Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 262 Desperate Sun Ji

As her body shook, Sun Ji completely collapsed on the chair, dumbfounded.

She still didn't understand at the moment that she, who was caught in the middle, had now completely become a bargaining chip in the game between the two countries.

Once Adou is brought back to the Kingdom of Wu, there will probably be a complete rift between Shu and Wu. Adou will eventually be redeemed, but she, the wife of the King of Shu, will never be able to go back again.

Thinking back to the past, she once laughed at Diao Chan for being weak, being played around but not daring to resist.

In the end, she became known as a beauty and a disaster, killing her adoptive father, husband, and everyone around her.

Unexpectedly, now that I fell into the whirlpool, I would become the second Diao Chan.

Staring, Sun Ji's mind was confused for a moment and she didn't know what to do.

Take Adou back? But there are all the second brother’s people on the boat! It’s easy for her to bring people up! It will be difficult to go back!

Especially that Zhou Dun! He is also second brother’s confidant! I grew up with my second brother!

How could he allow himself to take Adou back to Shu! He will definitely stop himself! After all, he listens to his second brother the most!

Maybe he was sent by his second brother to keep an eye on him and Adou! Avoid things going unexpectedly!

Then take Adou to the Kingdom of Wu? But if you go back to Wu State! Didn’t he really become a spy sent by Wu State?

At that time, all folk legends will become facts, and how will future generations slander themselves when they discuss themselves!

By then she will really become a practitioner with special secret skills! Malice destroyed Liu Bei's body! Kill his Liu family bloodline! Then he abducted the other party's only child! The vicious woman who threatened the other party with this!

Holding her head with both hands, Sun Ji was about to collapse when she thought that she might become that shameless and slutty woman, a vicious snake and scorpion that others would call her in the future.

After all, although she is stubborn and careless in doing things, she is still very conservative in women's ways.

Even after coming to Shu, he was maliciously ignored by Liu Bei for several years and never came to stay with her even once.

However, she still abides by her duty and has never found a so-called male favorite. At most, she hangs out with the female guards who grew up with her, the so-called personal maids.

In order to maintain her relationship and the alliance between the two countries, she has not cared about any foreign affairs in these years, has not interfered with any power, and has not even competed with others for favor. She has always tried to keep herself out of the matter, for fear of causing rumors and trouble.

But in the end! She still ended up like this! Or it has become a tool used by both sides to fight!

Just because she is the daughter of the Wu family? Just because of his special status?

They have ruined their youth! Ruined your marriage and fantasy! What else do they want to do before they give up! Do you have to force yourself to death before you are willing to stop?

Sun Ji, who was dizzy and at a loss, raised her head with an unprecedented panic expression.

"What should I do now? What else can I do?"

Sun Ji seemed to be asking Qin Ming, but she also seemed to be asking herself.

After hearing this, Qin Ming's eyes flashed and he immediately answered.

"Take Adou with you! Meet the Kingdom of Shu!"

"Return to Shu?"

"Yes, as long as Adou goes back, everything will be fine. No matter how bad things get, it won't get any worse. You can say that you discovered Wu Guo's plan halfway and suddenly woke up."

"But, but my second brother's side..."

"My eldest lady, don't think so much. Wu and Shu will eventually fall out. You can only choose one between the two. You can't stand in the middle forever. It has nothing to do with you. Yes! You will only be disliked by both sides! You have to choose one of the two!"

Qin Ming's words made Sun Ji lower her head and fell into silence.

After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly lowered her head and spoke coldly.

"Zhao Ming, you seem to be from Shu, right?"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this. Before he could give an answer, Sun Ji slowly raised her head and looked at him.

At this moment, Sun Ji raised her head, her lips trembled slightly, and tears could not stop flowing from the corners of her eyes.

Sun Ji looked at Qin Ming stubbornly, trying hard to control her tears and Sun Ji's voice trembled.

"You are also using me, right? You are from the Shu Kingdom. As long as you take me and Adou back, you will have made a great contribution and be promoted to a general, right?"

Qin Ming was slightly silent when he heard this, and then nodded without hesitation.


Such a decisive answer made Sun Ji stunned.

Before she could recover from her shock, Qin Ming spoke immediately.

"If it's no good, then why am I working so hard to help you come up with ideas? Because you are my mistress? Because you beat me so hard? Because you like to bully people?"


"Don't be stupid. Who would work so hard for no good? Now I say that I'm not doing it for myself, I'm just trying to help you. Do you believe this?"

Sun Ji lowered her head when she heard this. Although she was very reluctant to listen to what Qin Ming said, she also understood that this was the truth.

If there is no profit, who will work hard to help others?

"Zhao Ming, what will happen to me if I take Adou back?"

"How were you treated before?"

"Huh, living alone in a courtyard, ignored by everyone, no matter what, treat Liu Bei as a guest."

"Then you will be treated the same way as before. Don't say you didn't take Ah Dou to Wu. Even if you took him to Wu and came back with him, as long as Shu and Wu don't fall out and perish, you will still be treated the same way."

"Even if I find a way to help Shu, it will still be the same?"

"Yes, no matter what you do, it will be the same. Shu will never treat you as one of its own, and the same goes for Wu."

After getting the answer, Sun Ji couldn't help but tremble her shoulders and smiled bitterly.

After a long time, she raised her head and let out a long breath.

"Maybe, this is my fate, Sun Shangxiang... Zhao Ming, you want to make merit and become an official, right?"

"I guess so."

"Then you'll probably be disappointed. You won't be a high official in your life!"

Suddenly looking down at Qin Ming, Sun Ji's eyes became extremely ferocious at this moment.

"I hate Sun Quan! I hate Liu Bei! Now I hate you too! I hate you the most among the three! If you dare to take credit for Adou! I will tell my husband after I go back! You are a spy sent by my second brother! It's the same if you go to my second brother! I will say you were sent by Liu Bei!"


"Based on my second brother's suspicious character! He will definitely skin you alive!"

Leaning back on the chair and putting her legs on the table, Sun Ji raised her eyebrows and looked at Qin Ming. Looking at Qin Ming's shocked expression, she looked relieved.

"I hate it most when others use me as a pawn. I can't beat my second brother and Liu Bei! Can't I beat you, a soldier? Don't forget your current position! But I gave it to you!"

When she said this, Sun Ji suddenly leaned out, approached Qin Ming, stretched out a hand, and gently lifted Qin Ming's chin with her fingers.

"Of course, it's not impossible for you to become an official. You can ask my second brother or my husband to say a few good words for you, but you have to beg me! You want to become an official, right? Come on! Smile for me first!"

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