Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 275 The Fire of God!

Chris, the Fate of Flame, is one of the Eight Heroes and also one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Eight Heroes.

He is not the strongest one among the Eight Heroes, but he is definitely the one with the highest status.

Because the power of flame he controls! It is the strongest head among the eight heads of the snake!

The person Chris is targeting! It is none other than the first protagonist of the King of Fighters, Kyo Kusanagi!

The dark fire of the snake in his hand! It is even known as the nemesis of the sun fire red flame! Even Chris, who controls the dark fire! He also has a dark version of the snake's Nagi skill!

Of course, just like water and fire, no one can say who is better.

Anyway, in the original plot, the awakened Chris was not able to defeat Kyo Kusanagi.

As the final boss, the backup carrier of the World Will Assembly Orochi, Chris has excellent talent and pure bloodline power. Unfortunately, he is still young, only 14 years old, and can't exert the most complete fire power at all. This is also the main reason why he can't beat Kyo Kusanagi.

And Gui Yan, a senior adventurer of the King of Fighters team! The power he possesses is the fire of Orochi!

The blood of Orochi! Plus a set of fire destiny skills!

He! Is another version of adult Chris! One of the Eight Heroes!

Raising his hand is an A-level super-kill, and the ghost fire that turned into a purple fireball on the spot hit the sonic hand knife that was chopped.

The six-consecutive sound speed hand knife, which has always been invincible and can cut through anything it encounters, and no enemy dares to block its edge, finally met its opponent this time.

A-level ultimate move versus A-level ultimate move! The two collided fiercely.

With the howling wind, the ghost flame burning with flames and moving at high speed actually smashed the six-tone speed hand knife forcibly!

The sky was full of white flames! The ghost flame broke out of the fire in an instant! Under the stunned eyes of Qin Ming on the opposite side! It hit him hard at a slow speed!

A roar sounded, and Qin Ming, who was directly knocked back, was pushed by the ghost flame and flew more than ten meters away.

He continued to suffer injuries along the way, and finally rolled to the ground, his body was already ignited by the purple flame.

The pain that continued to come from his body made Qin Ming's forehead bulge with blue veins. Seeing that the ghost flame swung his hands and threw another purple fire to shoot at him, he quickly hammered the ground and jumped up.

He struggled to get up and avoid the attack, looking at the purple fire that continued to burn on his body and refused to extinguish, his face couldn't help showing a fearful look.

In the world of King of Fighters, there are a total of four strongest fires, with completely different effects.

The red flame of the Kusanagi family is the fire of the sun! The characteristic is that the temperature is extremely high! The lethality is amazing! It can forcibly burn everything!

The Blue Flame of the Yagami family is the fire of the moon! It is the original sun fire that was affected by the blood of the snake! A special flame that has undergone serious mutation!

In order to pursue power, the Yagami family, which was originally from the same lineage as the Kusanagi Kyo family, but whose blood power was gradually weakening, chose to merge with the blood of the snake and became a special snake clan member who was not a member of the Eight Heroes.

This Blue Flame that has merged with the blood of the gods is characterized by coldness. It can freeze the blood and body, and even cut off the energy transmission in the body of the other party.

It is rumored that after it is exerted to the extreme! It can even freeze time!

In addition, the two kinds of divine fire are purple flame and flame of the other shore.

The latter symbolizes the power of time and has the terrifying power to reverse time and space. It is also the original power of a god.

And the former! That is purple flame! The effect is poison!

This kind of flame can burn continuously. Once it penetrates into the human body, it will be difficult to remove like a maggot attached to the bone until the person is completely burned to death.

The most terrifying thing is! This burning effect is real damage! It completely ignores your defense ability!

Qin Ming slapped his body hard, trying to put out the flames on his body. When he found that he couldn't put out the purple flames no matter what he did, his face gradually became gloomy.

On the other side, Gui Yan, who raised his hand to give him a blow, also arrogantly raised his arms again.

With purple flames boiling on his hands, he had an extremely ferocious smile on his face.

"How is it? How does my purple flame taste?"

Qin Ming's eyes trembled when he heard the words, and his hands suddenly clenched.

The next second, he suddenly raised one arm and his palm suddenly opened.

With a whoosh, a red flame rose from his hand.

Kusanagi gloves activated! Sun Fire! Red Flame!

With the consumption of mental power, the red flame was summoned by the gloves, and the temperature around him suddenly rose.

The purple flame that was originally entangled with Qin Ming and could not be cleared no matter what, under the illumination of this flame, it was as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and was quickly swallowed and burned clean.

Qin Ming, whose body was suddenly burning with blazing flames, had an extremely cold look in his eyes.

"To be honest! It tastes pretty ordinary!"

Seeing this scene, Gui Yan's smile froze on his face.

He did not expect that Qin Ming actually controlled the nemesis of his purple fire, the red flame of the Kusanagi family. The veins on his forehead bulged.

After looking at Qin Ming, he suddenly roared, swung his hands and slid forward again!

He rushed! Qin Ming also rushed!

The purple fire on Gui Yan's body was boiling! It poured directly forward!

Qin Ming was also wrapped in red fire! He forcibly activated the supersonic hand knife ability!

The ultimate move!

Dark Great Snake Cone VS Imitation-Great Snake Nagi!


The two flames collided with each other! The purple flames and the red flames entangled with each other! They devoured and annihilated each other crazily!

In a blow, they were evenly matched enemies. After getting close, they punched and kicked each other as fast as lightning!

As they fought back and forth, the two men's arms wrapped in flames continued to attack and defend, colliding wildly.

In terms of attributes! Of course, Gui Yan is better!

After all, he is a high-level adventurer. Even if he uses props to force his way into the low-level area, he will be subject to very large restrictions. The maximum attribute can only reach 40 points, but his combat power is still terrifying!

It's just that his agility is high! Qin Ming's fighting skills are strong!

Up to A-level fighting skills! Even the high-level adventurer Gui Huo has never had it!

Therefore, one of the two sides relied on his fast speed and the other relied on his high skills. For a while, they were actually fighting hard and no one could do anything to the other.

In the end, the two ended up with a big snake shaving, and slid away.

Looking at the almost unscathed Gui Yan on the opposite side, Qin Ming's neck veins bulged.

He didn't dare to use the sonic hand knife rashly. This move is strong, and it will definitely win against Gui Yan's big snake shaving.

But the problem is that this move consumes too much energy. Even if it is the non-charged version, it consumes 6 points of spirit at a time. Who can bear this?

Mental recovery products are very precious. The most important thing is that the cooling time after taking them is very long, so he dare not consume his mental power casually.

Just like Mingming has a stronger A-level super-ultimate move, but Ghost Fire dare not use it casually.

High skills often mean high consumption. If used continuously, he will also be overwhelmed!

Qin Ming's left arm is boiling with red flames, and Ghost Flame's hands are wrapped with purple flames.

After two seconds of silent staring, Ghost Flame suddenly took a deep breath, and a grim smile slowly appeared on his face.

"No wonder you can beat my brother. I admit that my brother is indeed not your opponent, but ah! Don't underestimate high-level adventurers too much!"

The voice fell! Ghost Flame found that he couldn't quickly solve Qin Ming! Finally opened the trump card!

He roared to the sky! A purple column of fire suddenly spurted out of his body! Dense purple lines appeared on his face!

Blood of the Great Snake! Activated!

Also known as! Rampage Form!

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