Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 329 Don’t touch the stone!

Question: What should I do if I encounter a villain who is trying to kidnap me morally?

The solution is actually very simple, that is, as long as you have no morals, no one can kidnap you!

He said you are a gangster! You should be a gangster for him to see! When you are a real gangster! Then will you still care if the other party calls you a gangster? The answer is obvious!

And Qin Ming! He is a real gangster!

He only acted as a terrorist once in the last world, and was even wanted by a city. How could he care about what kind of justice Hogg said?

Can't I beat the prisoners? He didn't throw the prisoners to Siberia to dig potatoes! That's because he didn't want to pay the travel fee!

How did the captured Weiss-Thuen die before? How did Hogg die at this moment? The two died in the same way, which fully demonstrated Qin Ming's precious spirit of not forgetting his original intention.

And the scene of him suddenly shooting and killing people also made Hannah next to him helpless. She had already seen that Qin Ming was very unethical before, so she didn't say much.

After all, everyone is dead at this time! What's the use of arguing anymore!

The most urgent thing now is to go back and put out the fire!

She quickly ran to the car, took out the radio to contact her companions, and after passing the information she had just obtained, Hannah climbed into the car and prepared to go back to the repair yard for support.

Kasamoto Eri, who was standing by, hurried to follow.

As for Qin Ming...

With a creak, he looked at the big guy who had squeezed into the car with only two seats and ran to the middle seat.

Hannah, who was squeezed close to the door, was speechless.

"Brother! Can you move a little to the side! I still have to drive!"

As soon as Hannah finished speaking, Kasamoto Eri's scream quickly rang out on the other side.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! If you squeeze any more, it will leak!"

"I still have to drive!"

"You can't squeeze even if you're flying a plane! Which is more important, the car or your life!"

"Can't you just try to get over it!"

"I'm almost being squeezed like a sandwich! Just try to get over it!"

Amid the quarrel, the Cadillac quickly drove away, aiming directly at Jack's repair shop.

When they finally arrived at the repair shop after rushing, they found that it was already ablaze, and the teams of the other protagonists had already arrived and were fighting with the members of the hunting organization at the door.

Looking at the two sides fighting, Hannah and Kasamoto Eri quickly opened the door and got out of the car, holding the car and letting out a sigh of relief at the same time.

After squeezing all the way, the two of them were almost squeezed to death by Qin Ming!

Rubbing their faces hard, Hannah and Kasamoto Eri strode forward. Qin Ming, who got off the car soon after, also pulled his bulletproof suit. After looking around, he suddenly raised his hand to grab the motorcycle that fell beside him, lifted it high, and rushed to the distant battlefield.

Ten minutes later, the battle at the door was resolved. Seeing his beloved factory destroyed, Jack, who was already anxious and livid, rushed in without stopping. Seeing this, the other protagonists hurried to follow.

As for the adventurers...

At the door, the few people standing together looked at each other, and no one moved forward.

After staring at each other for a long time, the burly Tank finally spoke first.

"Well, don't you go in and get the benefits?"

The others looked at each other after hearing this.

"No hurry."

"What are you all standing here for?"

"What are you doing here again?"

"I... uh... ..."

Looking down at the ground, Tank did not give an answer. His eyes were just silently locked on a stone next to the door.

Not only him, but the others were also like this at this time, all looking at the stone.

After watching silently for a few seconds, Monkey suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"You said that picking up this stone will cause the boss of this level to run wild. Is this true?"

Feilong was stunned when he heard this.

"Won't it cause an additional clone?"

"My legend is that the attack power will increase and the desire to attack will increase."

After the voice fell, everyone stared at each other and was silent for a few seconds.

In the end, Qin Ming waved his hand vigorously, put one hand in his pocket, walked directly to the stone, and raised his hand to pick it up.

While shaking the stone, he spoke speechlessly.

"That's just an arcade game legend, just a rumor. This is not a game. How could it be possible that just because of picking up a stone..."

[Ding! Triggering the hidden mechanism! Dino Crisis Act 4 BOSS: Slaine Runs Wild! All attributes are enhanced! ]

[Runaway Tip: Don't touch that! Damn it! Stone! 】

The sudden sound in their ears stunned Qin Ming and his companions for a moment. Qin Ming's palm trembled, and the stone in his hand fell to the ground.

He looked up blankly and looked at the three adventurers opposite him. Feeling the gradually unfriendly eyes of the three people, Qin Ming couldn't help showing an awkward smile on his face.

He dared to guarantee that if it weren't for the enemy, the three guys in front of him might have PKed with him in real life.

No! How can this legend still be true! How can a stone affect the attributes of the BOSS!

What? Could it be a kryptonite? But shouldn't it be weakened!

