Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 332 The benefits of low IQ

In the end, the two who had just fought to the death reached a strategic cooperation and temporarily stood on the united front.

Although Qin Ming always felt that the guy in front of him was not very reliable, even he, who did not like to use his brain, felt that the other party was too brainless.

However, Qin Ming still agreed with the suggestion made by Wild Wolf.

After all, it was a clearance treasure chest! Everything inside was a treasure! The value must be higher than the so-called golden treasure chest!

If you can get another one, it will really be a big profit.

As for the original hostile relationship between the two sides? If the matter was not negotiated, then everyone would still be competitors, but now that it has been negotiated, what kind of opponent is it? This is called no acquaintance without fighting! Heroes appreciate heroes!

This is the reality between adventurers. The wound on Wild Wolf's face has not even disappeared, but he has already grinned and shook hands with Qin Ming vigorously, and the two sides began to call each other brothers.

And after some discussion, they finally decided on the next action plan...

A harsh sound rang out, and the two sides who were fighting wildly at the control console were stunned at the same time.

The fourth level boss Slaine looked at each other, and the fifth level boss Mog, who had transformed into a swollen-headed dragon, looked at each other. Although they didn't understand why the second-in-command of the hunting organization suddenly ordered a retreat, they immediately obeyed the other party's command and led people to retreat towards the exit.

Seeing this, the protagonists and adventurers in the hall did not choose to pursue, after all, the other party had too many people this time, and there were also many bosses.

They were really a little bit overwhelmed by the ambush and group beating. If they continued to fight like this, there would be casualties.

Qin Ming, who had returned to the control room at some point, stood aside expressionlessly, his eyes constantly scanning the four protagonists.

He was looking for a hunting target. After all, he had to bring a letter of surrender to see Dr. Scourge, otherwise how could he lure the other party out.

As for who should he choose for the letter of surrender? This may be a multiple-choice question for others, but for Qin Ming! This has always been a question and answer question!

His eyes were fixed on Jack, and Qin Ming's expression was very indifferent.

Jack, who noticed this gaze, also turned his head and looked at him, his eyes were also not friendly.

Since the guy appeared in front of him, Jack found that Hannah had changed. She was more enthusiastic towards this stranger who had only met a few times than towards himself.

This was not a good sign. His girlfriend might be kidnapped, and now his own car repair shop was destroyed. This made Jack feel very bad at the moment.

When he saw Qin Ming dared to stare at him, his mood was even worse. He always felt that the other party's eyes at this time were very gloating.

After confirming that all the enemies had retreated, the protagonist group immediately called the people of the Natural Organization and began to repair the repair shop urgently.

After a busy time, it was already night in a blink of an eye. The exhausted people looked at the almost completely destroyed repair shop in front of them, and they were all in a heavy mood.

The vehicle supply of the Natural Organization was completely cut off.

At the same time, in a secret base of the Hunting Organization, the bosses Mog and Slaine who brought people back also had bad expressions at the moment.

Looking at the wolf sitting opposite him, posing with his hands crossed on his nose, Mog, who had returned to human form, raised his glasses and suddenly asked.

"Second-in-command, why did you suddenly call us back? We were about to win. Even if we couldn't get rid of all of them in one go, it would definitely not be a problem to kill two of them!"

After saying this, the wolf sat in the shadows in silence for a second, and then suddenly spoke.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Hearing this, Hogg's eyebrows twitched. Facing the big red man in front of him who could control dinosaurs and was therefore deeply loved by the boss, he still didn't dare to confront him head-on.

"Don't dare!"

"Don't dare? In other words, you have thought about it? What! Do you think you can be smarter than me!"


"If you are smarter than me, then why can't you control dinosaurs? Why can't you be the second-in-command? Without my three dinosaurs to help you, can you beat them!"

Stretching out his hand and slapping the table hard, the wolf roared with a stern face.

"I, the boss, gave the order! Of course I have my reasons! Why I called you back is none of your business! Just listen to me! Dismissed!"

While saying this, Wild Wolf had already turned his chair around, leaving only the back of his head to the two of them.

This made Mog and Slaine, who saw this scene, roll their eyes and turn away helplessly.

After leaving the hall, Mog became more and more angry, and suddenly spoke with dissatisfaction.

"What kind of person is he! Isn't he just relying on his special ability! If the boss hadn't taken a fancy to him! I would kill him!"

Slaine, who was following him, suddenly spoke with a stern face.

"They have dinosaurs, and they are four genetically modified dinosaurs."

"What's wrong with four! My head is not in vain! I can smash stones!"

Knocking his bald head hard, Mog looked dissatisfied.

