Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 333: Shocking Change

In the roar, before Moge, who had been knocked unconscious by the collision, could recover from the dizziness, Qin Ming, who struggled to get up from the ground, had already accelerated and rushed out, and hit Moge head-on!

Moge, who had been knocking people all his life, tasted the taste of being knocked for the first time, and his body was knocked out on the spot.

And Qin Ming, who had just landed and jumped up, had already brought his weight of more than 400 kilograms after the blood was fully filled, and fell like a cannonball.

Imitation-People's Elbow!


The loud sound spread all around, and Qin Ming, whose elbow landed on the back of Moge's head, immediately heard a crisp bone fracture in his ears.

The good news is that facing his violent attack on the vital points with the blessing of the Qi wave, Moge could not resist, and his head was severely injured on the spot.

The bad news is! Qin Ming's elbow was also unable to resist! The bone was broken on the spot!

As a result of both sides being injured, Qin Ming lay on the ground in pain and covered his arm with force.

Mog, lying face down on the ground, stretched out his hand to cover his bleeding head.

Before he could scream, the velociraptor suddenly rushed over from the side, bit his leg, and began to smash him wildly.

Then the triceratops charged and trampled, the pterosaurs tore hard, and the wild wolf took the opportunity to finish off.

The four guys who came together fully proved with practical actions what it means to have strength in numbers.

As the fifth level boss, Mog's ability is definitely not weak.

The second stage transformation, super attributes, high speed and high strength, and good defense, can definitely be called a tough one.

However, under one against four, he still fought very miserably.

This is not a question of skill level! It's just that there is no way to fight!

The velociraptor bit his leg and dragged him backwards! The pterosaur grabbed his head and pulled it upwards. Mog was completely pulled up in the air for a while, and his body was stretched into a straight line.

This is because his physical strength is strong enough, otherwise he would be torn apart by the two of them!

Mog, who was tightly controlled, couldn't even fight back, so how could he fight?

Not to mention the Wild Wolf, who seized the opportunity to rush over, took out the hammer and aimed at his abdomen and beat him madly, making continuous finishing blows.

A shrill scream immediately sounded in the room. Mog, who had finally gotten rid of the pterosaur's entanglement with all his strength and fell from the air, was now covered with scars.

He kicked the velociraptor that was biting him hard with his legs, and Mog, with blood all over his face, suddenly lowered his head and accelerated towards the wall, trying to break through the wall and escape.

He had already realized that he could never beat so many people alone, so he tried to escape, tried to find reinforcements, and called Slaine for help!

Mog reacted quickly. If he faced the Wild Wolf alone, he might really be able to break out of the encirclement.

It's a pity that he was not facing only the Wild Wolf this time, but there was also a guy who was raiding the formation next to him!

With a bang! The sprint skill of the swollen-headed dragon was activated! Mog accelerated and ran wildly! But he didn't hit the wall directly!

Because in front of him, Qin Ming, who was sliding and rushing over, had already blocked him.

A loud bang was heard! The two collided fiercely again!

Mog, who was feeling dizzy, continued to accelerate and sprint without slowing down.

Qin Ming, who grabbed Mog's shoulders with both hands to prevent himself from being knocked out, also struggled desperately.

The two broke through the wall and rushed out of the room together.

Qin Ming, who was pushed to the ground and slid for a while, had veins bulging on his forehead at this moment.

After being knocked more than 20 meters away, he finally stopped Mog's charge.

Then, without saying a word, he grabbed the opponent's belt and raised him upside down with a roar! Head down! Thrust into the ground with all his strength!

Wrestling skills! Death nail head monument!


Qin Ming fell with all his strength! He thrust Mog halfway into the soil!

Before Mog, whose lower body was exposed, could struggle to crawl out, Qin Ming swung his arm and chopped with his sword with all his strength! The target was exactly between Mog's legs that kept kicking!

Imitation-sonic sword!

There was a roar, and with the triple blessing of blood, white flame and qi, Qin Ming's sword had the effect of a mortar shell.

With him as the center, within a radius of five meters, a shock wave visible to the naked eye was formed.

Qin Ming, who chopped between his legs with a sword, could hear the sound of objects breaking clearly in his ears.

And Mog, who was kicking his legs and trying to crawl out, had his legs straightened on the spot!

After a successful attack, Qin Ming's eyes flashed red, and he raised his hand just as he was about to continue to pursue the victory.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a whistling sound from the side. It turned out that the guy Wild Wolf had led people to chase him out.

After seeing Mog stuck upside down in the soil, Wild Wolf's eyes lit up, and he rushed over without thinking, and raised the two-handed hammer in his hand high.



Another muffled sound came into the ears, and Wild Wolf hit the bull's eye.

The full-strength and brutal attack caused Mog, who had been trying hard to straighten his legs, to drop his legs suddenly and completely stopped moving...

An hour later, footsteps were heard outside the base, and a large number of members of the hunting organization walked back with unhappy faces.

