Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 287 The first intermediate mission!

This world is: Street Fighter 1

World difficulty: B level

Number of people entering: 5

Main task requirements: Kill a BOSS-level plot character personally.

Task completion reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Task failure penalty: 1000 points.

Optional task: Reach a reputation value of 500 points or more in the protagonist or villain camp.

Task completion reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Mission failure penalty: None

World introduction: McHarg, a street gladiator, was successfully elected as the new mayor, but the city he went to was a notorious crime city, Metropolis, with dilapidated streets, old subways, and a mix of thugs. Death and violence are the main themes of this city. The mayor, who is determined to revive justice, and the dispute between the Crazy Gear Organization, which has been entrenched here for a long time, have begun...

(Hint 1: This world is in peace mode, adventurers fight each other and will not get spoils)

(Hint 2: The maximum stay time in this world is 30 days)

In the room, Qin Ming, who opened his eyes and rested for three months, once again entered the mission world and raised his head suddenly.

Looking at the data on the computer in front of him, he couldn't help but frown, and keenly found something wrong in it.

That is, after becoming an intermediate adventurer! He found that the rules of the game have changed!

The requirement that you only need to participate in killing the BOSS to complete the task has changed to killing the BOSS yourself, otherwise it will not be considered completed.

And the previous designated killing of a certain BOSS has also become killing the BOSS-level plot character, which means that killing the protagonist is also possible.

The most important thing is that the task rewards have become very high, and the punishment for failing the task is no longer severe, but has become insignificant.

And what is the matter with this stipulated time? There is actually a maximum stay time limit?

In other words, whether you have completed the task or not, you must live here for a month?

Qin Ming, a newly promoted intermediate adventurer, rubbed his forehead and found that the game rules had been changed on a large scale. His expression became very melancholy for a while.

He knew that he needed some time to slowly adapt to the new game rules, and the good news was that he had plenty of time.

Because after becoming an intermediate adventurer, although you still need to face a promotion task test every ten mission worlds.

But the penalty for failing the promotion task is not as high as before, and after the task fails, the reward for continuing to adventure will not be greatly reduced.

If low-level adventurers need to race against time to advance, and if they fail to make it through the first few times, they will be crushed to death by the gradually increasing pressure.

Then intermediate adventurers don't have to rush so much. Even if they operate well and ensure that they can get certain loot in each mission world, they can stay at this stage and hang out in the intermediate mission area despite the failure penalty of the promotion mission.

The treatment between low-level adventurers and intermediate adventurers can really be described as a world of difference!

The latter is a regular employee, not to mention enjoying five insurances and one housing fund, but also having two days off on holidays.

The former is purely a temporary worker, with no benefits. If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it!

Qin Ming, who successfully passed the promotion mission and became an intermediate adventurer, can be regarded as officially becoming a regular employee, and the hard work has paid off.

Qin Ming, who pulled his collar hard and received the mission information, quickly stood up from the chair, pushed the door and strode out.

At this moment, he was actually in the police station.

With the activation of the title ability, his entry identity this time was a metropolitan policeman, and he could be considered a member of the protagonist group.

At this time, Qin Ming had already merged with Gan Ning's head. In order to strengthen Gan Ning's head, he spent more than 30,000 points on it!

The effect in return was also very powerful. Gan Ning's head, which was upgraded to ordinary gold quality, could increase his agility by 15 points!

For Qin Ming, it was a full 7 points increase in the upper limit of agility! And it also gave him a new skill!

Although it was just a useless C-level skill: sweeping snow in front of the door.

At this moment, Qin Ming's basic attributes have reached 21 (41) 26 (51) 28 (28) 21 (31)!

Raising his hand and pushing the door open, because he appeared as a policeman this time, Qin Ming did not forget to put on a police uniform when he went out and went directly to the hall.

As a result, he found that the hall was very chaotic at this time. The policemen gathered in groups of three or five to chat! The criminals over there were also gathered in groups of three or five to chat!

Some even lived together and chatted!

The police and criminals sat together and chatted casually in the police station. Qin Ming was stunned by the scene.

He finally had an intuitive understanding of this so-called crime city.

It really deserves to be a place where violence and crime are rampant. It is so chaotic.

Just when Qin Ming was stunned, the door of the room next to him suddenly exploded, and the next second, a figure flew out from it.

The man who broke out of the door fell to the ground and groaned in pain, and the few people who followed him out of the door had a fierce look on their faces, and the flesh on their faces was shaking wildly.

"You hit me! You dare to call the police!"

The man who was kicked out groaned in pain when he heard the words.

"It was you who hit my car!"

"You dare to talk back?!"

After hearing this, several people became furious and rushed forward, punching and kicking them. After the beating, the leading man even let out a fierce sigh.

"Okay! Even if I hit your car! How dare you call the police if I hit your car? I don't want to kill you! Didn't you know that this is the territory of our Crazy Gear Gang! You are looking for death!"

As he said that, the big man turned around and grabbed the bench next to him, and slapped the man who fell on the ground hard.

The car was maliciously damaged by someone. After choosing to call the police, instead of receiving compensation, he was taken to the police station. The man who was severely beaten by the perpetrator was huddled on the ground and holding his head, not daring to resist at all.

Facing the fierce gang members around him, and even the police who looked over him with unkind eyes, he was unable to resist.

Just when the big man smashed the chair to pieces but was still not relieved, he was about to find another chair and continue beating him.

Suddenly there were footsteps behind him, and a voice sounded at the same time.

"Please give way."

The big man was startled when he heard the voice, turned to look at Qin Ming behind him in police uniform, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

At this moment, Qin Ming did not store blood in his body because he needed to return to reality. As a result, his height was only normal, only 1.7 meters.

And with a height of 1.7 meters, he was more than a head shorter than the burly man opposite him.

With raised eyebrows, the big man from the Crazy Gear Gang looked at Qin Ming with a very unkind look in his eyes.



"Do you know who I am?"

"have no idea."

"Boy, in such a wide place, you don't want to go anywhere else, but you have to go here? Are you looking for trouble? You police chiefs don't dare to talk to me like this! You are a little police officer, are you looking for death?"

While saying this, the big man reached out and poked Qin Ming's chest hard.

This made Qin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes, reaching out and grabbing the big man's hand.

As his fingers exerted force, a harsh crunching sound was heard, and the entire palm was pinched to the point of being severely deformed. The huddled man could not help but scream in agony.

Before his voice could even finish, Qin Ming had already stretched out his other hand and pinched his face hard.

S-level skills! Flesh sucking! launch!

With a buzzing sound, blood mist spread from Qin Ming's arm, and the body of the big man whose head was squeezed by him suddenly began to twitch violently.

On the big man with wide eyes, blood kept pouring out along the skin, turning into blood mist and spiraling around Qin Ming's arm, becoming one with him.

In just a few seconds, the originally tall and burly man had shrunk into a stick, staring with big frightened eyes and had lost all movement.

Qin Ming, who had absorbed a large amount of blood, transformed from an ordinary height of 1.7 meters to two meters away!

He threw away the mummy in his hand and gently twisted his neck.

Qin Ming, who had a straight face, had an expression of disgust.

"You blocked my way! You dare to yell at me! You are seeking death!"

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