Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 288 Poison? !

Inside the police station, there was silence at the moment.

The people who were originally chatting around or turning their heads to look at the lively crowd, now looked at the mummy curled up on the ground, and then looked up at Qin Ming, whose body had grown rapidly, and couldn't help but look at each other.

It was not until Qin Ming was about to reach the door that they woke up from their dreams.

With one person shouting loudly, the thugs in the room picked up their weapons and rushed towards Qin Ming.

One held a table and chair, the other held a bench high, and some even pulled out the knife from their waist.

They rushed towards Qin Ming quickly, and their expressions became very fierce for a while.

The big man who led the charge hit Qin Ming on the back with a bench.

As a result, the bench shattered, but Qin Ming was unharmed.

Qin Ming, who was attacked, suddenly stopped and turned his head with his eyes wide open to look at the enemy who attacked him.

Seeing that the other party was holding the leg of the stool and was about to poke him, he suddenly turned around and punched him.

Blood wrapped around his arm, and the blood turned into a blade.

With a "Puff!" sound, Qin Ming actually pierced the body of the big man with a knife! As a result, the opponent was completely hung on his arm!

As the skill was activated, the big man who was lifted up by the clothes twitched violently.

The blood in the body flowed out from the wound and all merged into Qin Ming's body.

Qin Ming, whose figure increased by another three points, threw the mummy aside.

Looking at the large number of gang members rushing towards him frantically, Qin Ming kicked one of them and kicked him out, knocking down a large number of enemies.

With red light flashing in his eyes and blood boiling on his arms, he took this opportunity to open his mouth and roared.

With his arms open, a large amount of blood gathered in his palms, and then he slapped forward with all his strength.

Imitation-Caesar Emperor Wave!


A few minutes later, the door of the police station was opened. Qin Ming, whose height had returned to his peak state of 2.3 meters, tore off his tattered police uniform, put his hands in his pockets and strode out along the ruined street.

Behind him, the police station with all its windows blown up was full of corpses.

A large number of corpses were cut or smashed, and now scattered all over the ground, making the scene in the police station extremely bloody.

The police stood against the wall, looking at the scene in front of them in horror, and some of them had already wet their pants.

They had seen vicious thugs and cruel murderers.

But they could suck other people's blood! A monster that sucked others into mummies! It was really the first time they saw it!

The blood-colored fluctuations were like heavy artillery, and once they hit someone's body, they would explode directly.

The police who witnessed many thugs being hit by a cannon, their bodies blown into pieces on the spot, and the blood in their bodies flying strangely, and gathered towards the assailants, they would be scared!

On the street, Qin Ming killed more than a dozen thugs casually, and used them to test his new skills. At this time, he felt very satisfied.

He now has his own exclusive fighting style.

The pursuit of fast, accurate and ruthless military fighting skills, plus the attachment and strengthening of blood, and the bombing of continuous moves that imitate others' must-kills, the three are combined to form a fighting method! It can be said to be extremely brutal!

Don't worry about whether it is powerful or not! Anyway, it is definitely handsome enough!

If anyone sees his ultimate move and is thrown out by the opponent as an ordinary skill to hit people, he will be scared!

Of course, the real situation is that these so-called blood-version nirvanas are just blood energy cannons with a shape!

Large blood cannon, small blood cannon, blade-shaped blood cannon, and continuous shooting blood cannon.

You are hit by the blood snake! It's the same as being hit by a blood ball shot casually! In fact, there is no difference! It's nothing more than how much blood is mobilized at one time!

Walking on the street with his hands in his pockets, Qin Ming frowned.

He is now thinking about how to complete his two tasks this time.

The sudden change in the task requirements made him a little uncomfortable for a while, and he didn't know how to start.

Why not find a protagonist to kill? Treat him as a BOSS?

Why is the difficulty of this task B-level? Is the horizontal arcade game Street Fighter so difficult?

The difficulty of the first level of the equally famous arcade game "Dino Street Fighter" is only D! Why is the difficulty of this world so high?

Just as Qin Ming was thinking, several cars suddenly rushed in from a distance.

As the car stopped in front of him, a large number of thugs rushed out of the car quickly.

Qin Ming gradually widened his eyes, and after seeing the attributes of the comers clearly, he finally understood why the difficulty of this task was B-level!

The attributes of these thugs in front of him are not weak, of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the one who took the lead to get out of the car! It turned out to be a BOSS!

Name: Poison

Strength 40

Constitution 45

Agility 15

Spirit 30

Skills: Street Fighting (B-level) Love Whip (B-level) Crazy Love Storm (B-level) Charming Poison (A-level)

Introduction: With a sexy body full of temptation, extremely ambiguous and provocative eyes, and that extremely revealing dress, Poison has a great reputation in the Crazy Gear Gang, but no one has ever dared to really touch her, never.

As the woman walked out of the car with her legs raised and closed the car door, she twisted her waist and walked towards Qin Ming.

Wearing a small vest with a leaky navel on the upper body, hot shorts on the lower body, high heels, and a police hat on the head, it really lives up to its name, it looks like a bottle of highly toxic love potion, which makes people instinctively rise. Get excited.

She was dressed exactly like those flirtatious girls on special occasions. She even had a pair of handcuffs hanging around her waist and two leather whips in her hands.

Just this unique outfit, if it appeared in some special hotels, would probably have attracted countless people to ask about the price.

Of course, compared with those girls who engage in special jobs and like to play role-playing, the leader of the Crazy Gear Gang, Poison, is a little different.

She is different from those girls with thin arms and legs. Her figure is very plump and her legs are very thick. You can even clearly see the muscle lines above her. You can tell she is a practicing girl.

Poison strode to Qin Ming, holding his long leather whip in his left hand, and holding a special riding whip in his right hand. He gently put it on his shoulder, stopped with a smile, and slowly raised his head. Raised my head... Raised my head... Raised my head...

Looking down at him, he looked down at him. He was taller than himself, and he could probably fit three of his big men in.

Poison, who had a teasing smile on his face, suddenly froze.

She raised her head desperately and looked at Qin Ming. The next second, she suddenly turned around and put her hands on her hips. She glared at the boys around her with wide eyes and spoke with an unhappy look on her face.

"This is the policeman you are talking about who killed our people? Can this be called a policeman? Have you ever seen a policeman who looks like this! He looks scarier than you, okay! You want me to With this thing? How can I beat him with his body type?"

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