Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 341 The Embarrassed Wolf

At night, it started to rain lightly. Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto, who had finally reunited with the wild wolves, had arrived at Dr. Calamity's secret base.

The wild wolf successfully led the two of them through several checkpoints ahead, and communicated with the legendary Dr. Scourge at the innermost part of the base.

Dr. Scourge, who saw the bodies of Jack and Mustafa through the camera, couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly notified the guards to let several people into the laboratory.

Qin Ming, who followed the guard inside, kept looking around, his expression becoming more and more shocked.

Because on both sides of the passage, there are actually petri dishes filled with modified people of different shapes.

It's just that most of the transformed people are deformed, and their shapes look extremely weird.

Obviously, the so-called perfect fusions are only a minority after all. Most experimental subjects are not compatible with dinosaur genes, and some even die on the spot.

The most important thing is that Dr. Calamity doesn't seem to have thought about how to stabilize the effect of the medicine at all. He just keeps strengthening the effect of the medicine.

As for the success rate of fusion of new drugs? That's not something he is responsible for considering. Anyway, there are so many people in the world, there will always be people who survive.

The leaders under Dr. Natural Disaster, that is, the bosses with different abilities, are the few lucky ones.

With a creaking sound, the mechanical door slowly opened. In a laboratory filled with various instruments, a bald old man with his hands behind his back, looking extremely shriveled and thin, appeared in front of several people.

After sizing up Jack and Mustafa, the two villains who constantly disturbed him and sabotaged his great experimental plan, he quickly looked away from their heads and looked up at Qin Ming.

Looking at the unusually tall Qin Ming, Dr. Natural Disaster strode over. He suddenly stretched out his hand and squeezed Qin Ming's muscles, sighing while checking.

"Yes! Powerful body! Strong muscles! The wild wolf is right! You are indeed a perfect experimental subject! There has never been a suitable injection target for the Tyrannosaurus Rex potion! I didn't expect you to come directly to the door yourself! Okay! ! Commander Wild Wolf! I’m very satisfied with your mission!”

Dr. Natural Disaster's words made the three people on the opposite side stunned at the same time. Before Qin Ming and others could react, the surrounding doors opened, and a large number of soldiers with guns walked out, pointing their guns menacingly.

Two big men with dinosaur features even walked out of the crowd, and came behind Dr. Calamity with fierce eyes.

Seeing this unexpected scene, Miles Kasamoto shrank his pupils, reacted instantly, and hid behind Qin Ming, while raising his gun and pointing at the wild wolf.

"You lied to us!"

As soon as Miles Kasamoto finished speaking, Doctor Calamity who took two steps back across from him already grinned.

"This is not cheating, it can only be called seduction. Wild Wolf, I am very satisfied with this experimental subject. I will keep my promise. If the experiment on him is successful, I will definitely give you a copy of the Tyrannosaurus Rex potion."

After hearing this, Miles Kasamoto didn't understand that the identity of herself and others had been exposed. As an intelligence agent herself, she pointed the gun directly at the head of the wild wolf, preparing to kill him first.

After all, apart from the final boss, the wild wolf is the most threatening. If he is given the opportunity to merge and summon dinosaurs, even if she and Qin Ming join forces, they may not be able to solve him, and then there will be real trouble.

But before Kasamoto Miles could pull the trigger, a big hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the barrel of the gun.

Seeing this scene, Miles Kasamoto looked up in shock, only to find Qin Ming looking at him with a straight face and shaking his head slightly.

After pressing the weapon hard to stop Kasamoto's attack, Qin Ming turned to look at the wild wolf.

Seeing the wild wolf trying to explain in panic, he even waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say anything.

After doing all this, he raised his head and looked at Dr. Calamity across from him with a playful look in his eyes.

"A divorce plan? It's a dirty trick. Who are you trying to scare?"

As soon as these words came out, Dr. Natural Disaster across from him twitched his eyebrows, looked at Qin Ming in surprise, and slowly wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Hiss, you actually reacted. How did you find out? Is there some loophole in my words?"

"I don't know if there are any loopholes, because I don't believe it at all."

Looking at the final boss in front of him, Qin Ming shook his head and chuckled, and then suddenly nuzzled towards the wild wolf.

"You said he is cooperating with you. He is one of your people and is deliberately deceiving us into the network?"

"Yes, he is also the second in command of the organization, and he cares very much about the dinosaur potion. He would do anything for the potion. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Of course! He has a cowardly and stupid personality! People who are stupid can't act, and people with a timid personality dare not act. If I can't beat him, I believe you say he can act vividly. I can get up close and personal with him. After punching him to death, he still dares to act like this with me? Or even take the initiative to release the dinosaur parasitism state and wander around in front of me? Are you doubting his cowardice or my fist? "

Slowly grinning and revealing his white teeth, Qin Ming smiled ferociously at this moment.

"Old man, I don't have much confidence in him, but I am very confident in the intimidation of my current appearance. No one can risk their lives to act in front of me! And be so calm and composed! No one!"

After hearing this, Dr. Calamity turned his head and glanced at the wolf next to Qin Ming, who had an embarrassed expression on his face. He suddenly reached out and rubbed his forehead with some melancholy.

