Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 273 Jinfan Thief Gan Ning!

Gan Ning is definitely famous in the Eastern Wu navy.

It can be said that he and the veteran Huang Gai are both legendary figures in the eyes of the sailors.

The veteran Huang Gai used fire attack on the boat and broke the hundreds of thousands of Wei army without fear of life and death, so he became famous in one battle.

And the general Gan Ning relied on a group of pirates he had gathered to beat the Wu navy so hard that they could not take it down for many years, so they had to take the initiative to go to the imperial court for peace.

After joining the army, he always led the way in every naval battle and won every battle. He was an ever-victorious general in the navy!

Although due to time reasons, he has not made such an outrageous record as the 100 cavalry robbing Cao's camp, but just based on his current reputation and the brocade clothes on his body, it is enough for the Wu navy to recognize his identity instantly.

Seeing that the person coming was actually the famous Jinfan thief Gan Ning, the Wu soldiers on the boat were stunned for a while, holding weapons and looking at each other.

Didn't they say that they were fighting the Shu army disguised as their own people? How come Gan Ning is out now? Could it be that the Shu army disguised Gan Ning and Jinfan thieves?

Before the soldiers could react to what was going on, Gan Ning, holding a long halberd, roared.

"Respect the order of the King of Wu! Please ask the eldest lady and Adou to return to Wu! You guys, get out of the way! Those who block the road will die!"

As he spoke, Gan Ning swung the long halberd in his hand and fiercely cut off a corpse on the ground with a halberd.

The Wu soldiers who saw this scene looked at each other with stiff expressions, and the next second they put away their weapons and made way.

The eldest lady Sun Ji had a noble status, but the status of the water warrior Gan Ning was also not low.

As for what they said, the soldiers couldn't tell who was true and who was false.

But they knew that their home was in Dongwu, and Gan Ning was the favorite general of the King of Wu.

For the eldest lady who has married into Shu, it is self-evident who she should listen to at this time...

Looking at the soldiers who quickly stopped fighting and made way for Gan Ning, Sun Ji, who was standing on the high platform watching the battle, couldn't help but frown.

She knew that this group of navy soldiers could no longer listen to her, and might even become her enemy.

Now, on the warship, there is no helper except her own guards.

Taking a step forward suddenly, looking at Gan Ning who led the Jinfan thieves through the crowd and strode over, Sun Ji suddenly roared with a stern face.

"You slave! Why are you blocking my way!"

Hearing this roar, Gan Ning, the general who received a message from his companions and quickly came to intercept, looked up with a stern face and looked at Sun Ji.

"Miss, where do you want to go? I dare not stop you! But you can go back to Shu! Leave Ah Dou behind!"

"You dare to talk to me like that! You are so brave!"

"Hmph! If Miss continues to be stubborn! I will not just be rude!"

Holding a long halberd, Gan Ning pointed the weapon at Sun Ji above with a fierce momentum. His attitude was extremely arrogant, and he did not give Sun Ji, the so-called sister of the King of Wu, any face at all.

After all, this is his personality. What sister or not! Dare to hinder him from making merit! No one can help!

Gan Ning's disrespectful attitude made Sun Ji tremble all over.

She never expected that a general would dare to treat her like this. She turned over and prepared to jump off the boat and have a good fight with the other party.

But before she jumped out, she was grabbed by Qin Ming next to her and forcibly pulled back.

Ignoring Sun Ji who looked at this side with doubts, Qin Ming with a stern face just hummed.

"General Zhao!"

As soon as the words fell, footsteps sounded.

In front of Gan Ning, there were figures swaying. In front of a large number of female soldiers holding weapons and confronting the enemy, a heroic man wearing bright silver armor, a blue battle robe on his shoulders, holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, had already strode out.

With a long spear on the ground, Zhao Yun, who had long black hair, raised his sword eyebrows and spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't be presumptuous to the mistress! Water general Gan Ning, right! I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan! I have come to learn from your high skills!"

"Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong?!"

"That's right!"

As Zhao Yun took the initiative to introduce himself, Gan Ning's expression on the opposite side changed obviously.

He may not care about the other party's identity, but he will definitely care about the other party's strength and reputation.

