Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 286: Charge Technique! Heavenly Slide!

With the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming, who had gained 100,000 points, left the King of Fighters team camp happily.

In the hall, the King of Fighters watched him leave with his hands behind his back without saying a word.

Another senior team member standing nearby couldn't help but flash his eyes when he saw this, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"King of Fighters, why are you so generous to him? I don't believe that he is just a newly promoted intermediate adventurer. We will not be able to deal with him!"

After hearing this, the King of Fighters finally withdrew his gaze and glanced at the man lightly.

"Because he has talent and luck. The more he climbs up in the nightmare space, the more he takes away from the adventurer's talent and ability. Those with insufficient talent will not be able to advance successfully no matter how hard they work. Their lives will end up being nothing but talent and luck. You can become an intermediate or high-level adventurer, enjoy the benefits provided by the nightmare space, work for the nightmare space for a lifetime, or die in the mission.”

"You mean! He has the potential to become a top player like you..."

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. I only know that his ability is very useful to the development of our team. That's enough. Killing him will do us no good, but cooperation will be of great benefit to us. So why don't you say Cooperate? Why do we have to fight to the death with him? "

After patting his companion on the shoulder, the King of Fighters turned and left.

"Cooperate well with him. As long as he activates his natural skills on a large scale, there will eventually be a day when he attracts others' attention. And as long as other teams keep an eye on him, our former enemy will become him in turn. The last life-saving straw in our hands, when the time comes, we have to join if he wants to join, and we have to join if he doesn’t want to join!”

The King of Fighters disappeared into the darkness with his hands behind his back, leaving only a murmur to himself.

"I'm waiting for the day when he takes the initiative to apply to join us. To be honest, I really like this guy's vengeful character, because petty people are often loyal enough and know how to be grateful."

The senior team members who watched the King of Fighters disappear looked at each other, remained silent for a moment, and then quickly dispersed.

To be honest, it's just 100,000 points, they don't care at all.

Since the King of Fighters said to cooperate, then cooperate.

As for the people who died in the hands of the other party before?

dead! But it’s of no value! No one will care!

In the room, Qin Ming, who returned to his den, looked at the newly received 100,000 points and felt extremely happy for a moment.

He never expected that the other party would be so generous and willing to spend a full 100,000 points to settle the grudge.

With these 100,000 points, it is enough for him to strengthen himself!

Money to strengthen Gan Ning’s head! Now there is no shortage at all!

And not only his head, Qin Ming felt that it was time for him to strengthen his skills.

Now, with the two original skills fused together, he only has two skills left.

One is S-level flesh-absorbing, and the other is A-level rough-skinned and thick-skinned. They have a tacit understanding of one attack and one defense.

He has no shortage of long-range output capabilities, and his close combat capabilities are even more maxed out.

What he lacks now! It’s the ability to advance!

It’s time to find a way to make up for this shortcoming!

When the time comes, the powerful dashing ability, combined with passing through Gan Ning's head, will give a greatly improved agility attribute.

Qin Ming's last flaw of being weak in speed will be completely made up for, and he will become a hexagonal warrior in the true sense.

Returning to the trading area, as the threat posed by the King of Fighters team disappeared, Qin Ming, who was no longer nervous, began to look around for the items he wanted.

Finally, after some selection and purchasing a large number of consumables, he finally selected a rush skill book.

And this skill comes from the world of The King of Fighters, from a woman who once helped him.

That woman! It’s Mai Zhuo, one of the members of the Eight Elites!

Qin Ming still vividly remembers how Mai Zhuo defeated Feng with one combo.

That scene touched his young mind! It brought a very, very big shock.

Now that he saw her signature stunt appeared on the market, Qin Ming bought it without hesitation, even though the price was very expensive, costing him 40,000 points!

Name: Heavenly Slide (King of Fighters World)


Effect: Form a dominating effect and rush out at a high speed. After grabbing a person's body, inject energy into the opponent's body. While paralyzing the opponent, he rushes out with the target. After rushing out for a certain distance or hitting an object, the energy is detonated to complete the damage. The damage value is strength value x2, and each time consumes 5 points of spirit.

Introduction: The ruthless suppression from the power of the gods is one of the eight masters: the cruel and beautiful Mai Zhuo's signature stunt, but it was this trick that eventually became popular! But he is the fighting emperor! Lucar, the president of the moving agency!

The most powerful move of Heavenly Sliding is its strong control effect and its own body dominance effect, rather than its lethality.

As for the subsequent internal explosion? In fact, this all depends on the power of the big snake injected into the opponent's body.

Qin Ming does not have the bloodline of the Orochi in his body, so he does not have the power of the Eight Heroes, so he cannot deal the burst damage in the later stages, just like a person who is not familiar with fire cannot use the Orochi Nagi, even if he learns this move It's no use.

But it doesn't matter, even though there is no serpent blood in the body! But Qin Ming can rely on S-level skills to control blood!

He can't inject energy into you! I can’t inject blood into your body yet!

Then the blood will explode! In cooperation with Bai Yan who weakens the body's strength! He can also give the opponent a ruthless blow! Form an alternative internal explosion effect! The power may be stronger than the original one!

The legendary fighting emperor, that is, Rugal, the final BOSS in King of Fighters 94 and 95, is a martial arts genius.

Any trick he has seen once, he can imitate and use it, and the effect is almost the same.

Therefore, this guy is completely using other people's big moves as regular skills! The combat power is ridiculous! It can be said that he has stood at the top of normal fighters!

However, Qin Ming did not agree with this. He is a fighting genius? I am not necessarily much worse than him!

He can imitate! I can imitate too!

He can move! I can move now!

I can also use the pirated Orochi Nagi! Pirated Eight Young Girls! Pirated Overlord Shouting Fist! Pirated Killing Intention Hadoken! Can he do it? Can he! Can he use it!

Don't worry about the power! Just tell me if they look similar!

He was really angry! The opponent secretly learned the chain of Caesar Emperor Waves! I can use them on him! And the number of shots is more than his!

I am the real fighting genius! Not relying on talent! But relying on hard work to become a genius!

Qin Ming quickly learned the skills, filled his skill bar, and made up for the last shortcoming of the rush, with an excited smile on his face.

With a roar, after summoning Sun Ji's clone, he suddenly launched the new big move and grabbed the opponent's chest!

………… Then Sun Ji, who was hurt by the grab, immediately slapped him in the face and forcibly interrupted the skill.

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