Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 278: Rampage! Blood and flesh absorption!

To be honest, Gui Yan was in a complicated mood at this time.

He wanted to see Qin Ming agree to the invitation, but he didn't want to see him agree to the invitation.

He wanted to kill the other party to avenge his brother, but he didn't want to see the King of Fighters team lose this good seedling.

The two contradictory thoughts made Gui Yan's expression extremely distorted at this moment, and the veins on his arms bulged.

After just stretching out his palm and being silent for a few seconds, seeing that the wounded Qin Ming on the opposite side had no reaction, he suddenly grinned and clenched his palm into a fist.

"To be honest, I'm very happy to see that you refused the invitation. You are a vengeful person, and I am actually the same. Thank you for giving me a reason to kill you!"

With a flash of blood in his eyes, Gui Yan, who had already understood Qin Ming's choice, suddenly roared, dragged the purple flame with both hands, and suddenly accelerated towards Qin Ming.

He would not let the other party wait until the cooling time was over and use the recovery props to restore the state.

Since he is unwilling to join! Since he insists on revenge! Then take revenge!

His revenge! I have been wanting to settle the score for a long time!

"Son of a bitch! Give me back my brother's life!"

Special move! Forbidden Fruit of the Earth!


The terrifying purple fireball appeared again, but this time the two were no longer in the same state.

Gui Yan was at his peak, but Qin Ming was already covered in wounds.

Gui Yan was full of energy, but Qin Ming barely had the strength to fight back.

The recovery item was on cooldown and could not be used to replenish the wound.

There were no consumable items in the pocket that could be used to save or rescue lives.

The only two items were the return scroll given by the double-gun woman and the nightmare resurrection coin that could only be activated after death.

Escape back? Or die back? Or...


A loud noise suddenly came into my ears! Gui Yan, who was wrapped in purple fire and hit Qin Ming, was suddenly stunned.

Qin Ming, who had taken his blow with his body, suddenly had a red light in his eyes. His skin had been burned off, revealing the flesh and blood inside, and a terrifying blood-colored aura was emanating from his body.

Qin Ming, who was rendered into a bloody man on the spot, now had his eyes wide open, allowing Gui Yan to punch through his chest, and suddenly grabbed Gui Yan's head with both hands.

His extremely terrifying face was extremely ferocious.

"Bastard! Who gave you the courage! Get close to me!"

Escape? Escape!

Skill fusion! Based on the speed of sound hand knife! Forcefully improve the quality of the essence absorption skill!

Ultimate form of essence absorption! Start!

No biting! No gnawing! Qin Ming, who held Gui Yan's head tightly with both hands! Blood suddenly burst out from his arms!

The next second! In Gui Yan's skin and facial features! A lot of blood gushed out! It gathered madly towards Qin Ming's hands!

Forced blood sucking! Feedback to itself!

S-level skill: Flesh and blood absorption!

Name: Flesh and blood absorption

Quality: S-level

Effect: After activation, you can forcibly absorb the opponent's flesh and blood, causing continuous real damage while continuously reducing the opponent's attributes, and the damage caused will be fully fed back to yourself. The closer you are to the opponent, the stronger the absorption effect.

Introduction: You think you can! Kill me! ! !

As Gui Yan was caught, a large amount of blood mist oozes out of his skin frantically.

And these sucked blood mists flew towards Qin Ming in the next second.

Qin Ming, whose skin had already disappeared after the blood entered his body, began to grow rapidly! His injuries were also recovering at a very fast speed!

Even the huge blood hole in his chest that was pierced by a punch! It was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And not only was the captured Gui Yan's blood being absorbed, but as Qin Ming's body surface exuded a strong blood aura, all living things in the entire cabin, whether alive or dead, actually had blood mist floating from their bodies!

This flesh and blood absorption ability! It turned out to be a group-wide AOE attack!

The more mental power Qin Ming used! The larger the range! The stronger the blood-sucking effect!

Looking at Qin Ming, who recovered from his serious injury and dying state in almost an instant and returned to his peak.

Gui Yan, whose head was tightly grasped, had his eyes wide open for a while, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Sucking other people's blood to recover from his own injuries! And it was a large-scale group blood-sucking!

Such a terrifying skill! Why had he never heard of it before!

Facing this supermodel skill, it would be okay if he fought alone. After all, the absorption effect of one person is limited. Facing his own attack, he may not be able to absorb it.

But the problem is! This is a battlefield! Now there is a war! There are more than 30 people in the cabin alone!

Doesn't that mean...

Looking at the large amount of blood mist rushing in from all directions, and looking at Qin Ming who completely recovered from his injuries in the blood, Gui Yan's heart sank to the bottom for a while.

The opponent's ability is simply a battlefield skill. As long as there are enough people around, he will be immortal before the opponent's mental power is exhausted!

That is to say, on this ship! The blood of the snake in his body has been exhausted! It is impossible to beat the opponent!

If he continues to fight! He will only be exhausted to death by the opponent's blood-sucking ability!

Gui Yan, who reacted quickly, gritted his teeth, struggled to break free from Qin Ming's arm, and turned around to escape.

But he never thought that before he could run away, Qin Ming, who had his legs apart behind him, had already taken the starting position of the sonic hand knife, opened his arms and roared suddenly.

The next second! Blood burst out!

Blood version of sonic hand knife! Start!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Accompanied by the continuous swing of his hands, one blood blade after another shot out from Qin Ming's hands.

Those blood that he sucked into his body, but no longer needed to recover from the injury, resulting in the blood being useless at all, were directly shot out by him as weapons.

Although the lethality of these blood sonic hand knives was far less than that of the original sonic hand knives that had been fused, they were better in number! No consumption! Just blood!

Relying on absorbing the blood of everyone around him, Qin Ming turned into a turret for a while, and launched a crazy continuous shooting directly at Gui Yan who was trying to escape.

Blood knife! Blood ball! Blood blade! Blood hammer! Blood cannon!

He continued to blast out blood weapons of various shapes! They connected into one in the air! Crazy bombing on the open space between Gui Yan and him!

Qin Ming shot here! The blood around him flew towards him!

Even those blood blades that were thrown out and did not hit the enemy would turn into blood mist and fly back in the next second.

For a moment, with Qin Ming as the center, a blood-colored vortex appeared in the entire cabin.

Fifteen seconds later, Qin Ming, who had thrown more than fifty blood energy cannons in a row, took a deep breath and finally stopped shooting.

The main reason was that his mental power was exhausted! The blood and flesh absorption skill was forcibly disconnected!

With a splash, countless blood that lost traction scattered all over the ground, dyeing the ground red on the spot.

Qin Ming, standing in a pool of blood, had a blank expression on his face and his body was almost unscathed.

And the entire cabin was full of mummies.

Those black-clothed ninjas summoned by the hunting team to contain the enemy had been sucked dry by this move at this moment.

The same people who were sucked blood, that is, the female guards, although they were elite monsters, were not sucked to death because of their strong attributes, but they had become extremely weak and their attributes were greatly deducted.

After Sun Ji found out that something was wrong, she ran away with Adou in her arms.

The adventurer who confronted her was now standing in the distance, staring at this side with a dull look on his face.

In the messy cabin, Qin Ming, with his upper body naked, had no scars on his body.

On the other side, Gui Yan, who was bombarded with more than fifty blood energy cannons by him with blood energy cannons, was now lying in the ruins, his body seriously mutilated.

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