Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 330 BOSS Battle

In the control room of the repair yard, the two sides were in a tense confrontation.

Seeing that five BOSSs appeared at once, the protagonist's adventurers were obviously confused.

Standing opposite, the fifth adventurer, Wild Wolf, raised his hand and patted the head of the velociraptor next to him, then looked at the four of his kind and suddenly grinned, a very bad smile.

"Wow, wow, wow, it seems that there are quite a few guests today, which really makes me flattered. Since everyone has met and there is a conflict of interest, let's follow the rules of adventurers?"

As he spoke, the adventurer Wild Wolf waved his hand.

Seeing this, the two little followers beside him hurriedly pulled the box in their hands and walked over, and quickly opened the box.

Qin Ming and others who heard this also suddenly clenched their weapons.

Neither side tried to negotiate, after all, they all knew it was useless.

Cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents. If it involves the spoils of war, it is equivalent to directly taking the life of the adventurer. In this case, no one will back down. Both sides can only fight and decide the winner by means.

On the opposite side, with a click, the heavy iron box opened on the spot.

The next second, a soft-bodied creature slowly crawled out of the huge box.

A strange creature that looks like an octopus but has the characteristics of a dinosaur.

Seeing this constantly squirming ghost thing, Qin Ming and the other four people's faces changed almost at the same time.

Even before using glasses to check the attributes, Qin Ming had instantly guessed what kind of monster it was.

Dinosaurs are about to hit the sixth level BOSS! Parasitic monster!

"Not good!"

With a scream, Qin Ming, who found that something was wrong, activated all his skills on the spot!

A-level skill! Air fluctuation! Output increase by 50%!

Next! Heavenly glide!

With a buzzing sound, Qin Ming disappeared from the spot in an instant.

With blood flashing, he burst out with a speed that was completely inconsistent with his own system, and shot at the parasitic beast in the distance like a flash of lightning.

This so-called parasitic beast is a special genetic monster developed by Dr. Scourge in the world of Dino Fighter. It actually has no combat power, but it has the characteristics of parasitizing the host and adaptively strengthening according to the host's strength. It can be said to be a BOSS with an extremely special mechanism.

And its most powerful point is! It can not only parasitize once!

For it! The so-called host is just a consumable! It is useless to kill the host! As long as it doesn't die! It can change another host to parasitize indefinitely!

If it is allowed to merge with a person! And join the melee! That would be really troublesome!

[Name: Parasitic Beast]

[Strength: 5]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 5]

[Spirit: 5]

[Skill: Genetic Parasitism (S-level)]

[Introduction: You can kill it countless times! But it! Just winning once is enough! 】

The Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill has been upgraded once. With the upgrade to A-level, there is no increase in attack power, which makes this enhancement seem useless.

In fact, although it does not enhance the attack power, it enhances mobility.

The Heavenly Kingdom Slide, which has been upgraded to A-level, has become even more terrifying with its already terrifying charge ability.

Within a distance of fifteen meters! You can rush to the target in one second! Once you catch it, it is a set of continuous charge!

This can be done in the midst of thousands of troops! Forcibly catch the enemy general! And quickly drag him out of the army! It can be said that it almost perfectly makes up for Qin Ming's shortcomings! Let him no longer be afraid of any enemy with long arms!

But in the final analysis, this move is just a charge, not a teleport.

This means that no matter how fast the speed is, it will still leave the enemy with a little reaction time.

Adventurer Wild Wolf may not be able to avoid this move, but it does not mean that he cannot break it!

Those who can fight from the bottom to the intermediate adventurer are all experienced and have extremely fast reaction speed.

The moment he saw Qin Ming turned into blood and rushed in, the wolf grabbed a younger brother next to him without hesitation and threw him over.

Qin Ming, who turned into blood, crashed into the younger brother without slowing down and grabbed him on the spot.

With a bang, the poor cannon fodder younger brother was almost smashed by Qin Ming, but Qin Ming's skills were forcibly interrupted.

Without waiting for Qin Ming, whose face sank, to continue the second charge, the parasitic beast that took the opportunity to climb out of the box had already jumped up at this time and lay directly on the wolf.

Parasitism! Completed!


The harsh sound of flesh and blood tearing sounded, and the wolf, who was originally just a normal human body, immediately underwent earth-shaking changes as it merged with the parasitic beast.

The body size increased! The muscles bulged! It was just a blink of an eye! The thin young man before has transformed into a burly man!

The sixth BOSS-level existence! Appearance!

As the parasitism was completed, a drastic change occurred, causing the face that looked extremely ferocious at the moment to slowly rise.

The wolf looked at Qin Ming who stopped in front of him and suddenly laughed.

"The interception failed! Idiot! You!"


Before the wolf could finish his words, a blood light suddenly lit up in front of him.

The next second, Qin Ming rushed to him like lightning, grabbed his neck, dragged him away from the crowd, and shot madly towards the back.

Fusion transformation? Don't say it's a transformation! You are a pervert! Kill Qin Ming anyway!

