Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 334 Blood Hunter

With a strange slide, he dodged Qin Ming's charge on the spot.

Slaine raised his hand to catch the boomerang and threw it out again.

The overwhelming boomerangs shot back and forth in the room, really hitting from all directions without leaving any dead angles.

Qin Ming and Wild Wolf and others rushed up against the attack, and kept rushing around in the room, trying to get close to Slaine.

However, Slaine's movement speed was too fast and his ability was too weird.

His body kept sliding in the room, dodging various skills again and again. Slaine's movements were chic, and he was strolling in the garden without any panic.

Two people plus three dinosaurs attacked with all their strength! They couldn't touch him at all!

And this! This is the strength of the hunting organization's first killer!

Slaine may not be the highest in the organization! But he is definitely the strongest!

It's just because he is too taciturn and not good at expressing emotions that he doesn't attract much attention on weekdays.

But in terms of actual combat power, Slaine, who has almost perfectly integrated with the dinosaur genes, is definitely better than others! He is the undisputed number one master!

Relying on the narrow terrain in the room, Qin Ming fought with Slaine and others for three or four minutes.

The result was that Slaine was unscathed, and Qin Ming did not suffer much damage because of his strong defense.

It was just hard for the wild wolf who was fighting with the dinosaur next to him. He couldn't hit his opponent or catch up with others. He was beaten all the time and was now covered with scars.

Looking at Slaine who slid forward again to avoid his blood ball, Qin Ming suddenly stopped and raised his hand to block the wild wolf who was trying to rush over.

Without waiting for the wild wolf to speak, Qin Ming suddenly pushed him back hard.

"Get out!"


"Take you out with the dinosaur! Now!"

"Ah? Yes!"

Although the confused wild wolf didn't understand what Qin Ming meant, he still turned around and ran out immediately. After all, Qin Ming was better at fighting.

The sudden action here also made Slaine, who caught the boomerang on the other side, stunned.

Although he had been through many battles, he didn't understand what his opponent meant, but when he looked at the wolf and three dinosaurs who quickly ran out of the room, he still vaguely found that something was wrong.

Based on the principle of safety, he rushed out without hesitation, ready to rush out of the room, but as soon as he stuck his head out of the window, he was immediately hit by machine gun fire.

Outside the house, Kasamoto Eri, who was holding a light machine gun, had already started fire coverage!

Dense bullets kept bombarding the wall, piercing the wall on the spot, and kept flying into the room.

Seeing this scene, Slaine's pupils shrank, and his body dragged the afterimage and immediately began to dodge.

After moving left and right several times in a row, he easily avoided the pursuit of bullets, and frowned when he stopped.

Fire coverage? This is the opponent's method? I have to say it's quite cruel! It's a pity that the machine gun itself also dodged...


Before Slaine could finish his thoughts, violent explosions came from all directions.

The next second, with Slaine's shocked expression and Qin Ming's cold eyes, the entire building was engulfed in flames, and the two people standing in it were naturally not spared.

Machine gun? Machine guns have never been Qin Ming's trump card!

The trump card Qin Ming prepared for Slaine this time! It was Kasamoto Eri's best C4 bomb!

When the two sides started fighting and Qin Ming found that he couldn't hit the other side at all, Kasamoto Eri had already started to secretly install C4 explosives outside.

Can you hide, right? Qin Ming wanted to see if he could avoid the large-scale explosion!

Amid the roar, the entire building was almost blown into ruins on the spot. Looking at the violent explosion in front of him, the wild wolf running out with the dinosaur was stunned and full of astonishment.

He had encountered adventurers who did blasting before, but this kind of adventurer who was so cruel that he blew himself up was the first time he met one.

Could this guy be a terrorist in real life? How could he be called ruthless? He is clearly a madman!

The S-level skill, Flesh and Blood Absorption, eventually affected Qin Ming's character. Even though he had begun to control his emotions desperately after being reminded by others, this ability still affected his instincts.

If it were before, Qin Ming would never rely on his thick skin and flesh to stay in the explosion and fight with others. His first reaction when encountering danger would never be to rely on his stubbornness.

The strong self-confidence brought by the two S skills and the indirect influence of his personality caused by the ability have caused Qin Ming's fighting style to become very violent, even crazy.

In front, in the sea of ​​fire, before the explosion stopped completely, a roar sounded.

As the flames tore apart, Qin Ming, who seized the opportunity to grab Slaine's neck, had already dragged him to move at high speed.

Skill! Heavenly Slide!

Slaine, who was engulfed by the explosion, could not escape Qin Ming's surprise attack after all.

Slaine was seriously injured at the moment. The explosion of a large number of C4s left him with nowhere to hide.

