Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 36 American Iai

"Oh no! The enemy is coming! They are coming back again!"

In the village of Paxi, a sentry suddenly ran into the village, shouting as he ran.

Hearing his shout, everyone around him stood up in a hurry, and the militia captain grabbed the other person's collar and forcibly stopped him.

"Who is coming? How many people are coming?"

"A lot! A lot! There are densely packed people outside! All of them! The leader is wearing a silver armor!"

Hearing the sentry's answer, the villagers around him were completely blown away, and screams came one after another.

"It's over! It's Scone! It's Scone, that devil! That guy is leading the team here! We're doomed!"

"Run! Run quickly!"

"How to run! Who can outrun him! We're really doomed now!"

"Shut up!"

Listening to the chaotic noises around him, the militia captain, who could no longer bear it, shouted loudly. Seeing that everyone finally quieted down, he quickly looked around and spoke in a deep voice.

"You can't run away! How can ordinary people outrun soldiers! What's more, how can we run with our families! Quickly gather all the women and children in the church! Others follow me to meet the enemy! Act according to the original plan! Hold them back!"

As he spoke, the militia captain had already taken the lead and ran towards the village entrance.

Seeing this scene, the others looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

When they ran to the entrance of the village, they found that the enemy had arrived. A team of nearly 200 people surrounded the entrance of the village. The legendary Sir Scone was now sitting on the middle chair, leisurely looking at this side with his legs crossed, and even holding a teacup in his hand.

Sir Scone, who had taken off his helmet, took a sip of red tea, raised his thin face, looked at the crowd rushing out, couldn't help but squinted and smiled, and spoke in a sharp voice.

"You are the ones who killed my subordinate Kaido? You have some skills, not bad, you have successfully aroused my interest."

Looking at the soldiers opposite and the leader who was sitting in front and did not stand up, the militia captain gritted his teeth.


"Call me Sir, Sir Scoorn. It's rude to address someone without mentioning their identity, you peasant."

"Sir Scoorn, we don't want to be your enemy. We..."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you want to or not. It's mainly because I want to."

Putting down the teacup in his hand and waving his hand casually, Sir Scoorn said with a smile.

"How about we play a game? Aren't you good at fighting? You can even kill Kaido. Let me see how good you are! Lance, go play with them."

Sir Scoorn gave an order, and the other right-hand man standing next to him, the leader of the swordsmen, the little boss Lance, nodded quickly.

Wearing light armor and a helmet on his head, he quickly drew out the two daggers behind him and walked out of the team aggressively.

At this time, Sir Scoorn, who was sitting in the back, spoke again.

"If you defeat him in a duel, I'll give you a chance to live, how about that?"

Hearing this, although he didn't believe the other party would keep his promise, the militia captain had no choice. He grabbed the sword at his waist and took a step forward to fight. As a result, he was stopped by someone before he walked out.

Qin Ming, who stretched out his hand to stop him, stepped forward and took the initiative to walk out of the queue with a dagger in his hand.

"Want to play, right? Then I'll play with you!"

Hearing this, Lance on the opposite side raised his eyebrows, looked at the dagger in Qin Ming's hand, and couldn't help but sneered.

"You also play with daggers? This grip is not right, the backhand is weak and the forehand is not good, the steps are scattered and the eyes are not focused, where did you come from to seek death?"

With a chic turn of the two daggers in his hand, he raised them up and down, and Lance suddenly showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"Boy! Today I'll show you what real swordsmanship is! Ah!"

With a scream, Lance, the little BOSS, jumped up in an instant, waving two weapons wildly, with an amazing speed.

Name: Swordsman Leader ~ Lance (Knights of the Round Table Act 1)

Strength 20

Constitution 10

Agility 25

Spirit 10

Skills: Dagger Throwing (D-level) Leap Slash (D-level) Rotating Sword Strike (C-level)

Introduction: One of the right-hand men of BOSS Sir Scone, a swift swordsman who has always regarded Kaido as a strong enemy.

The two swords were swung continuously, leaving a trail of afterimages. The whole person was completely tilted at a 45-degree angle while running. The swordsman leader Lance, with a ferocious expression, rushed to a distance of five meters in front of Qin Ming in just a blink of an eye!


Bang bang bang bang bang!

Six consecutive gunshots suddenly came into his ears. Seeing the flash of fire in front of him, Lance slashed out with a sword as if by reflex, forcibly deflecting the first bullet!

…………Then he was hit by another five bullets that followed! The whole person fell to the ground on the spot! Sliding in front of Qin Ming.

He was hit by four bullets in a row and one in the forehead. His eyes were wide open while he was twitching all over, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

This guy, who was a high-attack and high-speed player but lower in defense, was forcibly taken away by Qin Ming's American Iai on the spot because he took the initiative to stick to his face! He didn't even have time to use any skills!

Looking at his right-hand man who died suddenly, the boss Sir Scown, who was sitting in the back and drinking tea leisurely, stood up in shock, causing the tea to spill all over him.

Staring at the corpse of Lance with his eyes wide open, and then looking at Qin Ming who ran over to check the corpse, his eyes twitched wildly.


"Okay, as agreed, I've dealt with him, so can you retreat?"

Qin Ming, who picked up the spoils on the ground, raised his head and shrugged at Sir Scown opposite.

After hearing his words, Sir Scown was silent for a second and then suddenly laughed out loud, grabbed his axe gun, and strode towards this side.

"Good! Very good! I never thought that what those rubbish said was true! There is really a master in this village! Since you are so good at fighting! Why don't you fight with me? If you beat me, they will naturally retreat."

Sir Scown turned the silver axe gun in his hand and directly raised the weapon. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice suddenly became extremely cold.

"But if you can't win! I will tie up and burn everyone in this village to death!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming was silent for a moment, then suddenly retreated to the side of the militia captain and whispered to him.

After seeing the other party nod, Qin Ming also nodded, while loading the pistol, he spoke solemnly.

"No problem! One-on-one duel! Life and death are up to fate! Come on!"

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