The two of them flew out of the crowd and rushed into the distance.

The others looked at each other and raised their weapons without hesitation, attacking each other frantically.

In an instant, in the empty control room of the repair shop, the two sides suddenly fought together, and all kinds of noisy sounds merged into one.

There were 5 main bosses and 3 adventurers on this side, and there were also 5 bosses and a large number of monsters and elite monsters on the other side.

Such a large-scale, high-quality war, even Qin Ming had never encountered it.

Shouting, cursing, screaming, and dinosaur roars converged in one place.

Just when the two sides were fighting thoroughly, Qin Ming, who forcibly pulled the wild wolf away from the battlefield, also detonated the blood in the opponent's body on the spot after pulling away, relying on the first-hand advantage, and successfully gave the opponent a big move.

However, as an intermediate adventurer, the wild wolf himself is not a vegetarian, not to mention that he has now completed the fusion enhancement with the parasitic monster.

Qin Ming, whose strength value had shrunk due to changing his equipment to increase his defense, was thrown out by the wolf almost at the moment when his Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill was interrupted.

In terms of strength! With the blessing of the parasitic beast! He was actually better than Qin Ming!

Looking at Qin Ming who quickly stabilized his body during the slide, the wolf laughed wildly, his eyes flashing red, and suddenly accelerated towards Qin Ming.

"Dare to challenge me? You have some courage! But are you ready to bear the consequences of failure!"

Flying close! Swinging claws to grab! The sharp dinosaur claws cut Qin Ming's chest in an instant! Sweeping from above! Successfully cut open the bulletproof suit!

... and brought up a few chest hairs.

Looking at this claw, it actually grabbed sparks, and his claws rubbed sore, but the opponent's chest was intact. The wolf, who was originally laughing wildly, froze on the spot.

Unconvinced, he pulled the corner of his mouth hard and roared as he attacked again.

"You're tough! What special props did you use? It doesn't matter! Let me see whether you have more props or I have more tricks!"

While speaking, the wolf was waving his hands wildly. After grabbing four or five times in a row, he saw that he couldn't break the defense, so he suddenly opened his mouth and spat at Qin Ming.

Green mucus spurted out of his mouth, and whenever it stained an object, it would immediately make a harsh corrosive sound.

The parasitic beast's parasitism comes with a B-level skill! Corrosive saliva!

Caught off guard, Qin Ming, who was sprayed with green liquid in the face, suddenly had white smoke on his face.

Then, in the wild wolf's expectant eyes, he immediately received -1-1-1-1 damage...

After being almost killed by a punch before, Qin Ming, who had gone home and started to sell everything he had and tried his best to strengthen his ability to save his life, completely turned into a solid weight and welcomed his first victim.

The wild wolf, who had exhausted all his moves, caused almost zero actual damage to Qin Ming!

Although his physical damage was not great, the mental damage of this move was extremely high, almost maxed out.

Qin Ming, who had never expected that the opponent would suddenly spit at him during the fight, turned black for a moment.

With a stern face, blood and white flames entangled on his arms, and he counterattacked on the spot.

He didn't even defend himself, and he went up with a set of turtle punches, aiming at the wild wolf's head and outputting a burst of output.

This set of consecutive punches instantly stunned the wild wolf.

After all, he waved his claws, Qin Ming hit his head, it spit acid, and Qin Ming hit his head.

He controlled the mutant ribs on his ribs to extend the stab, but Qin Ming still hit him on the head regardless.

When has Wild Wolf ever encountered such a gangster style of fighting?

He was dizzy for a while and didn't know how to deal with it.

It was like a fighting master encountering a heavy infantryman. Even if you have all kinds of martial arts, you can't break the opponent's armor!

Facing the golden hammer that was swung towards your head, you would still be stunned! Not to mention that the opponent's attack also had the effect of breaking armor!

From trying every means to display skills and constantly attack and defend with Qin Ming.

To being completely beaten and not caring, he started to punch Qin Ming.

Until he finally found that he really couldn't beat him, and began to run around being chased.

The whole fight process only took a few minutes. The wild wolf, who had just completed the transformation and became extremely arrogant, was instantly beaten into a grandson.

In the passage of the repair yard, the wild wolf was running desperately.

He ran in front, and Qin Ming chased him beside him.

That's right! Right beside him!

Wild Wolf, who was not good at speed, was still no match for Qin Ming in terms of speed even with the help of the parasitic beast.

This caused him to be unable to shake off Qin Ming and even escape.

He was beaten while running, waving his hands randomly to block and counterattack, and his face was already bruised and swollen.

It was normal that he couldn't beat Qin Ming, after all, he couldn't beat him in defense, speed, and skills. Qin Ming's turtle punch went straight to the vital points and was extremely fierce, but his was a real turtle punch, without any rules.

Qin Ming was a close combat flow, with a high-level A-level fighting technique.

Wild Wolf himself was a spiritual flow, so where did he get any fighting skills!

He usually relied on his high attributes and his fat body to bully others.

At this moment, he met a real sturdy man, and he was exposed on the spot.

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