Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 304: Martial God Style! Kai!

Just when Feng Mo and Firebird were launching an attack on BOSS Damud, on the other side, the second attack was quietly staged.

With a loud bang, the door was kicked open, and a figure quickly rushed into the room.

Wearing an orange-red training suit with the word "武神" painted on his chest, Kai, a disciple of the martial arts style, made a martial arts style hand pose with a serious expression and kept scanning his surroundings with sharp eyes.

Looking at the silent room, he couldn't help but frown.

He received an emergency call from Wind Demon and Fire Bird and rushed over to provide support.

Although Kai didn't really approve of these guys with unknown origins who suddenly appeared to help him and others save Jessica.

Especially after they clearly learned the location of Jessica's kidnapping, but did not tell him and others, and instead went to the rescue alone, but failed to save anyone, and two of them were killed, Kai did not agree with it even more. their abilities.

It's just that they don't agree or not, they are our own people who are willing to help after all. Kai, who has a strong sense of justice in his heart, can't watch them being beaten to death.

Not to mention the brief distress signal sent by the two of them, which seemed to mean that they had found Jessica's location again, so Kai couldn't stand idly by.

Originally, Kai wanted to call Mayor Mike Hager and his friend Cody to come over, but for some reason the call couldn't be reached and the phone was broken.

Unwilling to waste time, he had no choice but to come alone.

After all, he has confidence in himself, but he doesn't believe that he can't defeat a group of street gangsters.

And his confidence, which comes from being a warrior, is the reason why Wind Demon and Fire Bird dare to guarantee that they can lure him here alone...

Raising his fists up and down, Kai kept scanning the surroundings, and cautiously walked towards the room to explore.

Feeling the silent atmosphere around him, he vaguely realized that something was wrong.

It was such a peaceful scene, it didn't look like someone had been fighting here.

Did I accidentally look for the wrong place, or...

Just when Kai was scanning the surroundings vigilantly, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded from the front.

Kai perked up when he heard the sound and quickly turned to face that way.

Then under his vigilant gaze, a huge black shadow slowly walked out of the shadows and appeared in front of him.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the darkness with his entire face covered in shadow, suddenly stopped.

Looking at Kai with a serious expression opposite him, he couldn't help but frown and whispered softly.


"who are you!"


"You were the one who kidnapped Jessica? It was you who lured me here specially this time!"

"That's right."

The sound of footsteps sounded again, and Qin Ming walked out of the shadows expressionlessly, completely revealing his huge two-meter-three-meter body in front of Kai.

Looking at Qin Ming's extremely burly figure, even Kai, a martial arts disciple, couldn't help but take a breath and instinctively took a step back.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, continued to look at Kai silently, and a previous guess in his heart had been completely confirmed.

After entering the world of Kombat Tornado, Qin Ming discovered that the attributes of the plot characters in this world, which was interconnected with the Street Fighter world, seemed to be very special.

Their properties are very off-the-beaten-path! The plot characters in the King of Fighters world are completely different from those in other worlds.

People in this world, regardless of gender, are very physically strong, and so are their body types.

He is either tall and round-waisted, or extremely muscular. His whole body is full of muscle lines, full of a sense of power and violent aesthetics.

And their basic attributes! They are all walking in the body style!

The strength and physique are frighteningly high! Correspondingly, the agility attribute is very poor!

Hugo is like this, Damud is like this, and the bosses of the Crazy Gear Gang that I saw at the party are also like this.

Even poison this woman! With one of the protagonists in front of you! Gai of the Fighting God style! The same is true!

You must know the so-called Wushen style. Although the name is very domineering, it is actually a ninjutsu school!

His status is equivalent to that of Shiranui-ryu in the King of Fighters world. They all follow the fast and light combo route.

However, the attributes of the Kai in front of him are completely different from Mai Shiranui!

Name: 武神流~kai

Strength 40

Physique 45

Agility 25

Spirit 25

Skills: Fighting Style of Fighting God (Level B) Go Thunder Kick of Fighter (Level B) Eight Pairs of Fighting Fists (Level B)

Introduction: The 39th generation disciple of Wushen style, a talented fighter, famous for his kicking skills.

As a ninja, he only has 25 points of agility? It seems that what I guessed before was indeed correct, this is a plot character in the Street Fighter world! They are all reckless players!

Each one has better resistance to fighting, each one is more powerful than the other, and they are also blessed by the special Qi training system in their bodies. It can be said that they are all tank-type existences.

The only difference is that some are light tanks and some are heavy tanks.

The price paid for gaining strong physical strength is a serious lack of agility.

Qin Ming's current agility score is only 28. In other fighting worlds, his agility score is unresponsive, but in the Street Fighter world, he is still outstanding!

Looking at Kai opposite him, who was seriously biased in attributes, Qin Ming couldn't help but sneered and slowly raised his two thick arms.

Kai, who was on the opposite side, also nodded and took the starting posture of Wushenliu. The two of them immediately started a silent confrontation in the room, and the atmosphere in the room froze on the spot.

Time passed by minute by minute, and neither of them took the initiative to attack, but just silently observed each other.

Qin Ming did not attack first, mainly because he was not sure about the specific fighting style of Wushenliu, so he did not dare to act rashly.

And the reason why Kai did not attack first was because he was a little confused now.

At this moment, Kai, who had adjusted the Qi in his body to the extreme and constantly sensed the state of his opponent, was shocked to find that there was no Qi in Qin Ming's body at all!

He was just an ordinary person who looked very strong!

There are actually warriors in this world who do not practice Qi? The opponent is so big, but no one came to discover him and accept him as a disciple to teach martial arts?

Such a special situation made Kai very surprised for a while, but this surprise only lasted for a moment.

After discovering that he could not use the Qi in his body to judge Qin Ming's specific school and strength attributes, Kai no longer hesitated and finally chose to strike first!

With a loud shout, he leaped up and kicked Qin Ming with his side kick.

As the Qi in his body was completely mobilized, a visible airflow formed around him!

Wushen Style! Kamaitachi!


This flying kick was fierce and fast, with amazing power, and ordinary people could never dodge it.

But the problem is that Qin Ming is also a master with A-level fighting skills. His skills are definitely not worse than Kai, and even better than him.

In addition, Kai's agility is not as good as Qin Ming, so how could this sudden flying kick hit him?

He quickly turned sideways and easily dodged Kai's flying kick. Looking at Kai, who kicked the ground and directly shook a lot of cracks on the ground, he turned around and raised his elbow to hit him the moment he landed.

Qin Ming did not hesitate to hit him with an elbow!

With a bang, the two men's arms collided and they were fiercely blocked together.

The two men, who were equally matched in strength, looked at each other, and a fierce light flashed in their eyes. Then they simultaneously withdrew their hands and retreated, launching a series of lightning-fast punches at each other.

Straight punch! Swinging arms! Dropping elbows! Lifting knees!

Qin Ming's fighting style mainly highlights the word "ruthless". All of them are killing skills that are quickly displayed in a very small range. The main focus is to kill with one blow, which is a standard military technique.

On the other hand, Kai, who is a martial arts style, fights with body movements and hands and feet. He jumps up and down and mainly wanders around, and the main focus is elegance.

The two of them attacked and defended, and in a series of muffled bangs, they fought for dozens of rounds in a blink of an eye.

The two of them kept punching and kicking at the same place, and neither of them could take advantage of the other. In the end, with a straight punch, they hit each other's chest at the same time, and slid away again.

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