Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 305 The pros and cons of digitization


Kai leaped up and used the Wushen Prison Lock Fist, punching Qin Ming in the chest.

Qin Ming, who was hit by the punch, did not move at all. Instead, he took the opportunity to punch Kai in the chest, knocking him out on the spot.

Kai slid several meters away before raising his legs and kicking the ground. He held his chest and coughed violently.

He looked up at Qin Ming with a shocked expression.

Such a big body! How did the opponent perform such a coherent technique!

Logically speaking, a big guy should not react very slowly!

Compared with Kai's shock, Qin Ming's expression was very calm.

He raised his hand and patted his chest. He stood up and looked at his opponent, and suddenly a bloody light appeared in his eyes.

"The test is over, kid, it's time to get serious!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Ming burst into a roar.

As his arms rotated, they turned into tiger claws and rested on his waist. A stream of blood-colored air quickly gathered in his palm and finally compressed into a ball.

Imitation~ Overlord Roaring Fist!


With the whistling wind, Qin Ming began to mobilize the blood in his body, raised his hand and shot out a two-meter-long energy blood ball!

This made Kai's face change when he saw this scene.

He couldn't figure out how the opponent could use such a long-range attack method when there was no power fluctuation in his body. He hurriedly kicked the ground with his legs and shot up.

With a bang, the blood ball hit the wall heavily, and the whole wall was blown into pieces on the spot.

Kai kicked the wall with his legs, and the whole person squatted on the wall. He once again exerted force with his legs and shot towards Qin Ming on the opposite side.

Kick out! Wushen Style! Kamaitachi!

It was the same flying kick again, and the same technique again.

However, this time the flying kick successfully hit the target, hitting Qin Ming's chest, who did not dodge.

Hearing the muffled sound in his ears, Kai couldn't help but show a happy face.

But before the smile completely appeared, he saw Qin Ming, who had taken the blow with his chest, had taken the opportunity to pinch his ankle with both hands and swung it to the side smoothly.


Amid the loud noise, with a stunned expression, Kai, who was swept out like a meteor hammer, smashed the wardrobe next to him directly, causing wood chips to fly all over the sky.

And before the sound fell, Qin Ming, who had grabbed Kai's ankle with both hands, had already swung him again and swung him towards other furniture.

Tables and chairs! Smash!

TV! Smash!

Counter! Smash!

Completely ignoring Kai's powerful kick with his other leg, Qin Ming swung his opponent and swung it around, smashing the entire hall beyond recognition.

Finally, with a swing of his hand, Kai was thrown out and spun, hitting the wall next to him, breaking through the wall and flying into the next room.

Bricks were scattered everywhere, and Kai rolled on the ground. At this moment, his fighting suit was torn and bruised, and his face was bruised.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he quickly supported himself with his hands and jumped up from the ground.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, he looked up and saw a huge blood blade coming at him!

Imitation-sonic hand knife! Continuous slash!

The buzzing sound was connected, and a large number of blood-colored sonic hand knives blasted into the room crazily.

Walls! Furniture! Decorations! Everything was shattered in an instant!

Facing the bombardment of a large number of blood blades, Kai was scared and dodged left and right. Relying on his superb skills, he managed to avoid most of the attacks.

Occasionally, if there was something he couldn't avoid, he could also rely on crossing his hands to condense energy and forcibly parry it.

Adventurers and plot characters have their own merits and demerits.

Adventurers have the advantage of completely digitized bodies, which gives them extremely strong vitality.

As long as they are not completely killed, even if they are severely disabled, they still have the ability to fight for their lives and escape.

For example, if a fatal injury such as a piercing through the heart is placed on an ordinary plot character, it would have been a sudden death.

Adventurers can withstand such fatal injuries and continue to escape as if nothing happened, until their vitality is completely exhausted before they fall down.

From this point of view, adventurers seem to have taken a big advantage.

However, the digitized body also pays a price. The biggest price is that they can only learn skills through skill books, and cannot learn abilities by themselves like plot characters.

Even if there is a genius who learns it himself, the ability he finally learns will be transformed into skills and appear in his skill column.

The moves of adventurers are rigid, while the moves of plot characters are changeable. One is like a fixed program input into a computer, and the other is a programmer programming himself.

In terms of the speed of learning, the former is naturally outstanding.

But in terms of the enhancement of combat power, the latter far exceeds the former!

There are pros and cons between the two. Under normal circumstances, adventurers must rely on a digitized body and various strange props to have the confidence to fight against the characters in the plot.

But Qin Ming is different now. His newly acquired S skill, flesh and blood fusion, is equivalent to storing a stream of energy in his body, which allows him to use it at will.

With this energy, Qin Ming will no longer be restricted by skills, and can release blood at will to strengthen his moves, or even create his own moves.

In a sense! In this mode, he has broken through the limitations of the nightmare space! He has become an alternative plot character!

Plot characters have many skills? He knows more!

Plot characters have fast changes in moves? He becomes faster!

As long as the blood in the body is not consumed! Then his moves are endless!

Throwing out the twelve-tone speed hand knife continuously, seeing that even this move can't take down Kai, Qin Ming roared and raised his hand to punch the ground.

As the blood on the ground spread, the blood column suddenly spurted up.

Imitation-energy fountain!

Roaring, Qin Ming punched the ground with both arms four times, aiming at the enemy and spraying blood columns four times. Seeing that he still couldn't hit the opponent, he suddenly gathered his hands at his chest and controlled a large amount of blood to gather together.

And with the activation of the blood, white flames rose directly on the blood ball this time, making the already creepy blood ball become more weird for a while.

Imitation-Orochi Nagi!

Accompanied by the blood ball exploding! Transformed into flames to wrap around himself!

Qin Ming, who was covered in fire and turned into a fireman on the spot, turned into a fireball and blasted forward directly.

This made Kai, who was constantly fleeing on the opposite side, look gloomy. This time, he did not choose to dodge. He suddenly put his hands together and mobilized all the energy in his body.

The next second, he actually took the posture of leaning on the iron mountain and pushed the fireball hard with one shoulder.

Wushen style! Collapse of the mountain!


The powerful shock wave spread out, directly shaking the already scarred wall to collapse.

Kai, who had fought a move, kicked the ground with his legs. He took two steps back in succession.

On the other hand, Qin Ming slid more than three meters away this time before he forced himself to stabilize his body.

The various skills he imitated with the blood in his body were fake after all. They did not have the fixed power of the skills learned by adventurers in the nightmare space, nor the terrifying lethality of the real moves in the hands of the plot characters.

It was fine when he was fighting with adventurers before. In the long-range bombardment, his move did not show any shortcomings.

Not to mention that the basic attributes of ordinary adventurers are not as good as his.

But now he is fighting with the characters in the plot in close combat, and the flaws of his fake skills are completely exposed.

In a forced fight! He simply cannot beat his opponent!

Seeing that Qin Ming actually lost the fight and was unstable for a while, Kai's eyes flashed and he quickly seized this opportunity.

He roared, his body flashed, and he launched his ultimate move without hesitation.

The secret of the God of War! The God of War's Eight Fists!

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