Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 335 Unique Loot

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Ming turned into a rocket launcher and flew towards him. His body was covered with blood and white flames, and he hit Slane directly.

This sudden impact caused Slaine to roll and fall to the ground. He was already seriously injured, and he no longer had the energy and speed he had before.

This is the flaw of agile players. When facing the enemy, they often only have two results.

One is that the speed is higher than that of the opponent and can be used to trick the opponent without causing any damage.

One is to be unable to trick the opponent and be caught and killed on the spot.

The difference in strength between the agility players before and after the injury was very large, which was why Slane ran away.

He was seriously injured! The combat effectiveness has declined seriously! No more avoiding enemy attacks!

Slaine was thrown to the ground on the spot. Qin Ming, who had hit him hard, raised his hand and punched him directly in the face.

After being kicked away by Slane, he stood up and saw that the opponent was about to run. He punched the ground with one hand and used an energy fountain to blow the opponent away again.

Slane, who chose to run for his life, made a big mistake after all in his panic, that is, he should not have run into the woods.

Although there are many bunkers here, they can help him hide his figure very well.

But the problem is that the environment full of trees completely limits his method, which is the boomerang!

Playing with a boomerang in the woods isn't stupid, it's just crazy!

He raised his hand and threw the weapon. As a result, with a clanking sound, a large number of weapons directly hit the tree trunk and were inserted into it.

Seeing that his unique skill was actually defeated by the environment, Slaine's face suddenly turned pale. After changing his body to avoid Qin Ming's attack, he panicked and ran back again.

But this time, before Qin Ming could catch up, a bird song could be heard in the sky.

The next second! Pterodactyl enters!

The flying swoop from the sky caught Slaine off guard. Although he relied on his skills to avoid it at the critical moment, he was also blocked.

At the same time, rustling sounds were heard from all directions, and Miles Kasamoto, Ye Lang and others chased after them again.

Looking at the enemies gathering from all sides, Slane, who was blocked in the middle, looked livid.

After turning his head and looking around, he finally gritted his teeth and rushed towards the weakest-looking target.

And this goal! It’s none other than Mile Kasamoto!

Seeing him charging towards him, Miles Kasamoto's eyes lit up. He didn't even fire his gun and charged towards him without hesitation.

And while charging, he opened his military uniform, revealing a large number of grenades inside...

Half an hour later, the battle was completely over. Slane, who was frightened away by Miles Kasamoto, a self-reliant soldier who had learned bad things, could not break out of the encirclement after all.

And as the wild wolf flew towards him, he hugged his legs and refused to let go after being beaten to death. He completely lost his advantage of agility and could no longer survive the siege of five BOSS-level figures.

As Slane was caught by Qin Ming and forcibly sucked into his body, the top general of the hunting organization was completely declared dead.

And the treasure chest he exploded! It’s actually light gold! It fully proves how strong he is!

Returning to the messy camp, Qin Ming and Wild Wolf were now sitting face to face. There were two trophies on the table, which were the keys to Slaine and Mog.

Looking at the dim golden and bright silver keys on the table, Qin Ming and Ye Lang fell into silence.

Many adventurer teams fight when the spoils are finally divided. The reason is that the spoils are unevenly divided.

The values ​​of the two keys in front of me are completely unequal, so how should they be divided?

Per capita? According to strength? Or based on merit?

I'm afraid some people will be dissatisfied no matter how you divide it.

Finally, after being silent for a long time, Ye Lang stood up first and was about to speak, but before he could say anything, Qin Ming suddenly interrupted with a wave of his hand.

"I give you two choices. One, you accept these two keys, and the final boss key will be mine. Second, I will accept these two keys, and the final boss key will be given to you. I will leave the choice to you, and you can decide for yourself. ”

Qin Ming's words made Ye Lang stunned. After thinking for a long time, he frowned and suddenly nodded.

"Then I'll choose one. To me, high-end items are of no use at all. I can't wear equipment when it's fit, and I can't wear equipment when it's not fit. If I choose two pieces of equipment, I can still make more money."

As he spoke, Wild Wolf had already collected the two keys and opened them without hesitation.

While opening the box, Huan Wang said cheerfully.

"Brother, don't worry. Even if you don't believe in my character, you still have to believe in the charm of the treasure chest. I will definitely help you to deal with Dr. Natural Disaster, and I will never compete with you for the key. After all, it's just for a broken man. It’s not worth offending you with the box, what the hell is this?”

Before he finished speaking, the wild wolf who opened the box suddenly screamed.

Qin Ming looked up in confusion upon hearing this, and the next second after seeing clearly the properties of the two new items in his hands, he couldn't help laughing.

