Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 277: The Background of a High-level Adventurer

The hail of bullets was connected, and the white flames entangled it, causing the energy bombs to turn milky white, and they fired wildly in front of them.

The bullets cracked the wall, and wood chips flew everywhere. The double-barreled energy cannons that kept firing blasted holes in the entire wall.

After firing for more than half a minute, Qin Ming, who had completely destroyed the building in front of him, finally stopped shooting.

Looking at the cabin where the wall had completely collapsed, revealing the sea on the opposite side, Qin Ming, who was holding a machine gun and an energy cannon, did not move.

After taking two deep breaths, he suddenly shouted.

"Hey! Are you dead? If you're not dead, make a sound!"

As the voice fell, the dull footsteps suddenly sounded in the smoke on the opposite side.

Gui Yan, who was covered with scars and bullet holes, struggled to walk out of the ruins.

Seeing that he was not dead, Qin Ming was shocked and quickly set up his weapon to prepare for firing.

But as soon as he pulled the trigger, the machine gun began to roar.

The Guiyan on the other side, who was about to be beaten into a sieve, suddenly struggled to raise his hands and crossed them above his head.

With a fierce light flashing in his eyes! The blood of the snake! Activate!

The blood of the snake burns! Consume 50%!

With a hum, all the sounds in the cabin suddenly disappeared.

Guiyan raised his hands high, and a dazzling white light suddenly emanated from his arms.

Starting from that light! Countless lights splashed down in all directions! Transformed into rays of light arrows! Indiscriminate shooting was launched all around!

Pseudo-S-level skills! The sun shines!

Forced burning of the blood of the snake! Guiyan, at the cost of permanently consuming the divine blood in his body! Relying on the unique blood characteristics of Ziyan! He actually performed the signature killing move of the final BOSS of King of Fighters 7: Orochi!

Although it was just a pseudo killing move! But it still reached the level of half-step S-level!

This all-round and blind-angle light shooting dissolved all objects around on the spot.

The large number of energy bullets that were shot crazily were also directly offset.

The speed of the light was not slowing down, and Qin Ming was so scared that he quickly hid behind the warhorse.

The next second, he only heard the warhorse neighing. This golden-level warhorse with attributes that were definitely not worse than those of ordinary bosses! The body was quickly dissolved!

As the warhorse was dissolved, Qin Ming, who was quickly exposed to the light, screamed, and his body also melted at a very fast speed!

The sunshine skill lasted for more than 30 seconds before it stopped. With his hands drooping weakly, Gui Yan, who was no longer floating, softened his knees and knelt heavily on the ground, gasping for breath.

Burning 50% of the blood of the snake in his body in one breath was definitely a serious loss for him.

Although he could replenish it by consuming points after returning to the nightmare space, his upper limit of combat power in this world had been greatly reduced.

Even because of the large consumption of the blood of the snake, he wanted to continue to open the rampage state, or even continue to launch the purple flame in a row, but he couldn't do it.

This move of forcibly burning the blood of the snake and using the S-level skill of sunshine is his strongest killer move, and it is also the trump card he uses to fight with others!

Panting, dragging his wounded body, Gui Yan struggled to stand up.

He looked up and found that the enemy was not dead yet!

Qin Ming who took this move hard! He is still alive!

Gui Yan did not expect that there would be a low-level adventurer who could take the S-level skill hard and not die. This time he was really scared!

After all, let alone a low-level adventurer, even if it is an existence of the same level, if you dare to take this move hard, he will dare to dissolve it for you to see!

This guy in front of him is so strong! How high is his physique... No! No! Even if this kid in front of him has 60 points of physique! He will definitely not survive!

This is not a high physique! It is that the opponent has a special defensive skill!

It is injury-free!

Gui Yan, who reacted quickly, couldn't help but look at Qin Ming deeply, and his expression became completely serious.

Qin Ming, who relied on his tough skin and flesh to avoid damage, had taken the continuous damage skill of Sunshine. Now he looked up at the opponent.

His warhorse was killed instantly, and his skin was completely dissolved, making him look like a skinned frog. He couldn't stop moaning and panting.

His body was trembling slightly, and he struggled to stand steadily.

When Gui Yan on the opposite side saw this scene, he suddenly sighed and spoke in a deep voice.

"I admit that you are really strong. You can even survive this, hyena, right? How about joining us? Now that both of us are injured, there is no need to fight anymore. Join us! The grudges between us are wiped out! I can not avenge my brother!"

Originally, Gui Yan planned to kill Qin Ming directly. As for the orders to cripple him and then recruit him into the group, he did not intend to execute them at all.

After all, his brother died at the hands of the opponent!

However, seeing Qin Ming being beaten like this, he was still alive. As a low-level adventurer, he could fight with him to this extent.

Gui Yan finally felt compassion.

He was a brother and a high-level adventurer in the King of Fighters team. He was a confidant entrusted with important tasks and carefully cultivated by the King of Fighters.

At the same time, he was also a grateful person. The King of Fighters helped him gain strength and fully supported his growth. When he saw such a good seedling, he naturally could not kill him for personal grudges and give up the opportunity to recruit him.

One is so capable of fighting! Another low-level adventurer with special talents!

If he could join the King of Fighters team, it would be of great help to the King of Fighters team. He had to invite him, even if the other party had already become enemies with him.

Stretching out a hand, Gui Yan, with a somewhat livid complexion, gritted his teeth and spoke while suppressing his murderous intent.

"Join the King of Fighters team! From now on, you will be my partner! My brother's revenge! I will cancel it with you!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming, who was completely naked across from him, twitched violently at the corner of his mouth.

"Your brother's revenge has nothing to do with me. Whether you want to avenge it or not is up to you, but my hatred for you has been completely settled now!"


The palm that Gui Yan held out was clenched suddenly upon hearing this, and veins bulged on his forehead.

"What? You just have to fight to the death? You don't think I have any trump cards anymore, do you? You think you who are scarred can be killed in exchange for me who is also scarred!"

Slowly lowering his arms, Gui Yan took a deep breath. The next second, blue veins bulged on the skin all over his body, and his blood started to activate again.

Crazy burning of the remaining serpent blood in the body, with the consumption of this god's blood, Gui Yan's body, which was already scarred and full of blood holes, actually began to recover very quickly!

In just a few seconds, his injuries had healed and he was back to his peak condition.

The only thing lost was the Orochi's blood. With the forced launch of the ultimate move, only 50% of the Orochi's blood was left, and most of it was lost.

Looking at Qin Ming with wide eyes and a look of astonishment on his face, Gui Yan couldn't help but sneer.

"You can't even imagine the abilities of high-level adventurers, let alone compete with them, kid! Even if you are talented, you are just a rookie! You are just a talented rookie! What can you do with your little background? I'll give you another chance now! Join us or die!"

As he spoke, Gui Yan stretched out his arm again and stared at Qin Ming with murderous intent in his eyes.

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