Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 331: Wild Wolf, the Animal Manager

Running, the wolf ran several hundred meters and was hit by more than 30 punches along the way. He ate consumables and used props.

Seeing that he couldn't win and the opponent was biting him, the wolf finally stopped running and roared while waving his arms, forcing Qin Ming to retreat.

"You only rely on your own strength! Catch up and swing your fists! We are all civilized people! Can you fight with more technical content!"

Hearing this roar, Qin Ming, who was about to rush up with his fist raised, was stunned. After reacting, he silently lowered his arm.

Seeing this scene, the wolf, who was already covered with wounds and couldn't recover from his injuries even with the consumables, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was obvious that he breathed a sigh of relief too early, because before he could relax, Qin Ming on the opposite side had a flash of red in his eyes.

The next second...

Hit the ground with one hand!

Imitation-energy fountain!

With a bang, a column of blood gushed out, forcibly blowing the wolf away. Before he could roll to the ground, Qin Ming had already accelerated and rushed up.

Heavenly Kingdom Slide started!

Hell Bliss Drop Throw!

Then came the Hadoken! Tiger Fist! Sonic Hand Knife! Overlord Shouting Fist!

After landing, he followed up with the Dou Qi Storm! Eight Young Girls! Dragon and Tiger Dance! Finally ended with the Great Snake Nagisa!

"Ah, Ah, Ah!"

In the surging white flames, Qin Ming, who turned into a fireball on the spot, hit the wolf hard.

He had fought the opponent for more than ten moves in a row, and for a while he was a little exhausted, causing him to be out of breath and his body size was seriously shrunk.

As for the wolf who was beaten by him?

Looking at the guy lying opposite, face down, motionless, Qin Ming stretched out his hand to pull the collar of his suit, grinning and opening his mouth.

"What a lunatic! This is the first time I've heard someone make such a request!"

While complaining, Qin Ming walked towards the fallen wolf, ready to suck his blood back.

But before Qin Ming could get close, the wolf lying face down on the ground had already struggled to stretch out a hand and began to shake vigorously.

"No more fighting! No more fighting! I won't fight! I surrender!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming was slightly stunned, and suddenly grinned after reacting.

The reaction of this guy in front of him suddenly reminded him of one of his dog friends, a female dog friend who is doing well now and has run to a union to become a senior pensioner.

"You said you don't want to fight? The nightmare space is yours?"

"It's no good for you to kill me! Why do you have to cause a death? At most, I'll give you some benefits to buy your life!"

"Hiss, you really climbed up from the bottom?"

Looking at the wolf who turned over and lay on the ground motionless, and started to play badly on the spot, Qin Ming's expression was very confused at the moment.

Logically speaking, those who can climb up from the extremely competitive low-level adventure zone must be very capable, and each one is more ruthless than the other.

After all, if you are not ruthless, you can't survive.

But why is this guy in front of him like a newcomer? He surrendered just like that?

He just handed his life to someone else? Does he have any life-saving trump card? Or is he simply afraid of death?

Walking to the side of the wild wolf, Qin Ming frowned more and more tightly at the dinosaur-like colleague in front of him.

In fact, he had already found something wrong when the fight started just now.

This guy in front of him can be said to have no ruthlessness at all. His first reaction when he found that he couldn't beat him was not to try to fight to the death, but to turn around and run away.

And after finding that he couldn't run away! He actually tried to run hard!

This guy...

"Boy! How did you become an intermediate adventurer?"

Qin Ming's voice fell, and the wild wolf lying on the ground was stunned. After reacting, he quickly showed a stiff smile on his face.

"Damn... layout!"


Qin Ming's face immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment when he heard these two words.

No wonder he could call so many BOSSes to fight. He turned out to be a wise general. But looking at his performance just now, he doesn't seem to have a high IQ. Could he be a battle idiot who is a master of layout?

Reaching out to grab Wild Wolf, Qin Ming pulled him up by the collar, his eyes flickered slightly.

"I can not kill you, but how much money can you give to save your life?"

"This... Uh, I can take you to the BOSS's lair!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Wild Wolf's eyes lit up, and his expression instantly became very excited.

"Brother! You are such a good fighter! How about we cooperate?"


"Yes! You cooperate with me! Let's join hands to kill the protagonists and villains! We will share the benefits equally!"




"Seventy-three! You take seven and I take three!"


"I have a cooperative relationship with Dr. Calamity. I know where his base is and I am qualified to go in. It's just that I can't beat him alone, but now I have you, brother! I'll take you in! Let's take him together! We will definitely make a lot of money!"

The more Wild Wolf talked, the more excited he became. His face was flushed.

Seeing his excitement, Qin Ming couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face.

"You have a cooperative relationship with the final boss?"

