Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 342: Imperfect perfect genes!

Wild Wolf may not be smart enough, but that doesn't mean he can't fight.

You can doubt his IQ, but you can never doubt his ability and luck.

Otherwise, how did he survive until now without IQ and strength?

And although he is a coward, cowardice also has its advantages. The more cowardly a person is, the more cards he has. This is the case with Wild Wolf!

As he sat in a wheelchair and turned into a copycat version of Professor X, Wild Wolf's mental power was greatly enhanced in a short period of time.

Although he could not launch any offensive skills during this period, his innate skills could still be launched.

As a result, Wild Wolf had controlled all the dinosaur experimental bodies in the secret base in almost an instant and controlled them to run away.

Those special dinosaurs whose genes were modified were also controlled by him.

Since he dared to bring people to fight, Wild Wolf naturally couldn't have no cards. Otherwise, with his timid personality, how could he come to take risks!

The sudden move of the wolf caught Dr. Calamity off guard. He did not expect that the other party had this trick, so he reacted very quickly and commanded the soldiers to rush towards the wolf without hesitation, trying to capture the thief first.

This is also the thing that the wolf fears most after sitting in the wheelchair. After all, once he leaves the wheelchair, the effect will be interrupted, and his precious prop will never be used again.

And this is why he brought Qin Ming here!

Looking at the soldiers who rushed over madly and kept firing, Qin Ming's eyes flashed red, and he raised his hands and slapped the ground heavily.

With the outbreak of blood, a powerful shock wave spread in all directions, blasting the people who rushed over on the spot.

Before they struggled to get up, Kasamoto Eri had already pulled off his coat with force, threw it into the sky with all his strength, and pressed the detonator button fiercely.

A loud bang spread, and a large amount of C4 was detonated together, and the violent flames directly covered the entire room.

Qin Ming stood in the front and raised his hand to protect his face, while Kasamoto Eri pushed Wild Wolf's wheelchair and quickly hid behind him.

The three of them took the damage of the explosion in this way. Except for Qin Ming who was burned a little black, the others were almost unscathed.

Compared with them, the others present were a bit miserable. A large number of soldiers of the hunting organization were directly blown away, and the doors and windows were shattered on the spot.

Even the thin body of Dr. Calamity, the final big boss on the opposite side, flew out with it, smashed the glass and flew into another room.

Qin Ming, who successfully cleared the scene with the explosion, waved his hand vigorously to signal Kasamoto Eri to take Wild Wolf away first, after all, he still had to rely on Wild Wolf to control the dinosaurs and restrain the members of the hunting organization.

He pushed open the twisted door with force and strode towards the room in front, ready to get rid of Dr. Calamity.

At the moment he strode into the room, Dr. Calamity, who was lying on the ground, began to twitch violently.

The torn white coat on his body shattered on the spot, and his entire body swelled up. In just a blink of an eye, Dr. Scourge had turned into a humanoid dinosaur with a reflective head!

Dinosaur form! Pachycephalosaurus!

Slowly climbing up from the ground, Dr. Scourge pulled off his glasses with force, and his expression became extremely ferocious at this moment.

"You guys don't know how to be grateful! Defective products destined to be eliminated! You only know how to affect my great genetic experiments! Today I will let you see! What is a perfect gene!"

After saying that, Dr. Scourge, who had transformed into a pachycephalosaurus, ran and roared, lowered his head and rushed towards Qin Ming madly.

With a loud bang, the two collided instantly. Qin Ming, who was hit hard in the chest, grabbed Dr. Scourge with his hands, kicked the ground with his legs, and slid more than ten meters away before he could barely stabilize his figure.

Looking at Dr. Scourge who was hugged and forcibly stopped by him, Qin Ming opened his mouth and roared.

"Your perfect gene! It's not that good!"

As he said that, Qin Ming had already exerted his strength with both hands, and threw out Dr. Scourge in his arms.

Dr. Scourge, who rolled to the ground, was still unwilling to give in. He held his hands on the ground and pointed his bald head at Qin Ming, and rushed over again.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, said nothing and grabbed the iron door that fell to the ground next to him and swung it hard. With a loud bang, a round dent was directly knocked out on the iron door. Dr. Scourge, who was hit in the head, staggered and stopped charging.

He rubbed his head, roared again, and launched a swollen head dragon collision towards Qin Ming for the third time, and then was hit by the iron plate again.

He hit again and was hit by a box.

He continued to hit and was hit by an iron cabinet.

He continued to pretend and was hit by experimental equipment.

He rushed here madly, and Qin Ming used whatever he got over there and smashed his head madly.

In just a moment, a large number of broken objects with traces of Dr. Scourge's skull appeared on the ground.

Dr. Scourge, who had charged seven or eight times and was beaten back every time, could not charge any further.

Seeing Qin Ming on the opposite side holding up the iron table with both hands, raising it up fiercely and preparing to continue to hit him, Dr. Scourge staggered back two steps and kept shaking his head vigorously.

He felt a little dizzy now and needed to take a break.

Dr. Scourge in the form of a swollen-headed dragon had a very hard head and was not hurt after being hit for a long time.

