Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 269: Fierce Battle at Sea

As the water waves swayed, the warship continued to move forward along the river.

Zhao Yun, who took over the warship, immediately changed the course of the ship and headed towards the nearest Shu Kingdom water fort, preparing to lead some soldiers first.

After all, the Wu soldiers on the ship were a hidden danger. It was okay if they didn't react now, but once they realized that Sun Ji had rebelled, it would be easy for them to gather and rebel.

By then, they would be outnumbered! Everyone would be in danger!

Therefore, Zhao Yun urgently needed the support of his own people. Only by allowing Shu to completely control the warship could the rescue of the young master be considered a complete success.

However, for this plan, Wu also conspired for a long time, so they naturally couldn't have no backup.

Not to mention! There are still several adventurers who have grudges against Qin Ming...

A rumbling sound suddenly sounded, and Zhao Yun was stunned when he heard the movement. He quickly stood at the stern and looked up into the distance.

As a result, he found that the sea in the distance was calm, and there was no ship approaching at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun couldn't help but show a puzzled look on his face. Before he could figure out where the noise came from, the warship below him suddenly shook violently.

The next second! The water surface exploded! Dazzling flames emerged from the side of the warship!

As the sea water separated to the left and right, a large submarine actually rose slowly from the water!

The huge submarine was close to the warship, and a large number of gun muzzles above were adjusted in direction, and quickly aimed at this side and fired.

And with the opening of the closed hatch, a large group of Wu soldiers rushed out with weapons in hand, roared, jumped directly onto the warship, and started a fierce hand-to-hand fight with this side.

The pursuers of Wu caught up! And they came up in a submarine!

Giant submarine: Thunder!

The vehicle from "Undersea War"! It is also the naval artifact in the hands of the hunting group of the King of Fighters team this time!

The warship was directly hit by a torpedo, and the cabin was leaking seriously, and it was parked on the sea and almost completely lost its ability to move.

The sudden attack by the enemy caught them off guard.

The Wu soldiers who kept rushing out of the submarine also entangled the people on the boat, making it impossible for them to repair the warship.

Looking at the enemies who kept rushing onto the boat, Zhao Yun's face turned green, he raised his hand to draw out his Qinggang sword, and with the other hand holding a temporary spear, he rushed towards the enemy with great momentum.

With the cold Qinggang sword in his hand swinging, anyone who dared to fight him with a weapon would be destroyed in the next second!

Waving the two weapons in his hands, Zhao Yun completely blocked the enemies rushing from the front.

In the crowd, the two adventurers who had drawn their weapons and were approaching this side after seeing Zhao Yun's eyes light up, saw Zhao Yun actually draw out the Qinggang sword directly, and couldn't help but turn pale, and hurriedly stopped.

The two of them also knew some information about the Qinggang Sword. Facing such a powerful weapon, they naturally did not dare to confront it head-on.

Therefore, after looking at each other, the two nodded at the same time and decisively chose to bypass Zhao Yun and run towards the warship, ready to complete the task first.

And the two of them were members of the King of Fighters team's hunting group. They were also the pioneers who were ordered by the captain to come in advance by submarine to stop the warship and provide the rear companions with an opportunity to approach.

"You go to destroy the cabin! I'll go to the back and set fire to the mast!"


The two of them quickly divided the work and scattered to the left and right and ran in two directions.

The burly man who ran to the cockpit at full speed, Huang Yan, the attacker of the hunting four-man team, relied on his terrifying brute force to forcefully crash through the iron shields of several shield soldiers to intercept.

He grabbed a spearman's head and threw him several meters away, causing the other party to scream and break the railing and fall into the sea.

Huang Yan, who was wearing a red combat uniform, exposing his entire chest, with only a few black ropes connecting his chest, smashed the wooden door of the cab with one shoulder.

Hearing the loud noise, several female guards who were controlling the rudder at the bow of the ship turned their heads and looked over.

After seeing the aggressive Huang Yan, they drew their weapons at the same time and aimed their swords and shields at this side.

Looking at the six elite monsters lined up in a row, looking at these beautiful ladies with cold eyes at the moment, Huang Yan couldn't help but reveal a trace of a grim smile on his face full of flesh.

"Women? What I like to fight the most is women! Hey!"

With a roar, Huang Yan suddenly raised his hands and slapped the ground below hard.

With a loud bang, an invisible shock wave spread out in all directions.

C-level skill! The ultimate move of Goro Daimon in the King of Fighters world! Landmine shock!

Several female soldiers who were directly hit by the shock wave were shaken to the ground for a while, and even bounced high.

Before they could struggle to stand firm, the burly Huang Yan had already taken a step and ran towards them.

He bumped his shoulder into the chest of one of them, and rushed several meters away with the female soldier, and hit the rudder at the back hard.

With a cracking sound, the extremely solid wooden rudder was actually broken by a single blow!

The female soldier who was hit head-on couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood as her eyes widened.

After the collision, Huang Yan reached out and grabbed the female soldier's head. With the veins on his arm bulging, he threw the female soldier out with force.

The female soldier flew several meters high, and just like a cannonball, she crashed into the cabin in the distance, directly knocking open the wooden board and flying into it completely.

King of Fighters World! Qijiashe Skills! Crush the Earth!

Huangyan, who instantly killed one person, had a fierce expression and knotted muscles, as if his clothes would burst in the next second.

He was different from the others in the team. The others basically went all the way to the end, trying to learn the abilities of a plot character with all their strength, trying to bring their abilities to the extreme.

But Huangyan took a different approach and chose to learn in combination.

In the King of Fighters World, Goro Daimon, the owner of the power of the earth beside the protagonist, and Qijiashe, one of the eight heroes in the villain camp, both have the power of earth!

It’s just that the former controls the earth to cooperate with himself in combat! The latter violently destroys the earth! In exchange for extreme destructive power!

It’s hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker between the two, but they are both very good at grappling and throwing.

Huangyan chose to merge the power of the two and try to find his own way.

Goro Daimon’s grappling! Qijiashe’s throwing! Under the combination of the two! The power that can be exerted! It’s not as simple as 1+1!

The only flaw is that this hybrid skill does not have a matching bloodline enhancement, but this is not a big deal, after all, Huang Yan himself does not have the qualifications to obtain bloodline.

The bloodline level of the Dry Earth Seven Shackles Society is very high, and it is not something he can obtain casually, even if he is a mid-level adventurer.

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