Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 295 Kidnapping

On the slightly dilapidated street, a whole team of cars was driving at high speed.

And the cars were now full of members of the Crazy Gear Gang.

Holding various weapons, they all had serious expressions and looked very aggressive.

And Qin Ming was sitting in one of the cars, occupying all the seats in the back row by himself.

Now the plot has officially begun, and the plan to kidnap the daughter of the new mayor Mike Hag, which caused the two sides to completely turn against each other, is being implemented.

But this time Qin Ming appeared as a kidnapper.

As they arrived near the destination, the thugs holding weapons in their hands instantly tensed up.

The boss Damde who was in charge of the team this time was shaking his dreadlocks and licking the knife fiercely with his tongue.

Then he turned his head and suddenly looked at Qin Ming, grinning and showing a mouthful of rotten teeth.

"Brother! Are you ready to do it!"

Qin Ming did not give an answer immediately after hearing this, but lowered his head to search for it.

He took out a black hood from his pocket and put it on his face, leaving only his eyes and mouth exposed. He then put on his pirate hat.

Then he looked up at Damde who was sitting in the front passenger seat and nodded heavily.


Looking at Qin Ming's classic gangster look, Damde was stunned for a moment, and the younger brothers around him were also stunned.

"Brother, what are you doing..."

"It's my first time being a bad guy, I'm not used to it. I'm afraid of stage fright, so it's better to cover my face."

Hearing Qin Ming's answer, Damde's mouth trembled violently.

Looking at Qin Ming's body shape, he didn't think there was any difference between the guy in front of him covering his face and not covering his face. He shrugged slightly, raised his hand and opened the car door, and strode towards the building in front with a dagger in his hand.

Qin Ming also hurriedly opened the car door when he saw this, and followed him to the front with a fierce momentum.

In an instant, a black mass of more than 30 people came out in full force and quickly rushed to the villa.

Some blocked the entrance, some watched the windows, and the rest followed Qin Ming and Damude into the room.

With a loud noise coming from the door, Damude kicked the door open with a strange smile and waved his hands vigorously.

"Smash everything! Smash everything that can be smashed!"

Hearing this, the younger brothers shouted loudly, you swung the steel pipe and I swung the baseball bat, aiming at the furnishings in the room and began to destroy them crazily.

Damude led several confidants and staggered towards the second floor.

The new mayor, Mike Hag, is obviously a rich man, otherwise he would not have become the mayor.

As a well-known street wrestler, he has a great reputation, and his appearance fee is naturally not low.

Relying on the money he has earned over the years, the house he lives in is actually a three-story villa! There is even a nanny and two guards in the villa!

The two guards were both wrestlers, and their strength was not weak. They were both elite monsters, and it was definitely not a problem for them to deal with local hooligans.

Unfortunately, they encountered a massive invasion by the Crazy Gear Gang. Facing the human wave tactics, they could not rely on the two of them alone.

He kicked away a guard who rushed over from the front, and at the same time, he forced the door open.

Seeing that the nanny was still trying to stop him, he raised his hand and grabbed the baseball bat of the younger brother next to him, and swung it on the other's head. Damde, who knocked him down on the spot, rushed directly into the boudoir of the mayor's daughter.

Looking at the silent, empty room, he kept scratching his cheek with a dagger, and a smirk gradually appeared on his face.

"Hey! Baby! Are you playing hide-and-seek with me? Don't let me find you! You will be punished if I find you!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward.

He pulled open the curtains and lifted the bed at the same time.

He did not find the target's trace, so he turned his eyes around and suddenly locked his sight on the closet.

Looking at the closed closet, his smile became more and more obvious, and he suddenly waved to his brothers.

The brothers who rushed into the room looked at each other, smiled evilly, and quickly moved towards the closet. Then one of them grabbed one of the closet doors and pulled it open with force.

As the sunlight shone in, a terrified blonde girl appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the fierce thugs blocking the closet with evil smiles on their faces, Jessica, the daughter of the mayor, could not help but scream and pulled the closet door back with force.

Looking at the heavily closed closet door, the thugs raised their hands to pull it, but they couldn't pull it open, as if something was stuck inside, and they laughed out loud.

One of the thugs who came to the front and pulled the closet door hard turned his head to look at his companions while pulling it, and teased out loud.

"This woman is still shy! Hahaha! She!"


Before the voice fell, a loud noise suddenly came into the ears. The laughter of the people who heard the noise stopped abruptly, and the thug standing in front of the door slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest.

Looking at the blood hole on his chest and the blood that kept pouring out of it, he opened his mouth slightly, but he couldn't say a word, and fell straight to the ground.

With a muffled sound of "pu", the thug who was shot died on the spot.

This made the remaining thugs look up at the wardrobe.

Looking at the bullet holes on the wardrobe, everyone was shocked.

Before they could recover from the shock, gunshots were heard one after another, and bullet holes exploded one after another from the wardrobe door!

Looking at the bullets that kept coming out of the closet, everyone screamed in fear and hurriedly hid behind the bunker.

This scene made Qin Ming, who followed in and was standing at the door at the moment, roll his eyes.

He no longer expected this bunch of rubbish to succeed, so he shook his head and approached the closet door.

Qin Ming, who didn't even dodge, let Jessica inside shoot him twice, and stretched out his arm and stabbed the closet hard.

With a bang, the wooden board was pierced by Qin Ming's punch on the spot.

Jessica inside, watching the strong arm that broke through the door from her side, screamed in fear.

Before she could finish her voice, the arm had already gathered tightly, directly hugged her waist, and forced her out of the closet!

Qin Ming, who completely ignored Jessica's struggle, carried her on his shoulders and turned around and left.

Facing the bullets that Jessica was shooting at him with a gun while struggling, Qin Ming even slapped her with annoyance, forcibly knocking the weapon out of her hand.

Seeing this scene, looking at the blonde beauty Jessica being carried high up, the thugs who finally stood up from behind the bunkers cheered and quickly moved towards here.

Some whistled, clapped, and screamed. There was even a guy who raised his hand and slapped hard, hitting his buttocks hard!

Logically speaking, slapping the buttocks is nothing, after all, Jessica is already the spoils of the Crazy Gear Gang.

But the problem is that this guy didn't slap the blonde Jessica, he slapped Qin Ming's buttocks...


Qin Ming, with a dark face, stopped, turned around and slapped the guy hard, and slapped the guy on the spot for two full circles before he fell to the ground.

Looking at their companions who had died on the spot, the thugs who had gathered around and were ready to take advantage of the situation, the strange cries in their mouths disappeared on the spot.

They took two steps back and distanced themselves from Qin Ming.

Even Jessica, who was hanging on Qin Ming's shoulder, stopped screaming.

With a dark face, Qin Ming looked around at everyone, turned around without saying a word and continued to move forward, leaving Damude and his brothers staring at each other.

They found that this new big guy was much more brutal than the silly Hugo.

He would really kill people if he disagreed with them!

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