Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 328 Highway Chase

The warhorse galloped up, and Qin Ming, riding on the horse, controlled the energy machine gun and fired wildly at the surroundings.

The bikers who encountered the sudden attack also reacted very quickly and immediately took out their guns to fight back.

On the road, the two sides suddenly fought in a group, and they started shooting back and forth.

It was just different from the shooting of others. Others hid behind the bunkers, fearing that others would hit him.

Qin Ming rode his horse directly into the middle of the crowd, fearing that others would not be able to hit him!

A large number of bullets kept shooting at him, but they were forcibly bounced away in the sparks.

The body with the S-level defense skill was now truly as strong as steel.

Not to mention looking for firearms, even various heavy weapons might not be able to break Qin Ming's defense at this moment.

Qin Ming, who pulled the machine gun and killed a large number of enemies by close contact in a short time, heard a roar in his ears before he rushed to the vicinity of those trucks.

The next second! A strong wind emerged! A big man rode a heavy motorcycle! He rushed over from the side at a very fast speed!

First, he threw grenades, and several consecutive grenades blew up dust around Qin Ming, and the warhorse neighed.

Then the chain hammer was swung, and the iron chain meteor hammer in his hand passed by Qin Ming, and a hammer was accurately swung on the back of Qin Ming's head!

Amid the loud noise, Qin Ming, who was hit and staggered, raised his hand to cover his head, and his eyes widened on the spot.

And listening to the extremely harsh muffled sound coming from his ears.

Hogg, the leader of the motorcycle gang, who rushed past Qin Ming with a hammer, couldn't help but widen his eyes and turned to look at Qin Ming with an unbelievable look.

A head that can't even be hit by a meteor hammer! Is this guy's head made of iron? !

"Fuck you!"

Qin Ming, who was suddenly attacked, finally reacted at this moment, pulled up the energy machine gun in his hand, fired wildly, and chased after the enemy at a high speed.

Seeing him catching up, the biker gang boss Hogg found that he seemed unable to beat his opponent, so he quickly turned the accelerator and turned to flee.

With a whoosh, the motorcycle rushed forward at high speed, and kept turning on the road, drifting and flicking.

The cavalry following closely pressed forward step by step, and the machine guns kept firing.

[Name: Hogg]

[Strength: 40]

[Constitution: 40]

[Agility: 30]

[Spirit: 30]

[Skills: Motorcycle Driving (A-level) Grenade Throwing (B-level)]

[Introduction: As the leader of the biker gang, Hogg's fighting style is very simple and rough. He runs faster than you, and explodes more fiercely than you! ]

With A-level driving skills, boss Hogg is really good at riding a motorcycle. At this time, he tilted the motorcycle to a 45-degree angle and kept traveling on the road. It can be said that he has played the motorcycle to the fullest.

Ordinary adventurers might not be able to deal with him, facing such an outrageous speed and dodging ability.

It's a pity that he didn't meet an ordinary adventurer this time! But Qin Ming!

Hide grenades? Hide your ass!

Qin Ming rushed straight up against the explosion, holding the machine gun and chasing Hogg with a crazy shot.

The opponent dodged handsomely! But he also hit hard! A-level heavy firepower mastery is no joke!

Facing the firepower strafing that was biting on himself, Hogg's beloved motorcycle soon began to smoke, and he was also severely damaged by bullets. This is good news.

The bad news is that Qin Ming's pursuit was fun. He was invulnerable to swords and guns, and he completely ignored Hogg's grenade bombing.

But the problem is that he can ignore grenades! But it doesn't mean that his warhorse can!

With a crash, the dark horse that had eaten dozens of grenades along the way couldn't stand this terrifying output after all, and fell to the ground with his knees softened.

Caught off guard, Qin Ming was thrown out and rolled on the ground. Suddenly, he reached out to grab the side.

The next second, Hogg's motorcycle sped past him, pulling Qin Ming, who was holding on to the rear of the motorcycle tightly, and dragged him to the distance at high speed!

Hogg turned around in panic amid the harsh friction sound, looking at Qin Ming who was dragged all the way and rubbed a lot of sparks on the ground, his expression was shocked.

At such a close distance, he didn't dare to throw grenades at random. He grabbed his meteor hammer and swung it wildly at Qin Ming's head, roaring loudly while hitting.

"Let go! Let go!"

Qin Ming, who was hit on the head four or five times in a row, was furious for a while. Instead of raising his hands to defend himself, he pulled off the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle with force and began to swing the exhaust pipe towards Hogg on the car.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

The dull sound of collision was continuous, and the two sides hit each other for a long time.

Hogg, who successfully hit Qin Ming on the head for more than 40 times, not only did not cause any damage, but was beaten black and blue, with blood on his head.

Qin Ming, who broke the exhaust pipe, even snatched the meteor hammer and started to hit Hogg with it!

Hogg realized that this kind of fight was not working, and was afraid that he would be killed before the enemy was in trouble. He hurriedly began to control the motorcycle to swing left and right, trying to throw Qin Ming, who was hanging behind the car, away.