Some of them even complained as they walked.

"If we don't let anyone sleep in the middle of the night, why is the second in command bothering us? He also said that he found traces of the lone enemy? Where can we look for him in the middle of the night? Where is the person we promised? It's all in vain!"

"Oh, the first level of the official is overwhelming, let alone the second-in-command. Didn't you see that Boss Slane also followed suit? The boss didn't say anything, so you should stop complaining."

"Tsk, why haven't you seen any trace of Boss Mog? Isn't he very difficult to deal with the second in command? Why didn't the second in command send him out to work this time? Isn't this in line with his character?"

"Who knows, maybe Boss Mog has some more important mission."

You said something to me, and I was put to work in the middle of the night. The most important thing was that nothing was accomplished. Everyone who had missed it could be said to be full of complaints for a while.

Slane, who took the lead and walked in front, had an expressionless face from beginning to end, said nothing, and behaved very coldly.

Only when he heard the discussion of the younger brothers, his eyes flickered slightly and his eyebrows furrowed.

Returning to the stronghold, looking at the silent camp, Slane waved his hand and quickly directed his brothers to disperse and rest, and he also walked to his room.

After the extremely tired brothers returned to their respective residences, Qin Ming and Ye Lang slowly appeared in the darkness.

The hunt begins.

Mog, the swollen-headed dragon, finally died under the crowd's beating, and died without any dignity at all.

After returning to their residence to rest, the extremely exhausted brothers were quickly assassinated by the two of them.

After taking care of all the miscellaneous fish in the entire area and confirming that no one would disturb their hunt for the BOSS, Qin Ming and Wild Wolf led the three dinosaurs towards Slaine's room.

When he came to the door, relying on the military memory brought by his fighting skills, Qin Ming skillfully opened the door lock with a knife.

Then he just touched the darkness and slowly moved towards the bed.

Slowly approaching with light feet, looking at Slane lying motionless on the bed, Qin Ming's eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly he and the wild wolf took action at the same time, attacking each other's vital points.

Qin Ming took the knife straight to the neck! The wild wolf is a round sledgehammer! Take it straight... uh, crotch!

Two loud bangs sounded almost at the same time, and the entire bed was smashed to pieces by the two people and collapsed on the spot.

Looking at the broken bed, and Slane who disappeared on the spot after being hit by a blow.

Qin Ming and Ye Lang, who succeeded in the sneak attack, shrank their pupils at the same time, and they immediately understood that something serious was going to happen.

This is a fake!

Before the two of them could recover from the shock, a harsh sound of wind suddenly came from the roof.

The next second! A large number of boomerangs are spinning and falling at high speed! Dense as a heavy rain!

B-level skills! Phantom Boomerang!

There were crackling sounds, and the unprepared wild wolf was hit by a sneak attack on the spot, and the wall was directly smashed into pieces.

Only Qin Ming, who had his back turned to this side, relied on his terrifying defense to forcefully take the blow.

Slane, who was hanging on the roof at some point, released his palms and fell to the ground instantly.

Raising his hand to catch the flying boomerang, Slane looked at Qin Ming who turned to look at him with a serious expression.

When he heard the conversation between his younger brothers, he had already noticed that something was not right.

The second-in-command Wild Wolf and Moge have never dealt with each other, and they fight against each other almost every day. Now that there is such a good opportunity to blatantly torment people, according to the character of the second-in-command Wild Wolf, it is impossible to let Moge go.

But today he called everyone, but he did not call Mog to participate in the operation. How could this be wrong?

So Slaine was careful when he came back and did not go to sleep directly. Instead, he chose to lie down on the roof beams.

Facts have proved that he was right to worry! Something happened tonight!

Holding the boomerang with both hands, Slaine roared angrily and threw the boomerang again with all his strength.

And the moment the boomerang was released, it had turned into a large number of afterimages and carried out a large-scale bombing.

He had no time to figure out why the second-in-command wolf suddenly attacked him.

He only knew that he had to get rid of the other party quickly. After all, if the other party didn't die, he would be the one who died!

Slaine's attributes are absolutely terrifying, and his strength is even higher than that of the fifth level boss Mog. Not to mention that because Qin Ming picked up a stone, he went berserk and his attributes were increased.

This resulted in the Wild Wolf and his dinosaurs not daring to confront Slane's boomerangs.

Only Qin Ming crossed his hands in front of him and used his body to take the blow again.

Then he accelerated and ran towards Slane crazily. As soon as he closed the distance, he activated the Heavenly Sliding skill without hesitation!

With a whooshing sound, Qin Ming turned into an afterimage and shot straight towards Slane.

Driven by skills, this is an outrageous movement speed. Even Slaine, who has 70 points of agility, is not guaranteed to be able to completely avoid it.

Therefore, the opponent did not choose to take risks and dodge, but also activated the skills.

With a whoosh! The figure throws out the afterimage! Weird sliding movement! Avoid Qin Ming's capture on the spot!

B-level skills! Apparition!

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