Sun Ji only has a high status, but not necessarily high strength, so he naturally looks down on her.

But the famous Zhao Zilong in front of him! He was a fierce man who had been in and out of the million Cao army seven times!

He charged into the battle formation alone and killed fifty-three generals of Cao's army. What does this mean?

Although these fifty-three generals were only junior generals, that is, centurions in the army.

But those who can become centurions! Maybe not smart! But they must be very good at fighting!

Being surrounded, he still killed dozens of centurions. It is conceivable how outrageous the martial arts of Zhao Yun in front of us are!

And it is said that he also killed Cao Cao's sword-carrying general! That is, Cao Cao's confidant Xiahou En! He even stole Cao Cao's sword Qinggang. He is a great general!

Oh, by the way, it seems that he also stabbed Gao Lan, one of the four pillars, to death with a gun, which scared Zhang He, who was also one of the four pillars, and turned around and ran away. Whenever he saw Zhao Yun in the future, he would not dare to fight him.

Facing this rumored brave general on the battlefield, Gan Ning's breathing began to become heavy, and the long halberd in his hand slowly fell down.

His eyes were fixed on the green long sword in Zhao Yun's hand, and he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Is this Cao Cao's Qinggang sword?"

Zhao Yun, holding a sword in one hand, nodded slightly when he heard this.


"Haha! Hahahaha! It is indeed a magic weapon! Just right! General Zhao, right? Today you and I will fight! If I win! How about giving me this sword?"

"If you defeat me, not to mention the sword, Zhao will also give you his life."

"......Then let's see what's going on in our hands! Look at the halberd!"

With a roar, Gan Ning became completely excited, raised his halberd and stabbed!

Zhao Yun saw the flash of cold light and quickly raised his gun to block it.

As a result, with a crunching sound, the spear locked by the halberd was split into two as the opponent pulled hard!

Gan Ning couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this scene. Zhao Yun, who took a step back to distance himself, also turned pale.

His gentian spear had been smashed to pieces by Qin Ming a long time ago. In a hurry, he only took a standard long spear to fight, and he had no weapon at all.

And how could a spear of ordinary quality withstand a fight with an expert?

Zhao Yun threw away the broken stick and raised the Qingzhi sword in a gloomy manner.

Although he knew that fighting a sword with a spear would be a very disadvantageous thing, his swordsmanship was far less sophisticated than his marksmanship.

But now he has no choice!

Just when Zhao Yun was holding swords in both hands and was about to rush forward to fight for his life, a loud shout suddenly came from the high platform, and at the same time there was a harsh sound of wind.

"General Zhao! Take the shot!"

Zhao Yun, who heard the noise, turned around and grabbed the weapon, which was thrown from the sky.

Then he lowered his hand and looked at the big gun in his hand, his eyes flickering.

After looking at it carefully for a while, he sighed.

"What a weapon!"

Swinging the spear, Zhao Yun looked up.

Qin Ming, who had thrown away the weapon, was looking down at him at the moment.

"Yesterday I destroyed your weapon. Today I will give you one back. We are even."

"I owe you a debt of gratitude. May I ask General Ming, what is the name of this gun?"

Zhao Yun raised his hands and clasped his fists while asking.

Qin Ming couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch his head.

How does he know what this gun is called? This is just a bright silver spear that he specially fused when he was fusing weapons in order to get closer to Zhao Yun and enhance the combat effectiveness of his own boss. It is a standard standard. Weapon.

Of course, you can't say this. After all, the other party owes you a favor. It would be rude if you said it was a standard weapon.

"Yeah! It's called the Red Sakura Flower Gun!"

"Pear Blossom Gun? What a name!"

Zhao Yun put away his sword and held the gun with both hands. He turned around and shook his gun, and couldn't help but show excitement on his face.

"Then Zhao will use this red cherry blossom gun today! General Gan will be ready after a while!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun actually got a good weapon and held a halberd, Gan Ning, who did not choose to stop him, also laughed and set up his own halberd.

One side is like an ax and the other is like a cone. From a distance, the special halberd looks like an extended version of an iron pickaxe. It shines coldly in the sunlight.

"Okay! Let me use my flying divine halberd today! Let's use your red cherry blossom spear!"

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