Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 293 Charming Poison

Inside the bar, countless men and women were twisting their bodies to their heart's content, and in front of the bar, two big guys were sitting together, which was particularly eye-catching.

From time to time, women in hot clothes would come over and try to chat and exchange feelings.

After all, they had seen strong men before, but it was the first time they had seen one as strong as this.

They were trying to try something new and showed great enthusiasm.

It was a pity that all these chats were in vain, because Qin Ming and Hugo, who were sitting over there, had no intention of paying attention to them at all.

He waved to the bartender and asked for a bottle of Coke.

Hugo, who had poured a glass, turned his head to look at Qin Ming and suddenly pushed the glass towards him.

Qin Ming was stunned by this, and politely raised his hand and pushed it back.

"Thank you, I'm not used to this kind of soft drink."

After saying that, Qin Ming raised his hand, motioned the bartender to come over, and ordered a glass of milk...

Just when Qin Ming picked up the glass, clinked it with Hugo, and then drank it all, footsteps suddenly sounded next to him.

Relying on the Qi in her body to heal her wounds, Du Yao, whose injuries had healed quickly, walked over from the side with a twisted waist.

Sitting next to her, leaning on the bar with one hand to support her face, she looked at Qin Ming with a smile, her eyes were very playful.

"Oh, your taste is quite unique. When did hyenas stop eating meat and drink milk instead? Why? Not yet an adult?"

Listening to the teasing from Du Yao, Qin Ming glanced at her silently, his expression very calm.

"Why? You want to treat me to meat?"

Hearing this, Du Yao immediately smiled and leaned over.

"That depends on whether you treat me to milk or not."

Raised his hand to hold the cup in Qin Ming's hand, and forcibly took the cup away.

While rotating the wine glass in his hand and looking at it carefully, Du Yao crossed his legs and spoke.

"Hyena, you are quite strong. Are you interested in joining the Crazy Gear Gang? With your strength, my brainpower, and Hugo's brute force, the three of us will definitely be able to do a lot. How about it? Are you interested in joining us?"

Poison's sudden invitation made Qin Ming frown and ponder for a moment.

After being in the nightmare space for so long, he has always been on the protagonist's side and has never joined the villain camp.

This time, the title effect has been activated and he appeared as a policeman, but neither the camp title task nor the redemption form was triggered.

This made Qin understand that it might not be so easy to join the protagonist camp this time.

In this case, it seems that joining the villain camp is not bad. Anyway, the task requirement is just to hunt down a BOSS-level plot character. Killing the righteous and the villain is the same for Qin Ming. After all, he is not a righteous partner.

Guess where he got the code name of Hyena? The moment he gave himself the code name of Hyena, it was already shown that Qin Ming was ready to do whatever it takes for the benefit and be profit-seeking.

As long as there is benefit! No matter who it is! He dares to kill you!

Nodding, seeing Du Yao raise the cup to drink, Qin Ming reached out and took the cup back without hesitation.

"Okay, join if you want to. Please help introduce me."

Du Yao, who had already put it to her mouth but still didn't drink it, rolled her eyes at Qin Ming in dissatisfaction, stood up and twisted her waist to walk away.

"Hmph! Wait! You don't even want to buy a glass of milk! Wait until I'm in a good mood!"

After saying that, Du Yao strode away. Qin Ming, who watched her leave, retracted his gaze, raised the cup and was about to moisten his throat, but looked down and found that a red lip mark had appeared on the cup.

This made Qin Ming stunned, and after reacting, he shrugged slightly, raised his hand to wipe off the lip mark, and drank it as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the giant Hugo, who was sitting next to him drinking Coke, suddenly spoke in a low voice without raising his head.

"Hey, stay away from poison."

Hearing this, Qin Ming was stunned, and then his eyes immediately became playful.

"What? Are you jealous?"

"No, I just remind you, this is for your own good."

"Huh? For my own good? What does that mean?"

Qin Ming was puzzled when he heard this, and Hugo looked up at him with a very serious expression.

"Don't touch poison, it will kill you."


"Guess why she is called poison? All the men who dared to have a dirty mind towards her have died without exception, and died miserably."

He took another sip of Coke. Hugo looked full of flesh, but he was not scary at all. On the contrary, he couldn't help showing a melancholy expression on his silly face.

"Poison has a special physique, and the qi produced in her body is also very strange. She will absorb the nutrition of any man and nourish herself in return. The previous men she met died. One of them was even the boss of our original gang. He was a very strong warrior. When he died, he looked like a mummy. Don't mention how miserable it was. If you don't want to die, don't mess with her."

Raised his hand and took another sip of Coke. Hugo paused for a moment and then added another sentence.

"Don't think that being vigilant will be useful. Her nickname Poison is not for nothing. Believe me, few people can resist her temptation. You don't have that strong willpower."

Hugo's words made Qin Ming's face quickly show an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Originally, he was still wondering why Poison, a third-rate fighter in the original plot, had an A-level skill.

After all this time, the so-called Charming Poison skill! It's a passive skill!

It can actually absorb nutrients from other people's bodies to replenish itself. What kind of natural charming body that absorbs yang and replenishes yin is this?

"So, can you resist the charm? Don't you feel impulsive?"

Looking at the giant next to him who is not much smaller than himself, Qin Ming frowned and couldn't help asking a question.

Looking at the other party's physique, he doesn't look like he is overindulging in sex and malnutrition, right?

Hugo, who heard the question, quickly looked up at Qin Ming, with a very puzzled expression on his silly face.

"No, why should I feel impulsive towards my good buddy? Would you be in heat with your brother? I grew up with her."

"Growing up together, isn't that called childhood sweethearts?"

"Only those who like each other are childhood sweethearts, and those who don't like each other are called bad friends."

"Then what about you?"

"Neither of them."

Hugo calmly took a sip of Coke, and his expression was very calm.

"She thinks my IQ is as low as a potato, and I think her heart is as bad as a honeycomb. Neither of us looks down on each other."

Qin Ming nodded when he heard it.

"I understand, my friend."

After taking another sip of milk and feeling the strong aroma in his mouth, Qin Ming tilted his head slightly to look at the poison in the distance.

Looking at those Crazy Gear Gang members who were obviously envious but were afraid of her reputation and avoided her, Qin Ming's eyebrows twitched slightly.

I don't know if it is possible to reveal her A-level Charming Poison passive skill if she is killed.

This is the first time he has seen such a weird skill.

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