Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 297 Kasamoto Eri's role-playing game

Jessica, daughter of Mayor Mike Hager, is also another protagonist, a character in the King of Fighters world, Cody's childhood sweetheart and fiancée.

Unlike her father, the devil muscle man, and her fiancé who loves fighting, Jessica is a scholar, a very smart scholar.

She advocates using wisdom to solve problems, and believes that the mind is far more useful than fists.

And it turns out that sometimes her theory does not hold true.

In the room, Jessica, who had been tied up, sat on a chair with her legs tightly closed, and suddenly spoke in a low voice with some timidity.

"Um, sir, I want to drink some water."

Hearing this, Qin Ming, who was sitting next to him eating pizza, couldn't help rolling his eyes and grabbed a bottle of Coke and threw it over.

Looking at the Coke on the table in front of her, Jessica was speechless.

"My hands are tied, I can't open the bottle, I."


Before she finished her words, Qin Ming stood up and walked over. He raised his hand and poked the Coke bottle hard. His finger instantly poked a small hole on the top, and then threw a straw in.

Jessica was stunned when she saw this scene. Seeing Qin Ming turning around and preparing to go back, she hurriedly whispered.

"Well, I still want to go to the toilet. Can you help me untie the rope?"

Qin Ming turned his head silently after hearing this, and looked at Jessica expressionlessly.

Looking at the woman in front of him who regarded him as a mentally retarded person and actually came up with such an excuse, he sighed helplessly, went over to grab the Coke bottle and twisted it hard, and forcibly pulled off the upper half.

"Use this to deal with it."

"No! How can you let a lady use this kind of thing! Where's your gentlemanly manners!"

"My gentlemanly manners, I think you don't want to see, I'll give you one last chance, use this."

"I won't!"

"Well, you asked for it."

Seeing that the hostage on the opposite side was unwilling to cooperate, Qin Ming shrugged slightly, suddenly pulled out a revolver and fired a shot into the sky.

The next second, Kasamoto Eri, the follower, quickly appeared beside him.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Keep an eye on this woman, our identity this time is kidnappers."

Qin Ming said as he turned and left, and Kasamoto Eri's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Turning his head to look at Jessica who was staring at him with wide eyes, she suddenly grinned, raised her hand to take off her military uniform jacket, and casually pulled off a leather jacket from the wall and put it on.

Then he pulled out the military dagger from his waist, stretched out his tongue and licked the blade hard.

"Little girl! You fell into our hands today! You are unlucky! Come! Have fun and make me happy!"

Having gradually gotten used to hanging out with Qin Ming and playing various roles in various worlds, Kasamoto Eri quickly adapted to his identity as a kidnapper, and it was obvious that he was enjoying it...

An hour later, the door rang, and Qin Ming leaned on the sofa and tilted his head slightly when he heard the sound.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri walking out of the room, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"What? That woman doesn't want to escape?"

Hearing this, Kasamoto Eri straightened his belt hard, shook his messy hair at the same time, and raised his head and snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, she shouldn't have the energy to think about escaping in a short time."

"Oh... Eri."


"Don't learn bad things from that Sun Ji. You are a modern regular soldier, but she is just the sister of a warlord in the feudal era. You should pay attention to your image and behavior."

Looking at Kasamoto Eri, whose face was red at the moment, who obviously took the opportunity to do something bad, Qin Ming sighed helplessly.

He found that since Kasamoto Eri and Sun Ji got together, the two of them, who had similar tastes, became more and more compatible. Kasamoto Eri was also kidnapped and became more and more outrageous. This was not a good sign.

Kasamoto Eri walked directly to Qin Ming after hearing this. After sitting on the sofa next to him, she snatched the cigarette from Qin Ming and took a puff.

Kasamoto Eri exhaled a puff of smoke at Qin Ming comfortably, with a playful expression.

"Boss, why do you think that I learned bad things from her?"


"A little girl from ancient times, how can she know as much as I do!"


Looking at Qin Ming, whose eyes were gradually widening, Kasamoto Eri smiled evilly and hit his waist hard with his elbow.

"Boss, I have to say it. Your vision is as good as ever. The quality of the hostage this time is good. With that figure and face, it would be a pity to kill her directly after extorting the money. Why don't you keep her for us for a while?"

"Eri Kasamoto! You really think you are a bastard kidnapper! Stop it!"

Seeing that Eri Kasamoto was a little too integrated into the role, Qin Ming finally couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed Eri Kasamoto's coat, pulled her up and threw her.

The force was so great that Eri Kasamoto's head shook back and forth.

Qin Ming, who was here, was trying to use physical means to help Eri Kasamoto, a big drunkard, sober up a little, when a loud noise suddenly came from the door.

The two people who heard the noise changed their faces. Whether it was Qin Ming who was angry or Eri Kasamoto who was playing the role of a robber, their pupils shrank at the same time.

Qin Ming directly let go of Eri Kasamoto and stood up suddenly to block her.

Kasamoto Eri quickly took out the revolver from his waist, hid behind Qin Ming, used his broad body as a cover, and aimed the gun forward.

The two reacted very quickly, and their cooperation was extremely tacit and coherent.

Almost the next second after hearing the sound, they had already taken a defensive posture.

At this moment, a man had already shown his head at the door that was kicked open.

He held a shotgun in his hand and raised his hand to shoot inside the house!

A large number of shotgun shells were fired, directly hitting the minions in the hall and screaming, and countless blood lines splashed on their bodies.

Qin Ming, who was shot head-on, was also hit by sparks.

Before the man who pulled the bolt hard raised his hand to fire the second shot, Kasamoto Eri, who was hiding behind Qin Ming, had already pulled the trigger directly, and a shot accurately hit the man's wrist, causing the other party to scream in pain, and the shotgun in his hand fell to the ground, and he quickly left the room.


Kasamoto Eri roared, raised his hand and slapped Qin Ming's back hard. Qin Ming rushed to the door without saying a word, and Kasamoto Eri followed closely behind.

One front row, one output, this is the main reason why Qin Ming chose to summon Kasamoto Eri as a summoned creature, in order to let her cooperate with him in combat and make up for his lack of firepower.

After such a long period of cooperation, the two have already formed a certain tacit understanding, and now they cooperate smoothly.

With a loud bang! Qin Ming forcibly smashed through the wall with one shoulder! He was the first to kill out of the building! Rushed to the street!

And Kasamoto Eri, who rushed out immediately, had already drawn out his machine gun, raised his weapon and fired wildly outside, suppressing the firepower.

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