Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 35 Boss Arrives

Just when the flying snake here was beaten to death by Qin Ming because he took the initiative to provoke him but failed to win.

On the battlefield next to him, seeing the enemy's offensive becoming more and more fierce, the militia captain who led the farmers to resist desperately suddenly roared and pulled out a sword from his back.

And this silver-white sword! It is the best weapon in Paxi Village! It is also a silver equipment that requires 1,000 points of favorability to exchange! The best sword in the village!

At this critical moment, the old village chief who is not pedantic directly handed it to the militia captain to use, trying to reverse the crisis!

At this moment, the militia captain, who raised his weapon and obtained the equipment attribute bonus, did begin to show his power!

The sword was waving! It kept slashing at the enemies around! Anyone who was hit! Either dead or injured!

The militia captain, who was originally a top elite monster, now has the blessing of silver equipment, and his combat power is no less than that of an ordinary small BOSS for a while.

If the original plot is followed, then the militia captain who is now showing his might should be facing Kaido, the heavy-armored swordsman leader on the BOSS side!

Even with the blessing of the sword in his hand, he will forcibly kill the small BOSS Kaido and lead his men to stubbornly withstand the first wave of the enemy's offensive.

But then he will face the furious first scene big BOSS Sir Scone, and finally die tragically under his axe gun.

Then the village was breached and the villagers were bloodbathed until the protagonists made their debut.

But now the heavy-armored swordsman leader Kaido has died in Qin Ming's hands, and Sir Scone's men have not arrived.

There are no BOSS-level characters around, and the strongest is just a group of elite monsters.

Then in this case! The militia captain is really unstoppable!

The militia captain here swings his sword wildly to attack! One sword and one miscellaneous soldier!

Qin Ming, who hammered the flying snake to death in the distance, threw away the body and started hunting with a gun.

With the participation of these two BOSS-level beings, the attacking team, which originally had an absolute advantage in strength, could not help but begin to retreat step by step.

In the end, with the death of the temporary leader Kailai, their front line completely collapsed, and the soldiers began to turn around and flee.

Seeing that they really repelled the enemy, the villagers couldn't help but raise their weapons and cheered loudly, and the militia captain also sat on the ground, leaning on his weapon and began to breathe heavily.

As for Qin Ming, he kept picking up his own spoils, and even commanded his younger brothers to pick them up together.

Seeing the white wolf approaching, he pointed his gun at him directly.

After seeing that the other party retreated wisely, Qin Ming threw him two white keys and drove him away.

After all, this guy had been hiding and watching the show just now, and he didn't do much, so why should he share the benefits with him.

Giving two white keys was already considered to be Qin Ming's kindness. If Qin Ming was not a murderer, he would have shot the other party twice on the spot and killed this possible change.

Outside the village, there were less than 20 swordsmen and heavy-armored swordsmen left, and they were all in a mess.

The village was not taken down, but so many people died on their side. The remaining people looked pale, and they could already foresee how the boss Sir Scone would punish them furiously after learning about this.

Just as they were sighing in distress, there was a sound of neat footsteps in front of them. The people who heard the movement had become frightened birds, and they retreated in fear and raised their weapons for defense.

Then, under their nervous gaze, in the thick night, an army walked out of the darkness in front in an orderly manner. The leader was nearly two meters tall, slender, wearing a one-piece armor, and a helmet similar to an iron barrel on his head, with only a T-shaped gap in the front.

Looking at the man holding a silver axe gun, wearing a uniform silver armor, and walking at the front of the army, the remnants of the opposite army could not help but be stunned, and screamed after they reacted.

"S, Sir Scone?!"

Hearing this shout, the famous Sir Scone, the first scene BOSS of the Knights of the Round Table, who was walking opposite, stopped instantly.

Looking at the panicked soldiers on the opposite side, he raised his eyebrows under his helmet and suddenly opened his mouth to make a very sharp sound.

"Hmm? Are you my soldiers? Are you Kaido's people? Where is Kaido? It's just right, let him come to see me."

"Kai, Lord Kaido is dead!"


The voice suddenly rose, making the already sharp voice even more piercing, and Sir Scone narrowed his eyes on the spot.

"How did he die?"

"Killed by the people of Percy Village!"

"Then you watched him being killed!"

"We were just gathering to attack the village! We wanted to avenge General Kaido! But we didn't fight!"

At this point, a heavy armored swordsman who led the group quickly added another sentence.

"There are several tough guys in the village! Especially one of them uses weird magic! It can make bang bang bang sounds! Every time it makes a sound, one of us falls, sir! It's not that we don't fight hard! It's just that we really can't beat them, sir!"

Hearing the explanation of the heavy-armored swordsman on the opposite side, Sir Scone's face became more and more gloomy.

"In other words, not only did you alert the enemy, but you also failed to take over the village?"


"Waste! All of you are a bunch of waste! Kaido is a waste! You are even more of a bunch of waste! What's the use of you waste! Come on! Kill them all!"


Hearing the boss's order, the heavy-armored swordsmen in the back quickly raised their weapons and began to approach.

Seeing this scene, the surviving soldiers on the opposite side were frightened and begged for mercy, but it was a pity that it was useless, and they were still met with cold butcher knives.

One of the guys wanted to escape, but just after turning around and running a few steps, he was hit by a flying silver axe gun and completely pierced the ground.

Stride forward, grab the weapon he threw out, and pull it out with force.

Sir Scone snorted coldly at the corpse on the ground and waved his hand fiercely.

"A bunch of useless things! It's a waste of food to keep them! Go! March! Massacre the village!"


Hearing the boss's order, the large army began to set off in a mighty manner, with a number of nearly 200!

In the original plot, they would meet up with Kaido's troops at night, launch a surprise attack under the cover of night, and easily defeat the BOSS team of Persi Village. Now they finally arrived.

Although they were a little late and the vanguard had been wiped out, it didn't matter.

Because the real elite troops have always been in the hands of Sir Scone.

What was wiped out before was just the vanguard, and the large team of 200 people was the real main force of the attack!

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