Just when the few people looked at each other in silence, footsteps suddenly came from the door.

It turned out that Hannah, who found that the few people didn't catch up, ran out to call for help.

Seeing Hannah appear, Qin Ming and others hurriedly followed and rushed into the factory.

When he walked in, Qin Ming did not forget to pick up the stone on the ground.

Since this stone has such a special effect, is it possible that it also has some special power? Qin Ming felt that it was necessary to try it!

As the few people completely entered the auto repair shop, Qin Ming and his team immediately encountered crazy attacks from the enemy.

Bikers! Rifle poachers! And knife throwers and fat men!

On the way forward, Qin Ming and his team even encountered several small bosses!

That's right! Small bosses!

A group of very burly big guys who look like Weiss-Thuen, and some flat-headed men holding meteor hammers and wearing military uniforms.

This powerful existence that once served as the boss in the first and second levels has now become a small leader!

As time goes by, Dr. Calamity's dinosaur gene research has become more and more perfect, which has led to more and more members of the dinosaur hunting organization being injected with dinosaur gene drugs.

Now their strength has begun to increase wildly! It's becoming more and more difficult to fight!

Of course, the opponents of these guys, the adventurers who came to challenge the level this time, are no longer the rookies they used to be.

Anyone who can become an intermediate adventurer! Who doesn't have two brushes in his hands!

Tank is a reckless player who also follows the physical flow like Qin Ming.

Monkey is as her name suggests. She is petite but has amazing speed and is good at roaming and fighting.

The last flying dragon is the most special! This guy can actually fly!

Several people used their own methods to cooperate with the four protagonists to quickly kill into the factory, and met the legendary fourth level boss in front of the innermost control panel!

Wearing tight pants! Mohawk hairstyle! There are several boomerangs hanging on his back!

The fourth level boss Slaine, who was directing his brothers to destroy the control panel, turned his head quickly after hearing the movement behind him.

Looking at the nine people on the opposite side, he was not timid because of this, but grinned.

Grabbing two boomerangs with both hands, he tilted his head slightly.

"You are the ones who disturbed the doctor's great research, right? Since you are so stubborn! Then you will be eliminated!"

[Name: Slaine (Rampage state, all attributes +10)]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 70]

[Spirit: 35]

[Skills: Phantom Dart (B-level) Shapeshifting (B-level) Dinosaur Afterimage (A-level)]

[Introduction: No novice can beat him! No! ]

Qin Ming, who was wearing sunglasses, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when he saw Slaine's terrifying attributes.

Especially after seeing that there were three advanced skills in his skill column, 2B1A, he finally understood the value of this fourth level BOSS!

This phantom monster, who is called one of the two new killers in the arcade hall, and Xiahou Yuan, the second act BOSS of the Three Kingdoms War World, is called the game coin swallower. It is indeed qualified to scare players!

His strength! It is indeed well-deserved!

Just trying to fight nine with one's own strength? Isn't this too confident?

The last BOSS who tried to fight four, Abigail, whose attributes were even more exaggerated than his, was beaten to death by a group of people, and there was no room for him to fight back!

With a clatter, seeing that Slaine on the opposite side had taken out the boomerang, everyone here also took out their weapons.

The monkey had a double fork in his hand, also known as the ten hands, which was the fork-shaped weapon of the second brother in the Ninja Turtles.

Feilong had a double gun, and he flew into the sky as soon as he drew out his weapon.

Tank took out a full set of weapons and put them on his hands, and waved them twice on the spot.

Looking at the aggressive people here, Slaine did not rashly launch an attack, he just raised the corners of his mouth suddenly.

At the same time, on the left and right sides, with the sound of footsteps approaching, a large number of members of the hunting organization emerged from all around.

The leader was actually a BOSS! And a man whose attributes Qin Ming could not see at all!

The last adventurer appeared! And he showed up as a villain!

The man codenamed Wild Wolf looked at the people here with a smile. There was a large Triceratops, a Pterosaur and a Velociraptor lying beside him. All three were BOSS-level attributes without exception!

Standing next to him was a very thin and short bald man with glasses on his face, holding a submachine gun in his hand, and a very wretched smile on his face.

And this bald man with glasses was actually another capable member of the dinosaur hunting organization, the fifth level BOSS: Mog!

The enemy who was supposed to be guarding the fifth level! Actually entered the scene in advance!

Turning his eyes, looking at the fifth level BOSS, and the three dinosaur small BOSSes lying next to the Wild Wolf, looking at the attributes of several people, Qin Ming's eyes trembled.

He seemed to understand why this Wild Wolf was able to kill two protagonists when he was a novice!

He actually invited four bosses as external aid! What kind of means is this!

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