Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 37 The Powerful Scone

As a knight personally appointed by the evil Grand Duke, Scone's strength is absolutely terrifying, otherwise he would not have become the leader of this area.

Therefore, he is very confident in his strength. Even if he was frightened by the weapon in Qin Ming's hand, he still chose to fight Qin Ming without hesitation.

At the same time, he has set his sights on the strange staff in Qin Ming's hand. After killing Qin Ming, he will seize the staff and present it to the Grand Duke. I believe that the Grand Duke who has been studying black magic will like it very much.

Rotating the two-meter-long axe in his hand, Sir Scone walked towards Qin Ming aggressively.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming tightly grasped the revolver in his hand, and his eyes began to become gradually sharper.

To be honest, he was also quite scared of the strength of the first-level big BOSS in front of him. Let alone other things, the other party's outrageous attributes alone were enough to make Qin Ming shudder.

Name: Scown (BOSS of the first act of the Knights of the Round Table)

Strength 35

Constance 25

Agility 40

Spirit 10

Skills: Throwing spear (C-level) Sliding horizontal slash (C-level) Hundred-step spear throwing (C-level)

Introduction: Scown is a leader among the knights, and is also a noble knight who has been personally appointed by the Grand Duke of Terror. He has a vicious personality, ruthless and extremely violent.

The value is higher than that of the protagonist of Dino Fighter World, and there are three C-level skills. How can Qin Ming win in a single fight!

Don’t say that Qin Ming doesn’t know any skills now. Even if he knows skills, he can’t beat this monster.

Therefore, Qin Ming never thought of having a fair single fight with him...

“Ah roar!”

Accompanied by a loud shout, Sir Scown, a guy with an extremely sharp voice, took the lead in charging here.

The axe in his hand was raised and pointed directly at Qin Ming’s vitals. It was obvious that he had activated some skills and ran at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Qin Ming was not afraid at all. He retreated while raising his hands to shoot, and fired all six bullets in one breath.

Of the six bullets, Sir Scown blocked two with his weapon, and one was knocked away by his heavy shoulder armor. The remaining three hit his body, but they did not stop his charge at all.

Unstoppable! C-level skill: Slide and slash! Activate!

After closing the distance! Sir Scown swung his hand and shot! The sharp axe gun brought a cold light in the air! Sweeping towards Qin Ming fiercely!

However, because Qin Ming was retreating all the time, this shot did not hit the target and was narrowly avoided by Qin Ming.

Then, before Sir Scown could take advantage of the victory, a roar suddenly came from the side.

Sir Scown, who looked up in surprise, saw a fat man at first glance, aiming his shoulder forward and charging towards him crazily, with an astonishing speed.

Elite monster fat man! D-level skill: meat bomb impact!

Seeing that the enemy had launched a sneak attack without honoring martial ethics even though they had agreed to a duel, Sir Scown was not angry, but laughed wildly on the spot.

With the cold light of the axe in his hand, the weapon in his hand stabbed out like lightning, hitting the body of the fat man who rushed over.

Skills! Poking and throwing!

Skills against skills! Charge against thrust! Strong collision!

Although both of them used skills, the levels of these two skills were completely unequal. Almost at the moment of collision, the two decided the winner.

With a scream, the fat man who rushed over frantically was pierced through the whole body by the axe! Completely stuck on it!

With the subsequent skills, the fat man's huge body was directly lifted up by the spear! Throwing it more than three meters high! Forcefully thrown to the back!

Just one shot! The fat man, an elite monster, was severely injured! He almost died in the hands of Sir Scown!

Blood splashed on his body. Looking at the fat man who flew over his head and fell heavily to the ground, Sir Scown couldn't help but laugh wildly with his weapon, and his laughter was extremely sharp.

But before his laughter fell, the figure in front of him suddenly shook. It turned out that the militia captain had also flown over at this moment.

Jumped up! The militia captain swung a sword with a ferocious expression! Sir Scown was so scared that he quickly raised his gun to block!

With a ding, the two weapons collided with each other, and a lot of sparks burst out.

Sir Scown, who forcibly parried the attack, had a ferocious smile on his face, staring at the militia captain who grabbed the sword with both hands and gritted his teeth, and grinned with a mouthful of white teeth.

"Group fight? A bunch of trash! Group fight is useless!"

As he spoke, he used both hands to forcefully bounce off the militia captain's weapon, and then kicked out, forcibly kicking the militia captain away.

Sir Scone, wearing a suit of iron armor and looking like a tin can, was still murderous and not at a disadvantage in a one-on-three situation.

As for his soldiers standing behind? These soldiers had no intention of attacking at all. Instead, they kept waving their weapons and cheering. It was obvious that they were fully confident in their boss's martial arts and were not afraid that he would get into trouble.

Sir Scone kicked the captain of the militia away, looked up and saw a minion waving a dagger and rushing towards him frantically. He couldn't help but snorted coldly, and punched him in the face without thinking.

The powerful impact hit the minion's legs in the air, and he fell heavily to the ground. When he landed, he was unrecognizable.

Sir Scone, who killed the boxing thug with one punch, snorted coldly, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

"You are not even a waste! You dare to challenge me!"

Just as Sir Scown finished speaking, a shadow suddenly rushed out from behind him. It was the fat man who was pierced and thrown out.

He ran at full speed, leaving a trail of blood behind him. When he got close, he jumped up madly and sat down hard on Sir Scown below with his big butt.

He used his own unique skill! Falling from the sky!

Sir Scown, who heard the movement, reacted very quickly and thrust the axe in his hand into the sky without even thinking about it.

The axe with a cold light, hit the vital point with a puff sound. With the sound of flesh tearing, the elite monster fat man who activated the skill and sat down was directly pierced on Sir Scown's weapon! Like a toad on charcoal fire!

Seeing this cruel scene, Sir Scown laughed even crazier for a while.

But before he could get rid of the fat man's body stuck on the weapon, which looked like a kebab, a roar suddenly came from behind him.

It turned out that the militia captain had come again, and he stabbed Sir Scown in the back with a sword during the sprint!

The sharp silver equipment directly broke through the armor and stabbed Sir Scown through.

The militia captain who successfully hit the target let go of his hand very decisively, and directly hugged Sir Scown's waist with both arms, holding him tightly and unwilling to let go.

Seeing this scene, Sir Scown screamed in pain and gave the militia captain an elbow in the face.

The elbow armor pierced the militia captain's face, causing blood to flow from his face on the spot, but even so, he still chose not to let go.

Seeing this scene, Scown, who had been completely hugged and had no space to swing his axe gun, simply let go of his weapon and swung his fists wildly on the face of the militia captain.

Every punch could bring a lot of blood, and every hit could smash it beyond recognition.

Sir Scone, with a ferocious expression, beat the militia captain to the point of collapse in a few blows, with blood flowing down his face.

However, at this moment, the militia captain, who was being beaten like a sandbag, suddenly roared, picked up Sir Scone with a ferocious expression, and forced him to turn around.

Before Sir Scone, who was being held up by his legs and thrown up, could figure out what the other party meant by doing this, when he stopped moving, he looked up and was surprised to find that a black iron pipe had appeared in front of him at some point, directly hitting his left eye...


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