Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 307 Hunting Cody

The first round of cooperation between Qin Ming and the other two adventurers can be said to be very perfect. Both sides who have won the spoils are very satisfied with the results.

However, they are satisfied, but the characters in the plot will be dissatisfied.

A senior member of the Crazy Gear Gang died, and a master died on the protagonist's side, which quickly caused turmoil in both sides.

The two sides, who were still preparing and had not officially started the war, thought that the other side took the lead when they saw this scene, and started fighting without hesitation.

Don't look at the original plot. There were only three people on the protagonist's side from beginning to end. It seems that they went to the enemy alone and disintegrated the Crazy Gear Gang. They really thought they were lone wolves.

In fact, on the contrary, there are not fewer people on the protagonist's side, and they may even have more people than the Crazy Gear Gang.

After all, Mike Hag, the wrestler, is the mayor! To put it bluntly, the Crazy Gear Gang is just an underground gang!

A rampant gang! That can't be exposed, right!

Because what is needed to crack down on gangs is evidence, but what is needed for bandit suppression and anti-terrorism is just an address!

With the full-scale war, Mayor Mike Hager dispatched the police and even mobilized local troops. After finding the territory and industry of the Crazy Gear Gang, he took people in and started smashing, burning and burning... cough.

Anyway, a set of combined punches hit the Crazy Gear Gang hard.

If they didn't have informants in the police who could pass on information to them in advance, allowing them to transfer assets in advance, their losses would probably be even greater.

Seeing that their industry had suffered losses, the Crazy Gear Gang also began to retaliate wildly and wreak havoc everywhere.

Faced with such a chaotic scene, Qin Ming and his men, who were fishing in troubled waters, continued to hunt their own prey.

On the way, Qin Ming also informed Feng Mo and Huo Niao of the location of the second level BOSS, that is, the Western warrior Su Dumu!

This American who advocates Japanese Bushido culture is very burly, wears a set of homemade samurai armor all year round, and holds two samurai swords made at a high price. His combat power is extraordinary.

And he is also the second prey of Feng Mo and Huo Niao.

As a reward for Qin Ming's intelligence, Fengmo and Huo Niao also gave him the location of the second prey and expressed their willingness to lead the target to him for hunting...

In a room, Qin Ming was tidying up his equipment with a stern face, preparing for the tough battle that might happen next, and Kasamoto Eri was also checking the machine gun beside him.

Their hunting target this time was Cody, the No. 1 male protagonist in the Street Fighter world, and also the fiancé of the kidnapped blonde Jessica.

Speaking of this male protagonist, his status is quite tragic, especially in arcade games.

They are often designed with very average attributes, without any shortcomings, but correspondingly, they have no strengths.

And without strengths, it means that there is no outstanding place, and no one is willing to choose to play without outstanding places, and no one is willing to play will sit on the bench all year round.

This is the case with Cody in the Street Fighter world, the white Jack in the Dino Street Fighter world, and even King Arthur in the Knights of the Round Table world, with a shockingly low appearance rate.

There are three characters that can be chosen in the first generation of Street Fighter. Mayor Mike Hager is strong. Although his attack speed is slow, he can't stand high attack and thick blood.

The characteristic of Wushen Liukai is fast attack speed. Although he is thin and has low attack, he is light and has long arms and legs.

Only the protagonist Cody has no strength and no speed. He is the kind of king of the bench that experts think he has poor performance and rookies think he has no characteristics.

The reason why Qin Ming chose him as the second hunting target this time is also very simple.

Qin Ming is not afraid of fast attack speed, but he is afraid of fierce fists.

The mayor Mike Hager is not easy to mess with at first glance, so let's leave it to the end and kill all the easy ones first.

Qin Ming suddenly stood up from the chair, wearing a suit jacket and a red Seven Shackles performance costume inside, and suddenly turned his head to look at Kasamoto Eri.

"Are you ready?"

Kasamoto Eri jumped up from the bed and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, we're ready."

Grinning, Kasamoto Eri's face was very ferocious.

"That guy's name is Cody, right? He dares to snatch my woman! I'll kill him now!"

"............To be precise, you are snatching his woman."

"Ah, it's all the same!"

"Eri, I remind you again that we are forced to become murderers by the situation, but we can be murderers! Don't become a complete bastard! This is a question of moral bottom line! You!"

"Boss, when we get him, I'll give you half of Jessica."

"............Damn, dare to snatch my woman! Let's go! Kill him!"

Raising his hand and rolling up his sleeves, Qin Ming took Kasamoto Eri and walked out aggressively.

After walking out of the building, they split into two groups. Kasamoto Eri ran to set up a gun just in case, while Qin Ming went to the designated ambush site alone.

The two had already ambushed once, so they were familiar with the situation this time. Qin Ming sat alone in the room, quietly waiting for the prey to take the bait, and waited for half an hour.

Half an hour later, with a loud bang, the door was kicked open, and Cody, the male protagonist, made a brilliant appearance.

Looking at the aggressive man in white standing at the door, Qin Ming supported himself on the chair with both hands and slowly stood up.

Cody at the door turned his head and looked at the quiet room around him, and couldn't help frowning.

Originally, he was grieving for the accidental death of his good friend Kai these two days. Suddenly, he received the news from Fengmo and Huo Niao that they had found Jessica's location, so he rushed here quickly. At this moment, he had already found that something was wrong.

His phone was also destroyed by Fengmo and Huo Niao in advance, so he didn't have time to communicate and call for help. His eyes finally locked on Qin Ming, and his eyes gradually became fierce.

"Where's Jessica?"

Qin Ming stood in the shadows with a blank expression when he heard this.

"She's in confinement."

"You! Fengmo and Huo Niao are your people? Kai was also deceived like this! He died in your hands!"

As a street fighter who has been hanging around for many years, Cody's reaction is not slow.

Combined with the details found at the scene of Kai's death, he almost immediately guessed that this was a conspiracy, a trap set against him.

Qin Ming, who heard Cody's question, did not choose to answer, but stretched out his hand and pulled off his suit, revealing his strong body inside.

"Dead man! No need to know so much!"

Raise your hand! Caesar Emperor Wave!


A huge energy blood ball bombarded out and shot towards Cody at a high speed. After he dodged it, it hit the wall behind him and blew a big hole on the top on the spot.

Seeing that Qin Ming had already taken action, Cody gritted his teeth and launched an attack without hesitation.

Unlike Kai of the previous Wushen style, Cody has no fighting style. He is a pure street fighter, and his fighting style is also full of wild style!

Or do whatever you want! That's his style!

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