Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 34 Furious Qin Ming

Among the crowd, Qin Ming behaved relatively calmly. He was hiding behind the bunker, lowering his head to check the firearm in his hand.

The militia captain standing next to him was bandaged and had a serious look on his face.

As the approaching enemy stopped, the street suddenly fell into silence.

After being silent for a few seconds, the leading heavy-armored swordsman Kai Lai suddenly roared and charged forward first with his big sword raised!

He rushes! The soldiers in the rear also rushed forward! The mighty crowd directly launched a unified charge!

Seeing this, the farmers rushed forward, placed their spears on the horse piles to form a spear formation, and began to defend nervously.

Boom! The heavily armored swordsmen collided with the militia! The man is on his back and the horse is overturned! The defense line was torn open almost instantly! The two sides directly fought together!

Qin Ming, who was standing in the crowd, saw this and pulled the trigger crazily, targeting those who hit him in the face!

Shot at close range! The ordinary swordsmen shoot each one! The durable elite monster heavy armored swordsman will definitely be disabled with one shot!

After shooting and killing four or five people in succession, and slashing one person to death with a dagger in his hand, he directed the fat man to step forward to help him hold off the enemy, while he retreated and began to reload ammunition.

At this moment, the chaotic crowd nearby was suddenly knocked away, and a familiar figure came out.

It's a flying snake! The flying snake who chose to join the BOSS camp!

Wearing the armor of a heavy-armored swordsman and a bulletproof helmet on his head, he was actually followed by four heavy-armored swordsmen!

After rushing out of the crowd and seeing Qin Ming, Fei Snake's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly raised his weapon and pointed in Qin Ming's direction.

"It's him! It's him! Go! Kill him!"

Amidst the roar, Fei She took the lead and rushed forward, followed by four heavily armored swordsmen to attack Qin Ming.

But as he ran, he gradually slowed down and ran behind four heavy-armored swordsmen.

In the previous ambush battle, Qin Ming showed great power and it was difficult not to attract the enemy's attention.

Therefore, Fei She seized the opportunity and quickly made a proposal, leading four heavily armored swordsmen to form a crusade team specifically to deal with hard-to-gnaw bones.

The militia captain is among the targets! And so is Qin Ming, who is very good at fighting!

Even on the Flying Snake's hunting list, Qin Ming ranked higher than the militia captain.

After all, this guy has a gun! Don't kill him! What if he secretly shoots someone else?

This guy can kill soldiers much faster than the militia captain. He must not be left alone.

I want to capture the village! He must die!

The sudden attack by four elite monsters shocked Qin Ming. He quickly raised his pistol and pointed it in this direction, firing continuously.

Amidst the bang-bang gunfire, four elite monsters were killed and disabled on the spot, but this did not stop them.

The rest are close, the main thing is! Qin Ming's gun has run out of bullets!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's pupils shrank. He didn't have time to load his pistol. He suddenly roared and turned around and grabbed a horse-repelling stake. Then he lifted the behemoth of more than two hundred kilograms and rushed towards the enemy crazily.

The heavy-armored swordsmen who saw this scene were startled and hurriedly swung their swords to chop. Unfortunately, the sword blades struck the wood but failed to split the wood. Instead, their whole bodies were directly held up by the horse stakes. Crash.

Before the guy who was knocked away could get up from the ground, Qin Ming, who had stopped charging, had already raised the horse-rejecting stake and slapped him hard on the body, causing blood to spatter on the spot.

Then Qin Ming relied on brute force, swung the horse-repelling stake in his hand, and swung it like a meteor hammer. He really hit anyone he met!

The two heavily armored swordsmen around him saw this and retreated, not daring to get close at all.

Seeing this, the flying snake in the distance hurriedly grabbed the swordsman next to him and pushed them in the direction of Qin Ming.

"Go! Get them all! Go and kill him! Go!"

Soldiers were thrown over one after another and joined in the encirclement and suppression of Qin Ming. However, they did not dare to attack at close range in the face of Qin Ming's waving of horse-repelling stakes.

Two brave men rushed forward and were hit by horse-repelling stakes. They flew more than two meters away on the spot and died completely when they fell to the ground.

Seeing so many people besieging one person, but hiding here and there in fear, unable to capture the enemy at all, was completely different from the scenario he had expected of swarming up and hacking the enemy to death while their guns were out of bullets.

The flying snake in the distance looked livid, and while gritting his teeth, he suddenly took out a rifle from his inventory, knelt down on one knee and started taking aim.

After aiming for three seconds, he finally pulled the trigger, and then he heard a loud bang. Qin Ming, who was frantically holding the horse stake to hit people, suddenly shook violently.

After he stopped moving, he slowly lowered his head and glanced at the bleeding chest and the bullet embedded in the flesh and blood of the chest. He could also see the bullet head at the end, and his eyes gradually widened.

Putting down the horse-rejecting stake in his hand, he raised his head and followed the direction of the shooting, looking at the adventurer Flying Snake opposite.

On the opposite side, Fei She, who secretly gave him a black gun, saw that the disposable green prop in his hand only slightly injured the opponent, not even serious damage. His face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly understood one thing. .

The guess is wrong! This guy is not an adventurer who wants to increase his strength! Or! He is a guy who not only adds strength!

His physique! It’s also extremely high!

Flying Snake hurriedly threw away his rifle and realized that something was wrong. He screamed and turned around and ran away.

As soon as he turned around and ran away, Qin Ming, who was surrounded by the crowd, roared angrily.

Set up the barricade! Use it as a bulldozer! Qin Ming charged towards the flying snake regardless of anything.

Two swordsmen who tried to intercept on the road, one was knocked away directly, and the other was pierced through the body by the tip of the barricade, and the whole person was completely pierced on it and rushed forward together.

Qin Ming rushed all the way, regardless of who was in front of him, and knocked them away. With his own speed of 10 points, he quickly caught up with the flying snake who was trying to escape.

Then, in the other party's horrified expression, this kid raised the barricade and threw it over!


With a loud bang! The flying snake was directly smashed several meters away!

Before he fell to the ground and struggled to get up with his hands on the ground, Qin Ming had already rushed up from behind and pressed him to the ground directly!

One hand pinched his neck! With one hand, he took out a revolver! Qin Ming, who didn't even load the bullets! Just grabbed the metal pistol and hit the back of the flying snake's head crazily!

"You bastard!"


"I didn't provoke you!"


"You dared to provoke me first!"


"I told you to shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After hitting the flying snake several times in a row, Qin Ming quickly loaded the revolver with ammunition, and then directly put the muzzle of the gun on the back of the flying snake's head...


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