Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 271: One Tiger vs. Two Wolves

A violent explosion sounded from the ship, and Asuka and Huangyan, who were unprepared, were blown out on the spot.

The wall next to C4 was also blown to pieces and completely turned into ruins.

Before the two people who rolled to the ground struggled to stand up, a mechanical sound suddenly came from inside the cabin, which was already leaking air.

"Ah, sexy!"

Boom boom boom!

As the sound fell, a series of explosions sounded, turning the area where the two were on the spot into a sea of ​​fire, completely engulfing them.

Hiding in the cabin, leaning against the wall and chewing gum gently, Miles Kasamoto threw the detonation button on the ground.

Then he pulled the bolt of the gun and walked out of the bunker with a straight face.

She originally came to support after hearing the news. Seeing that there were many enemies and her side might not be able to withstand the momentum, she immediately chose to deploy a second line of bomb defense.

Unexpectedly, the enemy had not had time to break through the first line of defense. Instead, two adventurers rushed out from the ship.

Looking at these two guys with unique styles, Miles Kasamoto chose to reward them with C4 bombs without even thinking about it.

In the midst of the smoke, he didn't wait for the smoke in front to dissipate, and he didn't go over to check on the situation of the two of them.

Miles Kasamoto walked out of the bunker holding a machine gun, aiming at the smoke ahead and firing wildly.

The brilliant silver-level machine gun had extraordinary lethality. It directly hit the two people in the smoke and screamed.

After being shot several times, Huang Yan hurriedly looked for cover to dodge. The flying bird suddenly screamed, and the next second it spun into the sky. The whole person was like a flying monkey, swishing around in the air. Non-stop, just running back and forth to kill Kasamoto.

Constantly relying on high mobility, he ducked and dodged in mid-air, avoiding the birds that were being chased by Kasamoto's machine gun fire. After dodging a large number of bullets, he finally succeeded in closing the distance.

Seeing the enemy just below, Asuka's eyes flashed fiercely, and his whole body shot towards Kasamoto Miles like a torpedo, and all the steel claws on his hands were pierced out.

Trick! Tornado blast!

The body rotates in a straight line and turns into a thrusting spear! Asuka's whole body is like a high-speed rotating electric drill! Kasamoto Miles shot wildly below!

Seeing this, Miles Kasamoto hurriedly raised his light machine gun and aimed at the approaching birds with a burst of wild fire.

As a result, the bullets kept bombarding the flying bird, and all of them were bounced away by him relying on his skills.

Seeing that he couldn't intercept it, Miles Kasamoto hurriedly dodged sideways and missed Asuka.

With the flash of cold light, several bloody mouths appeared on Kasamoto's face, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

The flying bird that landed on the ground continued to scream and ejected, then spun again and turned into an impact drill, shooting towards Miles Kasamoto.

This move of his also comes from the King of Fighters world and is the signature stunt of Cai Baoqi, one of the criminal duo in the Korean team.

This Cai Baoqi is extremely short and skinny. He is a real villain. He is good at speed and sudden advances.

Although he is only a third-rate fighter, and he is still at the bottom of the pack, otherwise he would not have been forcibly accepted as a disciple by the Taekwondo master Jin Jiapan.

But in the game, this guy is the first person to break into the game. He is nicknamed "Monkey" by others, but in the hands of an expert, his maneuverability is simply outrageous.

Feiniao, who is also short and thin, is obviously a student of Cai Baoqi, which makes his mobility also extremely ridiculous.

Almost never touching the ground during the whole process, Asuka kept relying on his skills and scurried around Kasamoto Miles in mid-air.

As long as you are a little careless and hit by him, you will be greeted by a series of cuts.

Miles Kasamoto, who kept dodging in place, chased and fired with a machine gun. Unfortunately, he was facing the amazingly fast flying bird, but he was completely unable to capture the opponent's whereabouts.

Seeing that it was impossible to hit him, Miles Kasamoto gritted his teeth, rolled away from the place, and at the same time threw four grenades.

The wooden-handled grenades collided in mid-air and exploded.

The dazzling fire turned the front into a sea of ​​fire, which scared the birds and hurriedly ran out, keeping distance from them.

After finally flying to the ground, he looked up at the enemies who had retreated into the cabin. Looking at the narrow entrance, he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

At this moment, dull footsteps suddenly came from the side. It turned out that his companion Huang Yan arrived.

The roaring Huangyan crossed his hands in front of him and rushed towards the entrance crazily.