"Yes, otherwise how could I call so many bosses to fight at once? I have equal status with that bald man Calamity!"

When he mentioned his identity, Wild Wolf couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face.

After hearing his words, Qin Ming finally believed that the guy in front of him was a wise general.

After all, in the low-level adventure zone, he could become a partner with the final boss. This really cannot be done without some brainpower!

Qin Ming finally let go of his hand and frowned for a while, while the wild wolf adjusted his collar and spoke.

"Let's first deal with these BOSSes I brought here, then kill two protagonists at random, take their heads to claim credit, and when the other party comes out to check, suddenly explode! Kill him directly!"

"Well, the plan is good, but how do you explain to the other party that I am a companion who suddenly appeared? And let him relax his vigilance against me?"

"Well, just say you are my cousin! You came to surrender to me!"

"What if the other party does not come to check by himself, but sends someone?"

"Find a way to kill the person sent! Force him out!"

"What if this arouses the other party's vigilance?"

"Then just kill him! I will bring the dinosaur with you! Just kill him!"

"…………Did you really climb up by planning?!"

Looking at the wild wolf who answered quickly without thinking, Qin Ming was stunned at the moment.

He thought he was reckless enough, but he never thought that the guy in front of him was even more reckless than himself. Whose general is this!

With this kind of IQ, he is also embarrassed to brag that he climbed up by planning? What kind of idiot is the opponent who can lay out a plan for him!

Feeling Qin Ming's suspicious eyes, the wild wolf, who was already immersed in the fantasy of killing the final boss and obtaining the clearance treasure chest, froze with a smile on his face.

His expression became a little embarrassed, and he secretly glanced at Qin Ming.

"Well, actually, I don't think there is any need to think so much, just improvise, as the saying goes, plans are not as fast as changes, strength is the hard truth."

The wild wolf is indeed not a master of layout, to be precise, he doesn't know how to lay out a plan at all!

But he is indeed an intermediate adventurer!

However, unlike other adventurers who have worked hard and survived many deaths to climb up, the wild wolf has come all the way smoothly, and he has not even fought himself. This is also the main reason why he has no ruthlessness and admits defeat when he can't win.

Fight to the death? Only useless adventurers will fight to the death with others by themselves. He never needs to fight with others because he has little brothers!

[Talented Skills: Animal Master (can charm non-humanoid creatures whose highest attribute does not exceed their own spiritual value, the initial number of charms is 1, and for every 25 points of spirituality, the number of charms is +1)]

[Introduction: As an animal manager, you know how to please any animal, and you are well-known among animals because you have managed pandas, which represents a stable job]

Now the wild wolf has 79 points of spiritual power with the blessing of equipment! It even breaks through the second stage limit! In other words, he can control four beasts!

The velociraptors, pterosaurs, triceratops that appeared on the battlefield before, and the parasitic beasts that have now merged with him, are all his slaves.

With four bosses escorting him, he has always been the only one who bullies others in groups, and no one has ever bullied him.

With the protection of his younger brothers, he has never fought with anyone. When he encounters a strong enemy alone, of course his performance will be very poor.

But if Qin Ming hadn't dragged him out of the battlefield, it would have led to a forced one-on-one situation.

Then Qin Ming will face a group fight of four bosses at once! The one who runs away at that time will definitely not be Wild Wolf! But Qin Ming!

Looking at his colleague who looked at him with increasingly strange eyes, Wild Wolf was still persuading him earnestly, trying to win him over and work together to solve the final boss, Dr. Scourge.

After all, he had long coveted the other party's treasure chest, but he didn't dare to turn against him because of the other party's strength.

With the special means of perfect control of dinosaurs, Wild Wolf successfully connected with Dr. Scourge. At this moment, his status in the opponent's camp has already climbed to the highest level, and he has taken all the benefits he can get.

If he doesn't try to kill the other party to get the final benefit and pass the game to get the clearance treasure chest, will he still keep Dr. Scourge to give birth to a cub!

As for the question of whether this guy in front of him will turn against him after the benefits are obtained?

Let alone the fact that he really opened his posture, he would not be afraid of him with his younger brother protecting him.

The value of that clearance treasure chest alone is far above that of an ordinary treasure chest.

Not to mention that because Wild Wolf mainly relied on his minions to fight, he never needed to spend money on equipment, so he spent almost all his money on life-saving props. He was not afraid of Qin Ming risking his life with him.

Can't he run away if he can't beat him? At most, he will be forced to return to the city, as long as he can get the treasure chest after passing the level.

Even if he really can't go back! He still has the resurrection stage!

To venture into the nightmare space and have a smooth journey, Wild Wolf relies on only two magic weapons, one is that he has enough minions, and the other is that he is good at surviving!

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