Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 292 The Secret of the Street Fighter World

"No more fighting! We won't fight!"

Du Yao, covered in wounds, struggled to come from behind, waving his hands vigorously as he walked.

Hugo quickly lowered his arms upon hearing this, while Qin Ming frowned and snorted coldly.

"You said you don't want to fight? You think this is a fight! You!"

Before Qin Ming could finish his words, a large car suddenly rushed over from a distance.

As the car door opened, a large group of thugs from the Crazy Gear Gang came out, holding steel pipes, hammers, and samurai swords.

The most important thing was that at the front of the convoy, a motorcycle drifted and stopped in a chic manner, and a man wearing a motorcycle suit and a dreadlock on his head jumped directly from the car. He looked so... um, a little bit unworthy of the audience.

The big man with a grin showing a mouthful of buck teeth and sunglasses suddenly brightened up when he saw Du Yao, who was seriously injured. He hurriedly trotted over and stretched out his hand to help her.

"Ouch! Du Yao! Who beat you up like this? Is the injury serious? Let me see!"

Looking at the claws handed over by the other party, Du Yao hurriedly dodged sideways.

She had already taken off a coat from a corpse and put it on, with a look of disgust on her face.

And seeing that the other party was unwilling to pay attention to him, the big man rolled his eyes and suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Ming.

Looking at Qin Ming, who had stopped launching skills and no longer had blood mist floating around him, his outrageous height.

The big man with a bunch of younger brothers walked towards this side aggressively, pointing at Qin Ming and yelling as he walked.

"Did you hurt Du Yao? You are so brave! Don't you know whose territory this is? You!"


Before the big man finished speaking, Qin Ming, who saw him approaching, had already slapped him with a stern face, and instantly knocked him to the ground.

Although he was knocked down, the opponent did not die because of this. The reason is very simple, because this guy is also a BOSS.

And he is the first level BOSS in this Street Fighter world!

Name: Damude

Strength 40

Constitution 40

Agility 15

Spirit 10

Skills: Street Fighting (B-level) Damude Combo (C-level) Whistle Summon (B-level)

Introduction: One of the top leaders of the Crazy Gear Gang! Nicknamed the arrogant Damu! Proficient in kidnapping and extortion!

Looking down at Damude who was knocked to the ground by a slap, as the so-called first-act big BOSS, but whose attributes are not even comparable to Hugo, even poison, Qin Ming frowned.

"Which forest did you come from, this African monkey?"

It has been less than a day since entering the world, and I have encountered three BOSS-level plot characters in a row.

The BOSS in this Street Fighter world! The number is a bit too much!

Damde was obviously stunned by the punch, and it took him a long time to get up from the ground.

He covered his face and looked at Qin Ming. He didn't expect this guy to be so strong, so he quickly retreated and ran back to his brothers.

Then he blew a whistle and pointed at Qin Ming viciously.

"Why are you still standing there? Go! Kill him!"

Hearing the boss's order, the brothers around looked at each other, raised their weapons and roared, ready to rush forward.

But before they launched the charge, Du Yao, who was supported by Hugo, had already spoken loudly with a stern face.

"Stop! This is my friend! We were just sparring! Who allowed you to fight him! Get back!"

Hearing this, the brothers hurriedly stopped and lowered their weapons in their hands again.

Although Poison and Hugo only recently joined the Crazy Gear Gang with their own small gangs, they are now only big gang leaders, and their status is not as high as that of Damude.

However, their strength is obvious to all. With the rule of the Crazy Gear Gang that the capable are on top, it is only a matter of time for them to become high-level officials.

Not to mention that they are two people, while Damude is only one person.

Therefore, these little minions really dare not disobey Poison's words.

Even when Damude's face changed, he did not continue to shout, but laughed out loud and opened his arms at the same time.

"Oh! So it's one of us! Look, this is a misunderstanding! You said it was me earlier!"

As a high-level official of the Crazy Gear Gang, Damude is neither good at fighting nor has any skills. The reason why he can climb to this position is that he is shameless.

He is responsible for doing dirty and tiring work, and he knows how to adapt to the situation.

He had already understood from Qin Ming's strength that the other party was not someone to be trifled with. Seeing that Du Yao was unwilling to fight with him, he changed his attitude on the spot.

Seeing this, Du Yao withdrew his gaze from him and turned to look at Qin Ming.

"My friend, it is better to resolve a feud than to create one. We have fought and we know each other. Why don't we have a drink and get to know each other thoroughly? I'll treat you!"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered when he heard this. Looking at the three BOSSes in front of him, he didn't dare to take action and try to fight three against one.

After all, although he now has the S-level skill, this killer move is only good at bullying or single-player, and its most powerful feature is its recovery and endurance effect.

If there are enough monsters around, then before his mental power is exhausted, he is theoretically immortal, and any injury can be quickly recovered.

In a one-on-one duel, even if there are no large numbers of monsters to provide him with blood, the blood stored in his body alone is enough for him to squander for a long time, giving him strong endurance.

But this is limited to a one-on-one duel. If he faces three BOSSes at a time, he will be chased and beaten by the three of them.

Then the recovery effect may not keep up with the speed of injury. If one is not careful, he will be beaten to death by three people.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Qin Ming nodded decisively.

"Okay, it would be best if someone treats you."

You can't fight, at least not now.

Since the other party wants to treat him to a drink, then drink it.

It just so happens that he still has a lot of doubts and wants to take the opportunity to ask these local plot characters...

A moment later, Qin Ming has arrived in a bar in the city, and there are a lot of thugs from the Crazy Gear Gang and the three BOSSes, Poison, sitting next to him.

At this moment, the first level big boss Damde was swinging his dreadlocks wildly in the dance floor, jumping to his heart's content.

Poison and Hugo, who had recovered from their injuries, were sitting next to them drinking.

Qin Ming, who was sitting at the bar, now frowned and was thinking about something.

He had already figured out the source of their weird paralysis effect from the two of them.

It turned out that the characters in the Street Fighter world all practiced a power called Qi!

Once it bursts out with all your strength! Inject it into the enemy's body! It can form a powerful paralysis effect! Make the opponent unable to resist!

If you want to resist this kind of Qi, you can only use Qi to defend. Qin Ming does not have this kind of Qi in his body, so naturally he will hit one by one.

Unlike the bloodline theory in the King of Fighters world, there is no bloodline theory in the Street Fighter world, and there are not so many strange bloodline powers.

The characters in this world! They are just a group of pure practitioners!

The strength is not based on bloodline at all! It only depends on talent and diligence!

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