Facing machine gun fire, he actually chose to bear it with his body.

Huang Yan was shot more than a dozen times on the spot, and blood splattered all over his body.

His companion Asuka's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately hid behind him and ran after him.

With a rumble, Huangyan, who crashed through the wooden board, was the first to rush into the room, followed closely by Asuka.

He looked at Mile Kasamoto who was standing on the opposite side, aiming his gun at this side.

The flying bird suddenly let out a scream and was thrown away by the wild rock.

Before his body could get closer, he was already spinning at high speed with his hands stretched out.

B-level special move: True! Super tornado vacuum slash!

As the skill was activated, terrifying air waves emerged around the bird, quickly turning into a giant tornado that continued up and down.

And this trick! It's the killer move of King of Fighters character Cai Baoqi! A killing move that can quickly chop people into pieces!

If it were in an open area, this move would be fine. After all, although it was powerful, it was too slow to move. If it failed to hit the enemy in the first place, it would be difficult to hit the enemy next time.

But in a narrow terrain like the cabin, once he successfully used this move, there would be no escape! There was no escape! A fatal environmental kill was formed on the spot!

All the items in the room! They would be swept into the storm and torn apart! They would be turned into fragments to increase the lethality of this move! Even bullets were like this!

Looking at the bullets he had fired desperately, he was actually sucked in by the storm and began to rotate at high speed with the storm.

Kasamoto Eri, who had been forced into a corner by the storm, had a flashing look in his eyes. He suddenly took out several square bags from his arms and threw them towards the storm in front with force.

Then he pulled up the wooden box and got into it completely.

Asuka, who was spinning at high speed and constantly controlling the storm to approach Kasamoto Eri, naturally saw the items thrown over with his peripheral vision.

Not only did he see them, he also recognized what they were!

This is a C4 bomb!


Fei Niao suddenly screamed, his face turned pale for a moment, and he hurriedly stopped spinning, trying to stop his ultimate move.

But the tornado has already formed inertia! How can it be stopped just like that!

Before the tornado dissipated, the ignited C4 explosives had already flown to Fei Niao in the middle position with the rotating airflow.

Then, in Fei Niao's horrified eyes, they all exploded!


Huge flames covered the sky and the earth! Following the rotating airflow for a while! The whole storm was ignited on the spot!

The tornado was blown up on the spot, and Fei Niao was also covered with black smoke. Like a crashed fighter, it drew an arc in the air and hit the ground hard.

There is a reason why the plot character Cai Baoqi is only a third-rate fighter. Although his moves are amazingly maneuverable and powerful, they are flashy and impractical.

Once you meet a real master, it is easy for the opponent to forcefully break through the storm and kill him.

True masters often seek to break through the surface with a single move, and the lethality of a single move is amazing.

For example, a large-area special move like this can be used to bully rookies, but it is simply too much to use it to bully masters.

The most important thing is! This tornado rolls up everything! Once it rolls up something that it shouldn't roll up! That's all! The special move used to kill others will instead become a coffin that kills yourself!

This is what Fei Niao did at the moment. He rolled the C4 bomb over, and was hit by several C4 bombs at close range on the spot, and was directly blown up and seriously injured.

Looking at his companions lying motionless in the ruins, Huang Yan gritted his teeth and roared as he rushed towards the box frantically.

After approaching, a flash of light suddenly appeared on his body, and the whole person dragged a lot of afterimages, constantly waving his fists left and right, moving and shooting towards this side.

Bloodline Unawakened Version! The super special move of the Seventh Shackle Society! Million Hammer Steam!

"Oh la oh la oh la!"

The arms swung wildly and smashed the wooden box directly! Strongly resisted the machine gun fire! Hit Kasamoto Eri's body hard!

For a moment, he actually hit Kasamoto Eri into the air! He hit her more than ten times in a row before he gave up!

Finally, he ended with an uppercut, hitting Kasamoto Eri's jaw with one punch, and Huangyan, who directly knocked her out, had an extremely ferocious expression.

Looking at the enemy rolling to the ground, seeing that she was not dead, Huangyan roared, raised his hands and prepared to hit the ground, followed by a large-scale AOE skill: Land Mine Shock!

But before his raised hands hit the ground, he looked at Huangyan below with a ferocious expression, his eyes suddenly widened, and he screamed.


Because on the ground, in the wreckage of the wooden box that Kasamoto Eri used to hide from the storm, there were actually several activated C4 explosive packs installed!


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