Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 308: Send Boke Everything

Name: Cody

Strength 45

Physique 45

Agility 20

Spirit 20

Skills: Street Fighting (Level B) Street Fighting (Level B) Sin Punisher (Level B)

Introduction: No one can understand why Cody later gave up his love with Jessica in order to fight on the streets. Maybe for him, street fighting brought him greater excitement?

Cody, also known as Guilty Cody, is essentially a violent maniac who is very keen on street fights with others. Basically, no matter who he encounters in a fight, he will step in and get involved.

Later, even if he went to jail for fighting or even lost his wife, he didn't care.

Living in a prison on weekdays, breaking out of the wall when the whim strikes, finding a few masters to forcefully spar with each other, and then returning to the prison to continue lying down after feeling satisfied, is a standard gangster style.

And his fighting talent is also extremely high. In the final period, even against the leading protagonist in the Street Fighter world, Ryu, who has mastered the murderous wave punch, he was able to beat the opponent to a draw.

Of course, the premise is that Long does not have murderous intentions and does not erupt with murderous intentions. Otherwise, ten of him may not be enough to kill.

It can be said that this Cody is definitely a difficult enemy, but the problem is that Cody at this time, like Kai of the War God style, has not yet fully grown up, his combat power has not reached its peak, and many moves have not been fully understood. .

Otherwise, Kai, who had already died in Qin Ming's hands, would let Qin Ming have a good taste of what is the highest secret of Wushen style, the A-level Wushen Wushuang!

Logically speaking, Cody, who has not grown up, can only be as good as Kai in combat effectiveness. In a purely solo fight, there is no way he can be Qin Ming's opponent.

Then when they actually fought, Qin Ming was beaten to a pulp by the opponent. This didn't mean that he couldn't beat the opponent, but the main reason was that the opponent's fighting style was too muddy!

You are a good fighter. If you say you don't box or kick, forget it. What does it mean if you carry a steel pipe and a dagger with you?

And when it comes to fighting, I really use whatever I catch! The banging of pots and pans made Qin Ming dizzy! Qin Ming's anger surged with his darting back and forth style of play!

Looking at the Cody in front of him, Qin Ming, who took advantage of his small size to sneak through the gap in the stairs and used the stairs to get stuck, causing another pan to hit his head, now had blue veins bulging on his forehead.

He has been enjoying the benefits of being large, and this is the first time he has suffered a loss.

Nowadays, he is like a classic villain in modern fighting movies. He is extremely powerful and strong, but he cannot hit anyone at all. Instead, he is manipulated in a circle by the protagonist relying on various terrains.

If it weren't for the fact that he was facing Cody this time instead of Chun Li, Qin Ming would have been beaten so hard that he would have thought that the guy opposite him was Jackie Chan who had traveled through time!

It's just that this is not a movie after all, and Qin Ming's agility is not weaker than his opponent's, in fact, he is three points better.

This led to Cody relying on his unique gangster style to catch Qin Ming off guard.

But when Qin Ming reacted, his advantage was gone.

In the world of Street Fighter, there is a famous saying that has always been widely circulated and regarded as a classic by rookie fighters.

That's a poem! A poem about fighting skills!

If you keep sending waves without moving forward, I'll hit you hard while you're still jumping!

If you make a wave, I will fall down; if you jump, I will stand still!

When you don't know how to combo, staying the same in response to changes is often the most effective method.

After all, we are all rookies. Once we come across very stupid moves, some of them really don’t know how to break them, and the wave style is definitely the worst among them!

Since you will suffer losses in close combat, and the opponent is like Jackie Chan in the furniture store who even runs and fights, then you should not engage in close combat with him!

Stopping the chase and standing on the spot, Qin Ming began to fire blood balls wildly, all kinds of blood balls.

Caesar Emperor Wave! Overlord Xianghou Fist! Wave fist! Sonic hand knife! Viper strike!

Qin Ming, who transformed into a humanoid fort on the spot, chased Cody who was running around and bombarded him indiscriminately, making the opponent dizzy.

Let's fight from a distance. Although he can also use the tornado move, he can't deal with Qin Ming at all.

Let's fight in close quarters. There is no chance to get close, but he finally got close. Qin Ming's close combat was completely worthy of him!

In the end, Cody, who was really cornered, had no choice but to choose a head-on confrontation, roaring and throwing out a huge tornado.

This is exactly the stunt he learned from street fights! Punisher of crime!

Driven by Qi, the high-speed rotating air flow is huge and can roll up all debris around, swinging them to increase the lethality. It can be said that it is a killing move that is very suitable for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

But it can only be used as a handyman!

Before the tornado could rush in front of him, Qin Ming's eyes flashed fiercely and he suddenly opened his arms.

Imitation - bloody massacre!

That is! Continuous Caesar Emperor Wave!

Ignoring the consumption of blood in his body, Qin Ming directly launched a frantic counterattack. After throwing dozens of giant blood balls in a row, he forcibly dispersed the fierce tornado.

Then the blood ball hit Cody who was looking astonished behind him hard, causing him to break through the wall and fly out of the room.

Before Cody could struggle to stand up, a flash of blood flashed across the room. Qin Ming dragged the afterimage behind him and slid him up from the ground.

Then while injecting blood into his body, he dragged him forward and accelerated.

A surefire move! Glide to heaven!


A huge explosion sounded on the street. Cody, whose blood exploded directly, could not help but scream and fell to the ground.

When he fell to the ground, his whole body was covered with wounds.

Qin Ming, who successfully disabled the opponent with a set of combos, had a ferocious smile on his face. He did not give the opponent any chance to recover. With the blood on his hands turning into claws, he grabbed Cody's head with all his strength.

"You! Become my nourishment too!"

Hearing the sound of the wind, Cody hurriedly looked up and looked at the oncoming blood claws. His pupils shrank violently. He wanted to raise his hands to block but it was too late.


A tearing sound sounded, and Qin Ming, who grabbed the target with a claw and caused blood to splash, was suddenly stunned.

He did not show any joy on his face, and looked up in surprise.

In front of him, a big man who appeared at some point looked at him expressionlessly, and his thick arms were just across in front of Cody, helping Cody to withstand a claw attack head-on.

Nearly two meters tall, with a muscular body and a resolute square face.

The black-haired middle-aged man who suddenly appeared was none other than one of the other protagonists in Street Fighter! He was also the one Qin Ming feared the most! He chose to deal with the target at the end! Mayor Mike Hag!

Looking at the suddenly appeared Mayor Hag, Qin Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he knew that something was wrong.

He almost didn't think about it, and directly raised his other hand to grab Mayor Mike Hag's face, but the claw was grabbed by the other hand.

As their fingers interlocked, the veins on their arms bulged. In Qin Ming's shocked eyes, his thick arm was slowly suppressed! Forced to twist it down!

In terms of strength attributes! Qin Ming was not the opponent's opponent at all!

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