Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 309: Shocking Change!

Name: Mike Hager

Strength 50

Constitution 50

Agility 15

Spirit 25

Skills: Wrestling and Fighting (Level B) Giant Physique (Level B) Spin Pile Driver (Level B)

Introduction: The overlord of the street wrestling world and the nemesis of evil. No one has ever stipulated that strong muscles must be simple-minded. At least this sentence is not universal here.

With a ferocious light in his eyes and a stern face, Michael Hager grabbed Qin Ming's palm with both hands. With the force of his arms, he forced Qin Ming's arms and twisted them!

Finally, there was a headbutt, and his head hit Qin Ming hard on the door, forcing him to retreat repeatedly.

After hitting the target with one blow, Michael Hager smacked his palm hard, bent down like a bull and rushed towards Qin Ming, put his shoulder on Qin Ming's chest, and picked him up from the waist.

First, he fell from the arch bridge! Then came the naked crossbar!

Finally, he jumped up high with Qin Ming in his arms, turned Qin Ming upside down, grabbed his legs and slammed him into the ground.

The ultimate move in wrestling! Spin pile driver!

AKA! Plum Blossom Grand Sitting!


As the ground trembled, countless cracks appeared on the hard asphalt road.

Qin Ming, who was hit head-first by this heavy blow, was thrown away and rolled to the ground.

Before he could stand up with his hands on the ground, a large number of police sirens suddenly sounded around him.

The next second, countless police cars came from all directions. A large number of police officers quickly got out of the car and pointed their guns in this direction.

Qin Ming, who was surrounded by the light and turned pale, subconsciously raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Looking at at least a hundred policemen around him, and then at the two bosses opposite, he couldn't help but frown.

On the opposite side, Mayor Mike Hager, who gave Qin Ming a set of combos on the spot, did not choose to continue the pursuit. Instead, he retreated to Cody, his son-in-law, and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Cody, who was covered in scars, looked at Mayor Mike Hager who had arrived, and he was not surprised at all, because it was him who called him!

It is true that Wind Demon and Firebird secretly destroyed Cody's home landline and mobile phone, but the problem is that Cody's friend Kai has died under mysterious circumstances, and the destroyed mobile phone and landline have also been discovered by them.

How could Mayor Mike Hager, who discovered something was wrong from clues, not take precautions against this matter.

Although he is a street wrestler, that doesn't mean he has no brains!

On the contrary, he has been on the streets all year round and managed to become the mayor. He has a high IQ and a wary personality.

Knowing that there was a high probability that there was a thief on his side, he secretly gave Cody a new mobile phone and told him that if something unexpected happened, he could use this phone to contact him directly.

Feng Mo and Fire Bird didn't know about this new mobile phone, so naturally they couldn't destroy it.

Even with this hunting being caught, and with all the witnesses and material evidence available, not to mention Qin Ming was caught committing the crime, even the identities of Feng Mo and Firebird's spies have been exposed!

After all, the dead Kai really couldn't tell others that he was deceived by messages sent by the Wind Demon and the Fire Bird.

But Cody, who is not dead, can!

After dragging Cody up, Mayor Mike Hager looked at Qin Ming fiercely, his eyes sharp.

"Boy! Do you think the same trick can work a second time?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered when he heard this. He knew that he would never be able to win in a two-on-one situation with so many police harassing him around. He suddenly turned around and yelled.


The sound came out, but there was no response. There was still silence all around.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of his heart. Mayor Mike Hager looked at him with cold eyes and suddenly said.

"You want to ask the woman upstairs to help you? Sorry, that woman can't wait for her help. Why do you think I arrived so late?"



Without giving Qin Ming a chance to finish his words, Mike Hager suddenly waved his hand and shouted.

As he gave the order, harsh gunfire rang out from all around.

A large number of bullets were fired at Qin Ming from all directions, causing Qin Ming to fall back repeatedly and had to stretch out his hands to protect his eyes.

Although most of the bullets hitting his body were unable to break through the defense, under the intensive firepower, Qin Ming's body was still spattered with blood arrows.

The police who kept firing and suppressing fire stepped out of their bunkers and gathered towards this side, with pistols and submachine guns at the ready.

Mayor Mike Hager, on the other hand, supported the bruised Cody and stood in the crowd and did not choose to step forward.

Although he is a street fighter, he is not pedantic.

Facing a murderer with sinister intentions, there is no need to talk to him about fighting spirit.

Enemies that can be shot to death! Why rush up to fight with him! Give him a chance to counterattack!

Mayor Mike Hager stood there and watched indifferently, while the police around him opened fire wildly.

This caused Qin Ming, who was hit by countless firepower, to tremble constantly as he was pushed against the wall. It was difficult for him to even move, let alone break out of the encirclement.

At this moment, a slight click sound suddenly came from behind him.

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard the movement, and his eyes widened in the next second.

Before he could react, violent fire suddenly burst out from the room behind him.

It turned out to be C4 explosives buried in the room in advance just in case! It exploded!


The gushing flames tore through the wall! It sprayed several meters away along the doors and windows!

The powerful shock wave blew away countless policemen who gathered on the spot, and even the police cars parked around turned over on the ground. In an instant, the sirens and vehicle alarms sounded together.

Looking at the building in front that was almost directly collapsed, and the sea of ​​fire that quickly spread to the surroundings.

Mayor Mike Hager, who had a cold expression, suddenly changed his expression.

Knowing that something was wrong, he threw Cody to the ground and took a big step towards the sea of ​​fire, trying to intercept Qin Ming and prevent Qin Ming from running out of the encirclement he had carefully set up.

His reaction was very fast, but unfortunately he was still half a beat late.

Before Mayor Mike Hager rushed into the sea of ​​fire, a figure in the flames had already broken out of the fire first.

Qin Ming quickly put on his flight jacket and flew up into the sky like a giant flying monkey! The aircraft behind him sprayed flames and shot into the sky with a whoosh.

This made Mayor Mike Hager, who had missed his target, grit his teeth and suddenly turned around and ran away, waving his hands vigorously.

"Quick! Follow me! Quick!"

The target Mayor Mike was running to at this moment was not somewhere else, but the opposite floor, which was where Kasamoto Eri was hiding!

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