Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 274 Enemies Meet

One of them held a pear blossom spear, and the other held a flying halberd.

One of them was a tiger on land, and the other was a dragon in the water.

In this head-on confrontation, it was a tit-for-tat, and no one was willing to give in.

The sound of ding-dong was continuous, and the two long blades were swung freely.

Gan Ning, who shouted back the three armies and did not allow them to disturb him, fought directly with Zhao Yun for a while.

While they were fighting fiercely, the soldiers next to them were not idle either, and quickly launched a general attack towards the cabin, trying to snatch Liu Adou from it.

The female soldiers guarding around the cabin now have comprehensive equipment, and their combat effectiveness is terrifying.

But two fists cannot beat four hands. Facing the Wu soldiers who turned against them and the swarming Jinfan thieves, the female guards, who were at an absolute disadvantage in number, were beaten back for a while.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly.

Knowing that the female soldiers alone could not stop him, he finally chose to use his trump card.

As he reached out and grabbed, an old-fashioned mobile phone appeared in his hand.

And this prop! It was the special prop that Qin Ming had obtained in the Metal Slug World before! Military satellite phone!

"Commander calling hound! Calling hound! Please reply if you receive it!"

"Zila...zila...hound received it!"

"Send tactical troops to prepare for support!"

"Yes, sir!"

With a snap, the phone fell, and Qin Ming, with a look of pain on his face, watched his 10,000 points disappear out of thin air.

At the same time, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky, and the next second! Five heavy transport planes fell from the clouds at a high speed!

Before the planes approached, a large number of soldiers had already started parachuting.

The 50-man hound special operations team! Debut!

The parachutes in the sky unfolded, and the soldiers hung on the parachutes and floated down.

Before the body landed on the ground, he was already holding a submachine gun and a rifle, aiming at the bottom and firing wildly.

The dense bullets made Wu Bing and Jinfan thieves scream continuously, and a large number of soldiers were shot dead.

And among these scattered troops, there were actually two tanks! Two light fighters were also hovering in the sky!

After starting the special equipment! Qin Ming's support troops arrived!

Dozens of well-equipped female soldiers were already difficult to fight, and now fifty more well-equipped ones fell from the sky. The most important thing is that they are all long-range troops, and they have heavy firepower modern troops to support.

Under the powerful combination! How terrifying the combat power that the two can burst out is! You can imagine!

The members of the hound troops who fell on the top of the ship quickly occupied the commanding heights with their weapons.

Above was machine guns and rifles firing, and below was the elite female soldiers relying on the shield formation formed by the cabin to defend.

In a short time, the Wu army suffered heavy casualties, and the street fighting in the ship was turned into a siege battle!

Especially with the rumble of two tanks landing, they began to rampage in the crowd.

Facing these two ordinary silver-level steel beasts, the Wu soldiers who had never seen this thing were terrified.

Can't be cut! Can't be killed! Can't be broken!

In their eyes, this thing! It's simply a monster!

The two tanks cooperated with the fighters in the sky and raged wildly on the shipboard, which was unstoppable!

The Wu army, which had an absolute advantage in numbers just now, was instantly suppressed by the modern troops who were not afraid of human wave tactics!

Roars, screams, and machine gun fire continued to sound on the shipboard, causing chaos on the warship.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Qin Ming frowned, holding Sun Ji who was trying to join the battle next to him tightly, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings, trying to find the trace of his enemy.

After searching for a long time, he didn't see any suspected adventurers.

Just when he frowned and was about to stop Sun Ji, who was ready to move, a scream suddenly came from the cabin behind him.

Hearing the noise, Qin Ming's eyes widened suddenly, turned around and broke open the door, and strode into the cabin.

"Not good! They went straight to Adou!"

Sun Ji, who was standing aside, also changed her face when she heard the words, and quickly turned around and rushed into the cabin.

As the two rushed into the ship, they found that there was already a fight here, and a group of people were fighting with the five female soldiers guarding it.

And this group of people who suddenly appeared! They were all wearing gray ninja clothes! Ninjas holding samurai swords! There were more than 20 people!

And there were also two men and women dressed in special clothes!

The other two adventurers of the hunting team! Appeared!

Looking at Qin Ming and Sun Ji who broke into the room, the leader of the hunting team, Gui Yan, could not help but frown. He turned around and walked towards the two of them, speaking coldly.

"Iron Ball, you go catch Adou to force Sun Ji to leave, and I will go to deal with the target."

Gui Yan's companion, the tall and fat Tieqiu, nodded quickly upon hearing this.

Knowing that Gui Yan had a grudge against the target, she suddenly reminded him in a low voice with a flickering look in her eyes.

"Remember, the King of Fighters must be alive."

"I know! You don't need to remind me!"

Gui Yan replied with a cold face, his eyes fixed on Qin Ming, and he raised his palms to the left and right while he stepped forward.

As the purple flames in his palms boiled, a violent wave of power gushed out of his body.

Eight heroes gather blood! The flame of fate! Open!

Fling his hands! Ghost fire merged and shot out!

C-level skill! Shooting Sun Flame!

The purple flame turned into a fireball! It shot forward at high speed towards Qin Ming! Qin Ming frowned! He also threw out a white sonic hand knife with his hands!

With a bang, the ghost fire and the white flame collided in mid-air and died together.

Qin Ming shook his hands to disperse the white flame in his hand, and with a stern face, he grabbed Sun Ji who tried to rush up and said in a low voice.

"I'll deal with him, you go save Adou and deal with the other guy."


"Don't worry, even if I can't beat him, it's definitely not a problem to hold on until you come back to save me."

Qin Ming's words made Sun Ji nod slightly and quickly rushed away.

Seeing this scene, Gui Yan didn't pay attention. After all, his original plan was to let his companions use Adou to lure away Sun Ji, the big boss, so that he could deal with the prey alone.

The other party left directly, which was in line with his plan.

He suddenly stopped and raised his palms slightly. Gui Yan, who was on fire, locked his eyes on Qin Ming with a gloomy look.

"Are you the hyena?"


"Feng is my brother. Do you know what the consequences of killing him are?"

"What kind of last words are you talking about? How about changing it? I'll give you time."

"…………Looking for death!"

A roar suddenly came out, accompanied by a swing of his hands, and the purple flames boiled out directly.

The flames condensed into a purple barrier in front! It caused Gui Yan to turn into a huge purple fireball! Rushing towards Qin Ming at a high speed!

If you don't make a move, it's fine! Once you make a move, it's a killing move!

A-level super must-kill! The forbidden fruit of the earth!

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