The two items that Wild Wolf opened from the treasure chest were both of high level and indeed good, but this ability...

[Name: Pagoda-cephalosaur’s helmet]

[Category: Head]

[Grade: Brilliant Silver Level Equipment]

[Equipment requirements: None]

[Effect 1: Head defense extra +50]

[Effect 2: When attacking the target with the head, the damage caused will be an additional +30]

[Introduction: Check out the moves! Genetic version of Tietou Gong! 】

[Name: Slaine's Kidney Stone]

[Classification: Special Item]

[Grade: Pale Gold Grade]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Effect 1: Designate a BOSS and generate a stone next to him. If the other party picks it up by his own will without human intervention, the user's all attribute limits in this world will be increased by 25 points]

[Introduction: Who threw the stone!!!]

Looking at the two extremely special equipment in the hands of the confused wolf, Qin Ming's expression almost couldn't hold back.

Compared with his desperate control, Kasamoto Eri next to him didn't give much face. This woman laughed out loud in a very wicked way.

A green round helmet, similar in shape to the skull of a pachycephalosaur, can be said to be extremely ugly.

Plus a piece of inconspicuous broken stone.

These two things are not weak, especially the stone. Once the effect is really activated, the increase it brings is terrifying.

But if you say the effect is strong! It's too difficult to activate the stone behind! After all, which boss would pick up stones for no reason? You can't command or remind him to interfere!

Listening to the harsh laughter from Kasamoto Eri, Wild Wolf was not angry, but just sighed and took the two items silently.

"This thing is not easy to sell, maybe I will lose money."

Whether the thing is useful or not, it doesn't really matter to Wild Wolf, anyway, he doesn't plan to use it at all.

He usually relies on his younger brothers to fight, and when he merges with the parasitic beast, the attributes of all his equipment will be invalid, so he is destined to have no chance with the equipment.

Therefore, when this equipment comes to him, it is all for sale. He doesn't care about the attribute level at all, he only cares whether it can be sold at a high price and whether it is easy to sell.

And this stone with strange attributes and the ugly helmet are probably not easy to sell, especially the former.

On the opposite side, looking at Kasamoto Eri, who is getting worse and worse, and still laughing at each other, Qin Ming suppressed his smile and gave her an elbow.

After using physical means to shut her up, he looked at the wolf with a sullen face, and suddenly thought of something, and spoke to comfort her.

"Wolf, you don't have to be so depressed. This stone may be useless to others, but it may not be useful to you."

"Huh? What do you mean, brother?"

Wolf looked up in confusion, and Qin Ming, who was sitting opposite, grinned.

"Your ability should be to control wild beasts, these beasts are all boss-level, so why don't you find a way to control a beast that likes to pick up things? For example, monkeys and penguins, when you are resting, you can activate the stone. They are more curious, and the chance of picking up is very high!"

When Qin Ming said this, Wolf's face instantly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"Yes! There is also this trick! I can't command others to pick up stones! Then I can't bring a BOSS who likes to pick up stones! But where can I find such a BOSS? And how can I take them out of the mission world?"

With eyebrows furrowed, Wolf quickly fell into deep thought.

He was able to bring these dinosaur bosses out of the Dino Fighter world because of his special status in this world. He bought them from the organization by spending a lot of points and favorability.

Now that his favorability has been completely spent, the hunting organization is no longer useful to him, which is why he chose to turn against the harvest.

After leaving the Dino Fighter world, it is very difficult to bring out the bosses in other worlds, not to mention that you must like picking up stones, which makes it even more difficult for a while.

Although it is difficult, if you can really find a suitable target, the benefits will be huge.

He can control animals, so he has already overcome the most difficult point, so as long as he finds a suitable target, the next step will no longer be a problem for him.

Looking at the wild wolf that quickly fell into silence, Qin Ming sat opposite and stopped talking.

He just mentioned it casually. As for whether it can be successful, it depends on the other side, and it has nothing to do with himself.

Qin Ming now only cares about how to kill the final boss and how to enter the experimental base.

And now that the boss has been dealt with, the next thing to deal with is his personal grudges...

An hour later, Qin Ming, who had agreed to meet with the wild wolf, returned to the natural organization base with the heads of Mog and Slaine, and caused a sensation on the spot.

After all, the powerful enemies who had just fought in the daytime were dealt with one after another at night. This work efficiency is really fast enough.

Especially the three adventurers present, seeing that two more of the hunting targets died, their faces turned black for a while.

All three targets were killed, and they were all killed by Qin Ming alone. He was happy to eat alone, but how could everyone complete their tasks!

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