Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 270 The Panic Duo

After finishing one person in a row, Huang Yan turned around and knocked away the shield of another female soldier. He saw the other female soldier slashing at him with a knife. Without thinking, he raised his hand to try to block.

However, with a click and sparks flying, the hard arm armor on his arm was forcibly cut open with a knife.

The blade tore through the flesh, causing blood to flow out.

Huangyan's eyes widened when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help but scream in surprise, and at the same time fought hard to repel the female soldier holding the knife.

As soon as he fought off one person, another female soldier rushed from behind and cut him in the back with a flick of her hand.

Accompanied by the harsh friction sound, the equipment that Huang Yan was proud of: the Qiluo Club costume, had no defensive effect at all and was directly torn apart by this blow.

Huang Yan, whose back was bleeding on the spot, screamed and was really stunned.

Huangyan frantically punched to fight back the siege of several female soldiers, with several wounds appearing on his body in the blink of an eye. He looked at the cold-gleaming standard steel knives in the hands of the female soldiers around him, with a look of shock on his face.

Just a group of elite monsters! He can actually completely ignore his own equipment! Break through your own defenses! What a joke! This is!

When did the weapons of elite monsters become so sharp!

The female soldiers around him would not pay attention to Huang Yan's shock, and they would not be merciful because of it.

With an angry roar, they set up their swords and shields and charged forward again.

Even as the ruins shook in the distance, the female soldier who had been thrown away before and was considered dead by Huangyan actually climbed out again holding on to the wall.

With blood flowing from her cheek, she stretched out her hand to wipe the blood on her face, roared, raised her weapon, and charged towards this side.

Hundreds of steel swords! Hundred-refined shield! Fish scale armor!

These pieces of equipment are considered standard equipment for Sun Ji's personal guard. They are all of blue quality. Only a lady with a prominent position like her has the financial resources to arm her subordinates.

It would be impossible for other people, even the general's personal guards, to have such luxurious equipment.

But even with a full set of blue equipment, the attributes are not weak.

Now facing a mid-level adventurer, even if it is just a mid-level adventurer who has been downgraded to a low-level mission world and whose attributes have been suppressed, there is no way he can be an opponent, and it is impossible to easily break through the opponent's defense.

The reason why these female soldiers are so fierce now is because their equipment is an upgraded version and has been specially strengthened by a certain guy!

Relying on the spare weapons inventory in the cabin, we even screened the soldiers for plot equipment with attributes.

The equipment of these dozens of female soldiers is so luxurious! Definitely far more than an ordinary adventurer!

With strong attributes and nearly full-body silver armor, what Huang Yan is facing at this moment is no longer a normal version of the elite monster!

But a group of contrasting adventurers! A monster that is only strong but not weak!

The six female soldiers kept brandishing their weapons, and from time to time they would shoot arrows for sneak attacks.

Under this joint gang fight, Huang Yan was beaten so hard that he was unable to resist.

In the blink of an eye, he was already scarred, and he saw the door of the next door being knocked open. The enemy was still coming with support in a steady stream, and he dared to continue fighting.

As he slapped the ground with both hands, a large-area landmine was fired, forcibly knocking all enemies around him to the ground.

After using this move, Huang Yan flew up and rushed directly to the top of the cabin, preparing to escape along there.

As a result, as soon as he rushed up, several strong winds sounded behind him. It turned out that the female soldier who got up directly drew her bow and nocked an arrow and started shooting at him.

These female soldiers are all Sun Ji's personal guards. They are all orphans and have grown up with Sun Ji since they were young. Otherwise, they would not be able to marry Sun Ji.

It can be said that they all studied under Sun Ji, and Sun Ji is known as the bow-waisted girl.

This name, in addition to describing her waist as thin as a bow, is only full at the ends.

Another meaning is that her bow skills are excellent and her arrows are all missed.

There is no way of knowing whether Sun Ji's archery skills can compare with those top archery masters.

But the personal guards she personally trained are all masters of archery, and they can shoot arrows very quickly and accurately.

He fled in panic onto the barren rock on the top of the ship, and couldn't help but let out a scream. He was hit by six arrows in the back at the same time!

With arrows stuck behind him, he looked like a porcupine from a distance. He rolled and crawled into the distance and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, the female soldiers looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


With a roar, the six people jumped onto the boat and rushed to the top of the boat, chasing the fleeing enemy.

It’s just that the structure of the warship is complicated. After losing track of the opponent for a period of time, it is not easy to find the opponent again...

On the top of the ship, Huang Yan kept jumping back and forth and running for his life. However, after jumping off a high-rise building, a scream rang in his ears.

Hearing the noise, Huang Yan quickly raised his fists and pointed them there with a panicked expression.

On the opposite side, his companion Feiniao, who looked equally panicked, also raised his claws to face him.

When they saw that it was their companion, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and lowered their arms together.

Then he spoke almost simultaneously.

"Something is wrong!"

After the words fell, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they were in the mood to take stock of each other's situation.

Then looking at each other with scars on their faces, Huang Yan and Feiniao couldn't help but look at each other.

"Have you met those female soldiers too?"

"The same to you?!"

"I met six!"

"I met ten of them! If I hadn't run fast, I would have died in their hands!"

Recalling the previous scene, thinking of the scene of ten invulnerable women chasing him with knives, Fei Niao couldn't help shaking his body.

When Huang Yan heard this, his face turned pale and his eyebrows frowned.

"Something's wrong! They're just a group of elite monsters! How can they be so strong! And their equipment is too good!"

Hearing this, Fei Niao's eyes flickered. Seeing that there was no one around, he suddenly leaned over and whispered.

"Hey, I heard that the hunting target this time is not ordinary. The King of Fighters ordered that they can only be captured alive and not killed unless absolutely necessary. Their abilities are definitely very special. And I heard that the low-level companions who entered the Metal Slug world last time suffered heavy losses. I heard that it was caused by a group of plot characters with weapons in their hands. You said that they are so well-equipped. Is it possible that it is because..."

Huang Yan's face changed slightly when he heard this. He opened his mouth and was about to give an answer, but heard footsteps coming from above.

This frightened Huang Yan and Fei Niao, who hurriedly hid with their backs against the wall.

Watching several female soldiers jump over and quickly chase into the distance, the wounded two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


Their mission was to lead the troops to intercept the warship. Now that the rudder and mast had been destroyed, the mission was completely completed, and there was no need to fight the enemy to the death.

Therefore, the two rushed to the side without hesitation, ready to meet up with their companions who were about to arrive.

Amid the sound of running, Huang Yan and Fei Niao, who passed through the deck area, flexibly avoided the enemy's dense area and could already see their own submarine from a distance.

Looking at the area where the fierce fighting was still going on, they couldn't help but brighten their eyes and run faster again.

The short Fei Niao took the lead and ran in front, followed by the burly Huang Yan.

As he ran, Huang Yan, who was running wildly, suddenly saw the items hanging on the wall next to him, which made him frown and look at it while running.

As he looked at it intently, he finally saw the shape of the object and confirmed its true identity.

The square object attached to the wall was a C4 bomb!



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