Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 296 Threat from the Villain

In the dark room, Jessica, who was tied up, was huddled in a corner with a terrified look on her face. Qin Ming and Damude stood opposite.

Looking at the blonde beauty in front of him, Qin Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What should we do next?"

Damude grinned and quickly raised his hand to pat his chest.

"I'm good at this, leave it to me. Let's use her to threaten the new mayor and ask him to cooperate with us in the future and not to interfere in our affairs. If the other party is obedient, everything will be fine. We will return the person. If the other party is not obedient! Hehehehe! Then our brothers will be blessed at that time!"

When he said this, Damude couldn't help showing a lewd smile on his face, and gently nudged Qin Ming with his elbow, and said with a beaming face.

"This is a big beauty! Look at her figure! Look at this face! If the mayor is unwilling to cooperate and must turn against us, then I will make the decision! I will give her to you to enjoy first! Then I will... in... in..."

When he said this, Damude's tone suddenly paused.

He turned his head and looked up and down at Qin Ming's body, and then looked at Jessica who was terrified on the opposite side.

The smile on his face suddenly withdrew and slowly disappeared.

What the hell! Just based on the physique of the human brown bear next to him! He has enjoyed it first! What can I do!

You say he has nothing to say! What's the point of being so generous!

Qin Ming didn't know about Damde's psychological changes.

Hearing what the other party said, he just looked at the other party with disgust, with a look of contempt.

Only useless guys! Will use force to possess women! He despises this kind of people the most!

The guy next to him is really a complete bastard, unlike himself.

Although he looks a little fierce, has a violent personality, is a little ruthless, and kills more people, he can still be regarded as a good man!

After all, which of his women was not earned by his own ability! Do you think he has used force?

What? All by the title? Isn't the title a skill?

Qin Ming stood by with his arms folded, looking at Jessica who was looking at him with horror, with a blank expression on his face.

Damude on the side saw this and rolled his eyes, thinking that Qin Ming had some special ideas, and hurriedly reminded him in a low voice.

"Brother, this is related to the boss's mission. You must not mess around. Before the official falling out, you can't touch her, otherwise there will be no cooperation."

"Don't worry, I'm not Teddy, I won't go up to confront everything I see."

"Oh, that's good, but although you can't touch her, it's okay to touch her. By the way, how about you go over and take off her coat? After all, we still have to video chat with the mayor! If you don't show him some color! He won't be obedient!"

As Damude's voice fell, Jessica on the opposite side was frightened and her face turned pale instantly, and she grabbed her collar tightly with both hands.

Qin Ming shook his head and said as he walked towards Jessica.

"No need to bother."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Ming had already walked to Jessica's side. Before Damude could figure out what he meant by this, he had already pulled Jessica over, put his arm on her shoulder, and raised his head.

"Just send this picture over. The deterrent effect is no less than stripping her clothes."

Damude looked at Qin Ming's huge body, strong muscles, and the sexy red jacket that showed his abdominal muscles and half of his chest muscles.

He looked at Jessica, who was in sharp contrast with Qin Ming's body shape. After being hugged, she looked very petite, and her face instantly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"Beauty and the Beast, brother! You are indeed much more scary than stripping her clothes directly!"

Nodding happily, Damude quickly moved the TV and connected to the communication channel of the new mayor Mike Hager.

As the channel was connected, Damude grinned at the burly man on the screen.

"Hey! New mayor! Are you busy? Don't be busy yet. We have something to discuss with you. You should know me, right? Do you know the man behind me?"

As he spoke, Damude had already stepped aside to reveal Jessica and Qin Ming who was hugging her forcefully.

Seeing his daughter on the screen and the big, burly man next to her wearing a gangster black hood, Mayor Mike Hager, who had originally had a serious face, quickly showed an expression of shock mixed with anger.

"Jessica? You bitches...what are you going to do to her!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry! Your baby daughter can sit here well, which means we haven't done anything to her yet. But if you don't want to cooperate, my brother might really do something!"

"Keep that bear away from my daughter!"

"Bear? No no no no no! He is much more fierce than a bear!"

Putting his ugly face in front of the TV, grinning and showing a mouthful of rotten teeth, Damd had a wicked smile on his face.

"Mayor, why do you have to make things difficult for us? Isn't it good for everyone to work together to make money? Just like the previous mayor, we will give you a reward every month, and you turn a blind eye to our affairs. Everyone will be better off, so why not do it?"

"I will never bow to a group of criminals!"

"Oh? Really? Then if you have to make trouble with us, if you don't bow to us, your daughter will bow to my brother! I'll give you three days to think about it! Three days later! Either everyone cooperates! Or! I Let my brother be your son-in-law!"

With a grin, Damud raised his hand and turned off the TV without giving the mayor a chance to speak.

This made the mayor opposite, Mike Hager, so angry that he punched the TV directly.

He stood up and tugged at the suit on his body, tearing it to pieces, revealing the strong muscles underneath.

Mike Hager, who looked like a devilishly muscular man, had bulging veins on his forehead.

"These bastards! How dare they! Is this even a royal law?"

Mike Hager slammed the table hard and lowered his head to calm down. After calming down, he suddenly spoke.

"It seems that what you said is right. The Crazy Gear Gang is really planning to threaten me with my daughter. I should have made preparations earlier. I really didn't expect them to be so lawless! How dare they attack the family members of government officials!"

Hearing this, several people standing aside quickly came to their senses.

The few people secretly glanced at each other with very strange expressions, and quickly said a few words of comfort.

"Don't worry, mayor. With us here, we can definitely rescue your daughter. What we can't stand the most is this kind of person who disobeys the king's law!"

Although he said that, the four adventurers who had found excuses to contact one of the protagonists, the mayor, now looked extremely confused.

hiss! its not right! What about the promised benefits? Where are the photos you promised? Why is there no more?

And who is the muscular man in the hood on TV? Was there such a number one character in the original plot?

Good guy! Just that body grid! Could it be that he time-traveled from some pornographic cartoon? They haven't heard of Kuaishou in the whirlwind world! Is there any evil and dark plot that cannot be broadcast?

The four intermediate adventurers who originally had full confidence in the plan to save Jessica and gain the trust of the three protagonists suddenly felt that their confidence was not so high at this moment.

This is not because they are afraid of not being able to defeat the opponent, but mainly because they are afraid that the opponent will attack too quickly and the rescue target will be destroyed before they can see the person.

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