"It's bad. I was just thinking that he was easy to control because of his low IQ and special abilities. I forgot that this guy's IQ was also low when facing others."

Dr. Scourge had discovered that Wolf had ulterior motives a long time ago.

After all, this guy almost wrote "I'm going to kill you" on his face. He even invited him to dinner, trying to find an opportunity to leave him alone and kill him secretly.

It wasn't until he saw Dr. Scourge transform into a perfect dinosaur and tear a BOSS-level dinosaur apart in a few strokes that he calmed down.

If it weren't for the fact that Wolf's ability was too important, Dr. Scourge could have killed him ten times!

When he learned that Slaine and Mog, who were sent out to perform the mission, were all dead, only Wolf survived, and Wolf returned to the base with two strangers, Dr. Scourge knew that the other party was definitely still trying to get him, and he didn't know where he got two helpers from.

Originally, Dr. Scourge wanted to play the game against the opponent, setting up a trap to let both sides fight each other, but he never thought that the plan would fail as soon as it was thrown out, and the reason for the failure was so straightforward.

It was because the other party believed that Wild Wolf was a coward, and they would never dare to act in front of him when they knew they couldn't beat him!

Is this reason simple? It's extremely simple, is it reliable? In fact, it is also extremely reliable!

Because if it were Dr. Scourge, he didn't think that Wild Wolf would dare to come and act to trick him out after he had the intention to kill him, because he really didn't have the courage to take the risk.

Wild Wolf would rather bring people into the base and fight with Dr. Scourge inside the base, rather than come in alone to trick Dr. Scourge out of the base, because he didn't dare to face Dr. Scourge alone, fearing that he would be beaten to death by the other party after the truth was revealed!

Looking at Wild Wolf with a melancholy expression, Dr. Scourge was speechless, and he never expected that this low-IQ guy could be used like this.

Feeling Dr. Scourge's gaze, Wild Wolf finally exploded with a dark face.

"What are you looking at! Old man! I've been tolerating you for a long time! You call me a moron and a fool all the time! As the second-in-command, you don't have any face!"

"I appointed you as the second-in-command."

"Didn't expect it? I'll bring people to kill you!"

"I guessed it."

"Did you see the guy next to you? My new big brother, the hyena! He can beat four of you! I don't know how you can survive today!"

"Your new big brother also despises you for being brainless."

"You! Big brother! Kill him! Smash all his broken machines!"

Obviously, the wild wolf, who is not very good at wisdom, is usually despised by Dr. Calamity. At this moment, he vows to settle all the new and old grudges.

Qin Ming looked around silently, looking at the large number of hunting organization members on both sides, his expression was very calm.

After all, he has special abilities, and he is least afraid of the human wave tactics.

Since the sneak attack plan has been discovered, it's better to attack by force. Anyway, he has been mentally prepared for this from the beginning.

As for why he prepared for the strong attack in advance? Let's just say that the sneak attack plan was made by Wild Wolf...

So sometimes, the world is really unfair. A wise man racks his brains to make a plan, but he may be beaten by a reckless man with a few punches.

Wild Wolf is obviously the latter! He doesn't have any brains! He just relies on his talent to make a fortune!

As for Qin Ming, he is half a wild wolf. He is not very good at thinking. At most, he has some quick wits at critical moments, that is, he can come up with a few crooked ideas when he is forced into a corner.

In fact, they are already good. Some villains who have worked hard to plan for decades or even hundreds of years in the world will be defeated for no reason by people shouting about ties, friendship, justice and so on.

Although Qin Ming and Wild Wolf have no brains, at least they have strength.

What do those guys have? The halo of the protagonist?

Qin Ming, who was ready to take action, roared suddenly with his arms hanging down and blood mist all over his body.

"Strong attack! Kill him!"

Hearing Qin Ming's roar, Kasamoto Eri was refreshed, and he immediately pulled open his clothes to reveal a large number of grenades and C4 explosives inside, scaring the hunting organization members who had already rushed up around to retreat in a hurry.

One of them used a skill, and the other showed a bomb, all ready to attack. The veins on the forehead of Dr. Calamity on the opposite side bulged, and he quickly activated the dinosaur gene in his body to prepare for transformation.

But at this moment! Several loud noises suddenly came to the ears!

The next second! The walls collapsed! A large number of dinosaurs roared out of the cage! Even some genetically modified mutants suddenly woke up! They crashed through the culture dish!

In the room... No! To be precise, all the dinosaurs in the entire building! All went berserk!

Screams came one after another, and a large number of dinosaurs fought with the members of the hunting organization on the spot. This sudden situation shocked everyone.

They all turned their heads, only to find that Wild Wolf had gotten a wheelchair from somewhere and sat on it, with his eyes emitting light.

Brilliant gold-level one-time special prop! Item from the X-Men world! Professor X's wheelchair!

The effect is to increase your spiritual attributes by X10 within 10 minutes! But you cannot use any offensive skills! And you cannot leave the wheelchair!

This is a very high-grade and extremely restricted prop, but the effect is also very terrifying.

And for Wild Wolf! Under certain circumstances! This is his artifact!

The number of dinosaurs controlled has been temporarily increased to 40!

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