There are many reasons why he is dissatisfied with Wild Wolf. In addition to the unreasonable order from the other party this time, it is also because if Wild Wolf had not suddenly appeared, he would most likely become the second in command of the organization.

In other words, in Mog's eyes, it was the wild wolf that took away his position, which is why he was so hostile towards the wild wolf.

After all, Mog was too lazy to talk about that kid's IQ. If he hadn't been protected by four dinosaurs, he would have been killed long ago!

Mog quickly separated from Slaine and returned to his residence. While using the radio to contact his brothers and ask about their hunting work, he leisurely drank a little wine and cursed the useless second-in-command.

He didn't have to drink, but he had to curse. This could be regarded as Mog's daily pastime.

In the dead of night, Mog, a workaholic who had been busy all night, finally completed all the tasks remotely. When he was about to rest in a daze, there was a knock at his door.

Mog was stunned when he heard the sound, and walked over in confusion.

As the door opened, the person who appeared in front of him was the one he had just cursed for a long time, the second-in-command Wild Wolf!

Looking at the Wild Wolf who took the initiative to come to his door for the first time, Mog was obviously stunned.

Before he could react, why did the other party come to him in the middle of the night, the wolf had already spoken first.

The wolf looked around and found that there was no one else in the room, and suddenly smiled brightly at Mog.

"Hey, haven't you rested yet? Do you have guests?"

"Ah? No?"

"Oh, no, then I'm relieved."


As soon as the wolf's voice fell, a muffled sound was heard.

The wolf suddenly drew his knife while talking! A knife stabbed Mog's kidney at close range!

Mog, whose body was pierced by the weapon on the spot, had an unbelievable look on his face, staring at the wolf opposite with wide eyes.

The main reason was that the opponent's sneak attack was too sudden. Who would have thought that the guy who was still happily asking you about something in the last second would suddenly draw a knife and stab you in the next second!

High IQ has its disadvantages, that is, it is easy to think too much and worry too much.

Having a low IQ also has its advantages, that is, being straightforward and decisive.

And Wild Wolf! It is obviously the latter!

There is a reason why he can get along with animals and awaken such a strange talent.

This guy is really decisive! Discuss the plan during the day! Come to the door at night!

And just ask if there is anyone, and after hearing the other party say no, he starts to act without saying a word, and doesn't even bother to go in and take a look!

His sudden knife stunned Mog who was stabbed, and also stunned Qin Ming who was lurking and preparing to cooperate in the sneak attack on the opponent.

The two of them would be stunned, but the dinosaurs raised by Wild Wolf would not.

Roaring! A triceratops broke through the wall on the spot! It hit Mog hard! It directly knocked the other party out!

There was also a velociraptor running in through the gap, and there was a pterosaur guarding the roof to be responsible for any eventuality.

The wolf, who had also completed the transformation, roared into the room, grabbed the large wardrobe next to him and lifted it high, and then pounced on Mog.

Extremely skilled four-on-one! Start!

With a crash, the wardrobe fell on Mog and smashed it to pieces on the spot.

Mog, who was hit head-on, turned around and prepared to get his submachine gun, but before he could pounce, his body in mid-air was bitten by the velociraptor, dragging his thin body and shaking his head desperately.

With a crackling sound, Mog, who was directly attacked by a series of group attacks, roared and his body suddenly began to mutate.

His skin turned livid, his body became taller, and dinosaur characteristics appeared on his body.

Second form! Pachycephalosaurus gene! Turn on!

"You damn guys!"

With a roar, Mog, who had completed the transformation in an instant, saw the Triceratops rushing from the front, and he lowered his head and hit it without thinking.

With a loud bang, the Triceratops, which looked extremely heavy, was actually knocked more than three meters away by him!

Mog, who had defeated his opponent head-on, continued to charge with his head down.

Velociraptor pounced? Hit!

The parasitic wolf came to kill him? Hit!

The pterosaur that tore open the roof and launched a sneak attack? Hit!

Breaking in from the side! A huge muscular man with an extremely tall figure? Keep hitting!


With a deafening roar, Mog, who turned into a human missile and accelerated and rushed around the room with his head down, just hit Qin Ming who had just entered the room.

Qin Ming was knocked back by this and flew out.

As for Mog?

He suddenly stopped running, his body shook on the spot, and his legs took a devilish step that didn't recognize his relatives.

He hit it head-on, and it felt like he had hit an iron plate, and his eyes were black at this time!

In the face of Qin Ming's more than 30 points of damage immunity, Moge, who has never been defeated and dared to hit anything since being injected with the Pachycephalosaurus gene, finally met a creature that he could not hit!

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