But not being hurt does not mean that he will not feel pain! After being hit on the head for a long time! Dr. Scourge could not bear it anymore!

Just when Dr. Scourge was a little stunned, the wall next to him suddenly exploded. The next second, a triceratops rushed out of it and hit him hard.

Following the triceratops, there were a large number of other dinosaurs.

These were obviously dinosaurs controlled by the wolf. Only a few were boss-level, and the others were mostly elite monsters.

After all, boss-level dinosaurs are very advanced experimental materials. They have long been used by Dr. Scourge to make potions. How could they appear in large quantities?

Otherwise, if the building was full of boss-level dinosaurs, the wolf would not need Qin Ming's help. I'm afraid that one person could slaughter the entire secret base.

The collective charge of more than a dozen dinosaurs was so powerful that even Qin Ming on the opposite side was startled, and he hurriedly retreated to keep a distance.

Dr. Scourge, who was knocked to the ground, screamed as he was besieged and trampled by countless dinosaurs.

Biting, colliding, and stepping on, the wolf's most skilled group attack method was used again, and this time the number of dinosaurs participating in the group attack was more, and the method was more brutal.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the distance and watching the melee in front, grinned instinctively.

He had to admit that the wolf was still quite capable. Even if he faced this move, even if he would not be killed, it would be difficult to deal with.

If an ordinary boss was hit by this move, he would definitely die very aggrievedly and die without any ability to fight back.

However, the one being attacked at this time was not an ordinary boss, but the final big boss of this copy!


A crazy roar suddenly came from the group of dinosaurs. The next second, a velociraptor was actually thrown high up, flew more than four meters high, and hit the ceiling head-on.

Before the velociraptor landed, the dinosaurs gathered in front were already flying around.

And what emerged from it was a monster.

That's right! It's a monster! A pure monster!

It is more than four meters tall, and its body is exactly the same as that of a dinosaur, but it stands up like a human!

A pair of muscles! Sharp dinosaur claws!

And the twin heads of the Tyrannosaurus Rex at the top!

The most important thing is that there is another head under the two dinosaur heads, which belongs to Dr. Calamity.

He has completely activated the dinosaur gene and fully integrated it with the Tyrannosaurus Rex gene, but this fusion is obviously not perfect, which makes him look neither human nor dragon, but more like a deformity that forcibly puts the two together!

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, seeing the other party grab a velociraptor, open his bloody mouth to bite the head, and violently tear its head off on the spot, Qin Ming on the opposite side was stunned for a while.

Especially after observing the other party's attributes, he was even more shocked by the attributes of the guy in front of him.

[Name: Dr. Scourge - Tyrannosaurus Rex Form]

[Strength: 70]

[Constitution: 70]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 50]

[Skills: Imperfect Gene (S-level) Bio-flame (A-level) Death Bite (A-level]

[Introduction: In pursuit of power and the most perfect artificial gene, Dr. Scourge even used himself as a test subject, but it is obvious that his experiment is not perfect yet]

"Power! This is what I created! Perfect power!!!"

He raised his head and roared to the sky, waving his dinosaur arms wildly, forcibly hitting the dinosaurs that rushed over Flying out, Dr. Scourge's voice became extremely hoarse and crazy at this moment, compared with the extremely calm attitude of the human before, it was completely different.

Obviously, Qin Ming is not the only one whose mind is affected by powerful forces.

After casually knocking away the dinosaurs that were in the way, Dr. Scourge once again locked his eyes on Qin Ming. The next second, the two dinosaur heads above suddenly opened their mouths, and fire was boiling in their mouths.

A-level skill! Biological flame!

Boom boom boom boom!

The mouths of the two heads opened, and balls of fire continued to spew out from them at an astonishing speed.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, Ming hurriedly waved his arms and fired blood balls to try to counterattack.

However, after a round of bombardment, he found that he could not defeat Dr. Scourge at all.

The blood ball lasted less than three seconds before it was blown through by the fireball.

Qin Ming, who was hit by a fireball head-on, flew backwards on the spot and crashed through the wall.

Before he could stand up, fireballs were fired at him one after another at high speed, forcing him to roll and dodge.

The rumbling sound continued. At this moment, Dr. Scourge had turned into a human turret, and the fireballs in his mouth continued to shoot without stopping for even a moment.

The cross-shooting of the two heads led to The firepower coverage ability is extremely strong. Qin Ming can't even hide, let alone counterattack.

Although the final gene fusion is not perfect, Dr. Calamity's dinosaur form at this moment is absolutely terrifying, and the most important thing is that it has no shortcomings.

There are biological fireballs in the long-range, and the two heads are cross-fired, and the firepower is simply horrifying.

In close combat, there are terrifying basic attributes, and it can also grab the enemy and bite, killing him with one blow.

The only shortcoming is speed, but in front of his powerful firepower, who can deal with him? Have you ever seen someone playing roaming kite flying with a machine gunner?

It can be said that this is not a perfect final dinosaur gene! It has reached a level close to perfection! The only flaw may be that the shape is a bit shabby!

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