He was unscathed just now, but now he was covered with wounds.

Qin Ming on the opposite side was not feeling well either. After all, those were explosives made with A-level skills. The lethality of the explosions had already exceeded Qin Ming's limit of injury immunity.

This caused Qin Ming to be seriously injured, but the more injured he was, the more blood in Qin Ming's body exploded.

While they were recovering from Qin Ming's injuries, they were frantically urging Qin Ming to obtain nutrients, and to obtain nutrients by any means.

And now Qin Ming! That's what he did!

Three-stage sprint in the Kingdom of Heaven! Explode with blood!

Before Slaine, who was blown up and spun, rolled to the ground, Qin Ming, who was gliding and chasing him, had already launched a set of punches and kicks at him, with an astonishing speed.

In the end, he pinched Slaine's neck with one hand, and the blood on the other hand turned into a saw blade, and began to cut his head with force, while relying on his arm to continuously absorb the opponent's blood.

This set of combos has been used countless times, extremely simple and crude, but extremely practical.

Slaine, who was caught by the explosion and suffered a set of blows on the spot, was stunned at this time.

Fortunately, his strength value was higher than Qin Ming at this time, otherwise he would have been killed alive if he couldn't break free!

With a roar, he raised his hand and smashed it with all his strength, forcibly breaking Qin Ming's arm that was grabbing him.

Slaine, who was already seriously injured, did not wait for Qin Ming to rush again, and his body was already flashing strangely.

The next second! There was an existence exactly like him next to him!

A-level skill! Dinosaur afterimage! Summon a clone with 50% of its own attributes!

This is Slaine's strongest trump card, and it is also an ability that he cannot easily control, resulting in the summoned clone not lasting long.

Compared with the original plot, when Dr. Scourge relied on his corpse to conduct experiments after he was beaten to death, he was completely dinosaurized and resurrected, and the dinosaur afterimage that could exist for a long time was not at the same level.

Although the duration is not long, the A-level skill is an A-level skill after all.

A clone that can assist in combat in a short period of time and has half of its own combat power is enough to give anyone a headache... except Qin Ming.

Because the attributes of the clone are deducted by half! He can't beat Qin Ming anymore!

Qin Ming's nickname of the monster killer is not for nothing!

Let alone one clone! Even if you have ten clones! It's useless if he can't beat Qin Ming!

However, Slaine summoned the clones at this time, not to fight Qin Ming head-on.

In the case of being injured, he no longer expected to be able to defeat his opponent.

The purpose of his summoning the clones was to confuse the opponent! So as to take the opportunity to escape!

With a whoosh, the two Slaine separated to the left and right, running in different directions, and while running, they turned around and threw the boomerangs in their hands.

The constantly split boomerangs mixed together, making it impossible to tell which side was coming from.

The people who were forced to retreat and dodge were stunned for a while when they saw the two Slaine rushing quickly into the distance at basically the same speed.

"Boss! Which one should I chase?!"

The wolf was not good at thinking, and he knew this himself, so he directly handed the question to others.

Qin Ming, who was asked, was actually not very good at thinking, so he handed the question to the skills.

S-level skills! Flesh and blood absorption! Open!

With a humming sound, the violent blood mist spread rapidly in all directions. All the people present, including Kasamoto Eri, had blood floating out of their bodies uncontrollably.

Ignoring the startled wild wolf on the side, Qin Ming closed his eyes and sensed it slightly, then suddenly opened his eyes and roared.

"This side is real! Chase!"

The clone can imitate Slaine's strength, but it can never imitate his blood.

Which side has blood floating! Which side is real! Qin Ming's way of distinguishing is so simple!

A Heavenly Kingdom Slide was used, and the body instantly jumped out more than ten meters. Qin Ming began to run at high speed in the woods, chasing the fleeing enemy.

In terms of dodging ability, Slaine is naturally better than Qin Ming, otherwise it would be impossible for him to make everyone go around in circles by himself.

But in terms of straight-line sprinting ability, Qin Ming, who has the Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill, can beat three of them.

In addition, with the locking of the flesh and blood absorption skill, as long as he is within a certain range, no matter how Slaine hides, Qin Ming can find him through the blood mist.

High-speed movement! Unique tracking! The two merge with each other! As a result, Qin Ming has really become a hyena now! A hungry hyena that is extremely good at hunting prey!

In the woods, Slaine, who was covered in wounds, was running at high speed, constantly shuttling through the trees.

He didn't run far before his steps suddenly stopped, and he raised his head in shock.

At the same time, above him, a figure suddenly jumped onto the tree trunk, with blood surging around him and red light flashing in his eyes, looking extremely terrifying.

"Found you! Boy!"

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