Qin Ming, whose body was dragged and swung around, turned into a big pendulum for a while, and slammed into the stones on both sides crazily, smashing the stones into pieces.

After holding on for more than a minute, he was finally thrown away, but it was not because he let go, but because he forcibly pulled the metal tail seat at the rear of the motorcycle off.

Seeing that he finally got rid of the solid weight behind him that could not be moved no matter how hard he hit it, Hogg couldn't help but cheering on the motorcycle!

…………Then the next second, with a click, the motorcycle under him disintegrated freely!

Parts flew all over the sky! The two tires also ran separately! Flying out in an instant!

Hogg, who was still riding in the air, had a frozen smile on his face, holding the handlebars of the motorcycle in his hands, and flew forward with a whoosh, and plunged into the ground.

In the continuous rolling, he slid for more than 20 meters before stopping, lying on the ground completely motionless.

It must be said that Hogg is also very dedicated. Even if he was thrown into this state, he still didn't let go of the handlebars of the motorcycle in his hand!

A-level bloodline power! White flame erosion! Weakened defense!

Directly penetrated by the white flame! The motorcycle has become fragile! How can it withstand such high-intensity acceleration! It would be strange if it didn't disintegrate!

Footsteps sounded from behind, and Qin Ming, who reached out to grab the metal back seat of the motorcycle, staggered from behind.

When he came to Hogg's side, looking at the motorcycle boss lying face down on the ground motionless, Qin Ming raised the back seat of the car without saying a word, aimed at the back of his head and slapped him, making a series of bangs.

"You can run, right! You can drive, right! Disturbing people, right! Bombing the streets, right! You can run, right! You dare to kill my horse, right! Get up and run again!"

After giving more than a dozen consecutive slaps, Qin Ming threw away the severely deformed back seat of the motorcycle, turned his head and looked at Kasamoto Eri and Hannah who rushed over, and quickly raised his hand to make an OK gesture.

Hannah turned over and got off the car, looking at Qin Ming who was dragged all the way, but at this moment, he was fine and still alive and kicking.

She looked at Hogg, who was driving and dragging people, but was almost dead, and her brain almost crashed.

After a few seconds, she came back to her senses from the shock, shook her head vigorously, and went over to pull Hogg up.

Looking at the bruised and bruised Hogg in front of her, for some reason, Hannah felt a sense of pity in her heart.

It was as if the guy in front of her was the victim, and she was the villain.

After all, Hogg's appearance at this time was too pitiful. He was thrown and lost half of his teeth, and his face was confused and confused.

He was just like the poor victim in the story of the group of heroes who was beaten for some reason and was unable to resist.

"Tell me! Why did you come here to hunt dinosaurs! Don't you usually move in another area!"

Shaking Hogg hard, Hannah roared and asked loudly.

Hearing this, the leader of the biker gang, Hogg, twitched his mouth and quickly grinned, revealing his broken teeth.

"Because we want to lure you out!"


Hearing Hogg's words, Hannah's heart skipped a beat and she immediately had an ominous premonition.

Seeing Hannah's face change drastically, Hogg smiled even happier for a moment.

"We bikers are just bait, responsible for luring you out. We are not the real main force. Now, your auto repair shop may have been taken down by our people, and all the cars have been blown up by us! Without cars! I wonder what you can use to chase us! Hehehehe!"

The auto repair shop is one of the important bases of the Nature Conservation Organization in this area, and it is also Jack in White's private factory.

The reason why Jack in White has a high status in the Nature Conservation Organization is largely because he is responsible for the vehicle supply of the entire organization.

Now, the hunting organization, which has been fighting with the nature conservation organization for a long time, obviously aims to destroy Jack's auto repair shop!


Hannah, who knew that she and others had been fooled and her hometown might have been stolen, was so angry that she clenched her fist and raised her arm.

But before she could punch Hogg, the bruised Hogg shouted.

"I surrender! I surrender! How can you beat the prisoners! This is very immoral!"

Hannah's expression froze after she said this. She raised her fist and hesitated for a long time, and finally dropped her fist fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Hogg was relieved and then smiled brightly.

He knew that this group of so-called heroes would never kill. After all, heroes, how could they kill like the villains?

Just be locked up. As long as they find a chance, his organization members will definitely come to rescue him, and then!


Before Hogg, who was smiling on his face, finished thinking, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears.

The next second! Blood spurted out from Hogg's temple!

On the side, Qin Ming raised his hand and pulled out the pistol from Kasamoto Eri's waist, and directly pressed the gun against Hogg's temple at close range, shooting him with a full volley of bullets on the spot.

After shooting, he saw Hogg's head tilt and die on the spot, and then he threw the gun back to Kasamoto Eri.

Looking at Hannah who turned around in shock, Qin Ming's expression was very calm.

"Why are you looking at me? This is the person who was shot! It's not me! Go look at the gun!"

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