when Qin Ming relies on his rough skin and thick flesh! Completely ignore Sun Ji’s counterattack! Just keep attacking her! When forcibly exchanging injuries for injuries!

A lose-lose style of play! This has always been Qin Ming's advantage! After all, he has high attack and high defense! The main point is that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water!

But this is Sun Ji's disadvantage! Because she majored in agility! Your weakest point is your defense and strength!

Strengths versus weaknesses! By accident! Being attacked by Qin Mingqiang! Pulled into his home court!

In this case, the moment Sun Ji failed to break free in a short period of time and forced her way out of Qin Ming's struggle, the outcome of the duel between the two sides was actually decided!

One hand pressed Sun Ji's head, and the other hand made a fist to stand up. He looked at the enemy who was riding under him. He didn't know when he had given up resistance, his limbs were spread out, and even the weapons in his hands were loosened. Qin Ming For a moment, he raised his fists and panted.

He gasped, and so did Sun Ji, who was given a series of hammer blows by him and was completely pushed to the ground.

With blood flowing from her face, she struggled to open her swollen eyes, looked at Qin Ming riding on her, and finally spoke in a low voice.

"You win this time, I surrender."

Hearing this, Qin Ming slowly lowered his arms. After a slight hesitation for two seconds, he chose to let go of the other party and stood up.

If possible, he actually really wanted to kill Sun Ji in order to reveal the key.

Based on Sun Ji's outrageous attributes and strong fighting power, if I kill her in a one-on-one fight, I will most likely get another golden key.

But the problem is that killing Sun Ji, who has no resistance now, is not a difficult task.

But the problem is what happens next? How to complete the subsequent tasks?

The most important thing is that the cabin is probably surrounded by soldiers at this moment. How can I break out and escape?

Sun Ji is both the princess of Wu and the wife of the king of Shu. Her status is very prominent.

If she is really killed, Qin Ming can't expect to continue to mix in the two camps. Both sides may have to put aside their grievances on the spot! Join forces to kill me!

It can even be said that it doesn't matter if Qin Ming kills Zhao Yun! At worst, he can escape to Wu! The record of killing the Five Tiger Generals! It is enough for him to mix well there! He was reused by Wu Wang Sun Quan on the spot!

But if Sun Ji is killed, even if Qin Ming can bring Liu Adou back to Shu, he will most likely be executed immediately.

This woman is a bomb, a super bomb that connects the two sides. Unless Qin Ming has a way to go to Wei to seek refuge with Prime Minister Cao, he must not move. If he moves, he will die.

He doesn't want to try whether he can withstand the pursuit of the hunting team and the Wei-Shu coalition forces. There is no such pursuit for excitement.

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