Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 263 Bow-waisted Jade Girl

Sun Ji didn't understand why she had such a special feeling for a young boy she had only known for a few days.

Anyway, for some reason, she just finds the other person very pleasing to her eyes and likes to get along with him very much.

Otherwise, he would not be promoted continuously, and even force him to beat his legs, knowing that he was unwilling.

You must know that Sun Ji only likes to find ways to bully someone when she faces someone she absolutely trusts. This is also a special manifestation of her getting along with acquaintances.

How do you say that? She is as cold as ice in front of strangers, and seems to be mentally retarded in front of acquaintances. This is her type.

But this kind of slapstick has reached the limit. Sun Ji is a lady after all. Even if her personality is not elegant, she still abides by women's ethics.

She knows better than anyone what can and cannot be done.

When she landed ashore, she met her second brother and recommended this very capable guy to him. Her bad relationship with him would end here and they would never see each other again in this life.

When the time comes, he will stay in the Kingdom of Wu and return to the Kingdom of Shu. Everyone will not interact with each other for a long time, and they will not have to do anything wrong when facing this man whom they don't know why but love very much in their hearts.

This is what Sun Ji had thought before.

But now everything has changed!

She was completely disheartened when she realized that no matter what she did or how hard she tried to prove herself, she would always be an outsider in the eyes of her husband and the Kingdom of Shu.

And he also developed a deep hatred for his second brother who used him as a gunman and deliberately tricked him into doing wrong things regardless of his own situation.

It was obvious that both parties had teamed up to ruin their lives! But they all despise themselves!

It was obvious that he was left alone in an empty room! The end of a lonely life! But they put all the blame on themselves! It’s as if he is the evil one! They are the victims!

Originally, she wanted to be a good mistress and try her best to help both parties maintain the alliance. She was afraid that if she did something wrong, it would lead to conflicts between the two parties, so she did not dare to do anything. Now she no longer cares about anything.

Fight! Fight! It would be better if they all died!

That second brother Sun Quan! That husband Liu Bei! And the gang of warriors they have who only know how to fight!

Let them just scheming! I won’t play with them anymore!

She wants to live the life she wants! To take back what was taken away! Apart from that, nothing else matters!

Sun Ji, who had completely torn away the shackles from her body, suddenly turned into the arrogant, domineering, lawless and domineering young lady of the Sun family who did everything based on her preferences when she was a child.

Transformed into a wild horse, the first thing she did was to threaten Qin Ming! Threatening this man who was trying to use her as a tool to gain benefits! Come back with this revenge!

And then! The threat to Sun Ji is over! So he put Qin Ming to sleep...

That's right, it was Sun Ji who slept with Qin Ming.

The extremely indulgent Sun Ji almost forced Qin Ming into the room. When she found out that Qin Ming was trying to resist, she threatened that if the other party dared to disobey, she would immediately call people in from outside, saying that he intended to do evil to her and lead someone to force him to do it. Kill him.

While enjoying herself, Sun Ji did not forget to let Qin Ming bite her. After all, she did not forget that Qin Ming could still grow bigger.

After being bitten, she realized that something seemed not right. She couldn't bear it due to her huge physical difference, so she called in Ling, the captain of her personal bodyguard, and several other cronies.

How she tormented Liu Bei back then, she is torturing Qin Ming now, and her methods have become even more severe...

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye. At noon, in the boudoir, Sun Ji is lying in Qin Ming's arms, squinting her eyes comfortably, enjoying the afterglow of indulgence.

On the side, one of her personal maids, the female bodyguard who grew up with her, was riding a horse.

At this moment, the door to the room next to her was suddenly pushed open, and her daughter, Wei Ling, walked in from the door.

As soon as he entered the room, he took off his helmet and put it aside, taking off his clothes and approaching the bed.

But before she could move forward completely, Sun Ji suddenly stretched out her leg and stopped her forcefully.

"Hey, don't be so anxious. He can't run away. Why are you anxious? Let's talk about how things went first."

Ling, who was taking off her shirt, couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this and gave her an annoyed look.

"I have been a widow with you for several years, but now you are lying here every day. Of course you are not in a hurry. Little sister, I still have to take turns with others, otherwise they will have to tear me apart!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I know you are living a hard life, and I am sorry for you, okay, tell me, how did things go?"

"Don't worry, it's all done. While you were sending Zhou Dun away to inspect other ships, I already ordered the ship to turn around. We are heading towards the Kingdom of Shu. We will be able to leave the fleet soon."

As she spoke, Ling pushed Sun Ji's legs away and got directly onto the bed.

After hearing her report, Sun Ji nodded with satisfaction, turned around and leaned her face against Qin Ming's cheek.

"Did you hear that? The ship has turned around. That guy Zhou Dun and his soldiers are not on the ship now. We can go back to Shu soon. I am not taking Adou back for others, let alone myself, but for You, so don’t you want to say something?”

Qin Ming, who was lying in the middle, slowly turned his head and looked here after hearing this, his expression now slightly haggard.

He finally understood why Uncle Liu Huang was spoiled in a few months.

How many more months will it take for this kind of high-intensity fighting? If he can hold on for a few months, that means the opponent's physical fitness is good enough!

It's only been two days, and Qin Ming feels like he can't hold on any longer.

Even his physical attributes have a negative buff now!

The effect is a temporary physical -1!

Good guy! He's deducted a little attribute in two days! If this continues for several months! He will die in bed!

Looking at Sun Ji who was looking at him with a smile, Qin Ming took a deep breath and responded immediately.

…………He bit Sun Ji's shoulder and activated the essence absorption skill.

The sudden attack made Sun Ji scream in pain. After reacting, she looked at Qin Ming, whose body had grown bigger again, and frowned in anger. She directly pushed Ling away from Qin Ming and sat on him aggressively.

"Why do you only know how to bite me all day long! There are so many people, but you don't bite me! You just stare at me and bite me! You like to bite people, right? Come on! I want to see how long you can bite! You!"

Just when Sun Ji raised her hair with both hands, ready to let Qin Ming experience the power of her Sun family's jade waist, a loud noise suddenly came from the door beside her.

Along with the noise, there was also a fierce quarrel.

"What are you doing! Insolent!"

"I want to see the eldest lady!"

"Stop! Without permission! You are not allowed to approach the room! Are you trying to break into the eldest lady's boudoir privately!"

"Get out! I want to see the eldest lady!"

Accompanied by the sound from the door, the next second, the tightly closed door was forcibly opened.

A female guard standing guard at the door broke through the door and flew in.

Then, with the sound of footsteps, a wet figure strode in.

And this person! It was Zhou Dun!

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