Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 261 Conspiracy

As she mentioned her husband, she opened up her mouth completely.

Sun Ji couldn't stop talking now, and she kept complaining to Qin Ming, telling him all the grievances she had suffered in the past few years.

As a tool for marriage, Sun Ji's status is very high.

It can be said that she can walk sideways in the entire Wu Kingdom.

In Shu Kingdom, except for the three brothers Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, no one else dared to provoke her at all, and their status was lower than hers.

But a high status does not mean that she will have a good life.

As a person from Wu, Shu Kingdom guards her.

As a princess of Wu who married to Shu Kingdom, Wu Kingdom's own people actually no longer trust her.

In addition, she acted impulsively in the past and accidentally tossed Liu Huangshu down, so Shu Kingdom disliked her even more!

There are even rumors in the rivers and lakes! It is said that she has practiced some evil secrets! Wu Kingdom specially married her here! Just to secretly destroy Liu Huangshu's body! Let Huangshu have no descendants! In order to achieve the purpose of disintegrating the power of Shu Kingdom!

The most important thing is! This legend is not only believed by the people! Liu Huangshu and others also believe it!

Liu Bei ran away as soon as he saw her, and it was obvious that he was completely scared.

After all, a man of iron can't withstand the repeated greetings of dozens of female soldiers and guards!

Sun Ji's current status can be said to be very embarrassing.

In the eyes of the two countries, she is no longer one of them, even if she has never participated in politics, and has always practiced martial arts with her girlfriends and lived in her own small circle.

Now she just went back to her mother's house to visit her mother, but she was chased and intercepted by the generals of Shu Kingdom and treated her as an enemy. This made Sun Ji feel very disappointed.

Looking at Sun Ji who was drinking and in a very low mood, Qin Ming sat opposite with an embarrassed expression.

He seemed to have accidentally heard a lot of incredible things. If today's conversation was spread, he felt that he would not be able to survive in Shu Kingdom in the future, and Liu Huangshu and others would have to kill him.

During the drinking, Qin Ming saw that the situation was not right and stood up several times to find an excuse to leave, but was pulled back every time. Seeing Sun Ji holding the wine jar and feeling extremely depressed, he couldn't help but whisper a few words of comfort.

"Miss, you don't have to be so sad. After all, you are the wife of Emperor Liu, and you have a prominent status. They dare not do anything to you."

It would have been better if Qin Ming didn't comfort her. As he opened his mouth to comfort her, Sun Ji completely exploded.

Slamming the wine jar on the table, Sun Ji looked furious.

"You still don't dare to do anything? That Zhao Yun has openly led people to hunt me down! You still don't dare to do anything? I just went back to my mother's house! They treated me like this! Can I still go back and secretly pass on some secret information!"

"You can't pass on this information, but you are passing it on to Adou."

"What's wrong with Adou? What's wrong with me taking my godson back? My mother is seriously ill and wants to see her grandson, isn't it okay? I'm not not bringing him back!"

Looking at Sun Ji, who was angry and had a very poor sense of politics, and obviously still didn't react to how serious this matter was, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

It should be said that she really deserves to be the eldest lady. She is usually arrogant and domineering, and others have always followed her. She doesn't need to think so much.

Such an obvious thing, she couldn't see through it, and thought it was just an ordinary home visit.

"My dear lady, that's Liu Adou! The only son of Emperor Liu! The future heir of Shu!"

"What's wrong with being the heir? With me protecting him, who in Wu dares to touch him? Besides, Shu and Wu are allies now! The relationship is very good!"

"Alliance is an alliance, but the relationship may not be good. Just because Wu dares not touch him doesn't mean it dares not put him under house arrest. You're making conditions with Adou. If you take Adou back, do you think you can come back?"

Looking at Sun Ji, who looked up at him and was obviously stunned, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly.

"A future monarch can get so many things in exchange, important cities, important military bases, all of which can be exchanged. The King of Wu asked you to take Adou back, I'm afraid that's his plan."

"Impossible! My second brother would never lie to me like this! It's even more impossible for him to use my mother as an excuse to lie to me! He is the most filial to my mother! He loves me the most!"

"Your second brother won't lie to you, but the King of Wu will, Miss, the imperial family is the most ruthless, have you really forgotten how you married Liu Huangshu?"

Qin Ming's words made Sun Ji dumbfounded for a while, and the scene of her second brother forcing her to marry Liu Bei, who was more than twice her age, seemed to reappear in front of her.

He came to the door in the clothes of the monarch, and he seemed to have changed into a different person, becoming cold and ruthless.

He didn't come to ask for her opinion, but simply to give orders. She had to listen to it whether she wanted to or not.

As the daughter of the Wu family! You can't make the decision on this matter! Then the matter was settled completely!

It was also because of this reason that Sun Ji, who was full of hatred, tried her best to torment Liu Huangshu afterwards, trying to get revenge.

As a result, the matter finally developed to the current situation.

Although she believed it a little in her heart, Sun Ji still instinctively shook her head to deny it, unwilling to believe it.

"No! My second brother definitely understands the consequences of doing this! How can I return to Shu then! He will never do this!"

Looking at Sun Ji who shook her head vigorously, Qin Ming also shook his head helplessly.

"If it wasn't for this intention, and it was just to take the young lady home, why would so many people be dispatched? How could Zhao Yun commit such an offense by bringing people to intercept the fleet? The young lady should know Zhao Yun's character. Have you ever seen him do such an offensive thing?"

Zhao Yun, the evaluation of him in history books is very special, and his positioning in the eyes of modern people is also very unique, which can be said to be different.

Some say that he is just a bodyguard leader, and his status is not high.

Some say that he is a confidant of Liu Bei, and he is the leader of the imperial army, with great power.

It is also said that he is not good at commanding troops, has never commanded a large army, and his status and ability are not as good as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

There are also people who say that he is a fire captain, who rarely fails in his life, and even if he fails, he can retreat unscathed, and his ability is extraordinary.

But no matter how he is talked about, no matter how he is positioned, one thing is very consistent, that is, Zhao Yun's character is cautious enough!

He is meticulous! Never careless!

He knows better than anyone what to do, what not to do, what can be done, and what cannot be done.

Among the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, there are not many who died of old age. It is the only one who can be as old as Zhao Yun, dragging his aging body to the battlefield, destroying the whole family of others in a single fight, and then returning home to die of old age.

If he had not been pushed to the limit and had to take the risk to make such a legendary feat of saving the master alone.

Zhao Yun's life may only leave a comment that Zhao Yun is cautious all his life, and it will never be singled out and written about.

His caution! It has been integrated into his bones!

Such a person will never care about the lord's family affairs. He was forced to lead people to attack the lord's mother's fleet privately and try to forcibly take back the lord's son. How can this matter be trivial!

As a person who has been in Shu for several years, Sun Ji naturally knows the character of Zhao Yun, the beloved general under her husband's command.

Guan Yu was arrogant and never looked at her straight in the eye. He only gave her a little respect for the sake of his husband.

Zhang Fei was a rough man and was careless with her. He never treated her as his own.

Only Zhao Yun, who often met her because of his official position, always showed respect to her and really treated her as his mistress. There was nothing wrong with him.

Sun Ji finally realized that something was wrong while shaking her body. Now she couldn't deceive herself at all.

Even the cautious Zhao Yun turned against her. Then how would the generals of Shu, her husband and his two brothers view her behavior after learning about this!

This Shu! Can she go back! She did such a thing! Do she still have the face to go back!

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