Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 343 The Mutated Doctor

The rumbling sound continued. Qin Ming, who tried to distance himself by activating the Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill, failed to get rid of Dr. Scourge's lock.

Even if he hid behind the bunker, the bunker would be blown up in the next second, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The strength of this A-level biological fire skill is not its attack power, but its terrifying endurance.

The consumption of this skill is extremely low, and the main focus is on endurance. If it falls into the hands of others, Qin Ming will naturally not care, after all, what he is least afraid of is that others will fight a protracted war with him.

But the problem is that the one who has this skill at the moment! It is Dr. Scourge, the final BOSS!

With his terrifying basic attribute blessing, let alone an A-level skill! Even if you give him a D-level skill! The lethality will definitely not be low!

Qin Ming's ability to avoid damage! Can't withstand this fireball bombardment at all! To be precise, let alone a fireball! Even if it is a casual punch from Dr. Scourge! He may not be able to withstand it!

A full 70 points of strength! This is no joke!

Looking at the bunker that was quickly blown up again, and the dinosaurs that were casually blown to death, Qin Ming, who knew that dragging it down like this was not a solution, suddenly became ferocious.

The next second, a strong bloody aura spread in all directions.

Blood and flesh absorption! Turn on!

Qin Ming, who activated the skill to the maximum extent, now has a skill coverage area of ​​hundreds of meters away, which caused the entire base, whether it was enemies or friends, to be madly infiltrated with blood beads.

With Qin Ming as the center, a blood-colored vortex immediately formed in the room.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the vortex, stood up suddenly, and when he saw the fireball coming, he raised his hand on the spot.

With the blood condensing, a huge blood shield emerged, forcibly smashing the fireball.

Then, without waiting for the second fireball to shoot in front of him, Qin Ming, who stretched out his arms with all his strength, had already started to shoot violently.

Humanoid turret? Who is not a turret these days!

Fight fire with blood!

A buzzing sound sounded, and a huge blood ball with a diameter of two meters was shot out at high speed like a cannonball.

They smashed the small fireballs head-on, and just like that, they exploded fiercely on Dr. Scourge in front of him in his stunned eyes.

Dr. Scourge, who was bombarded continuously, opened his mouth and tried to spray fireballs to fight back, but the fireball just came out and was smashed by the blood ball head-on the next second.

Qin Ming, who has completely activated his skills! His bombardment ability is even better than Dr. Scourge!

This is not because Qin Ming's skills are stronger, but because there are too many dinosaurs and humans in the base, as well as those living experimental subjects.

The more people around! The stronger the blood control effect after Qin Ming activates his skills!

If there is no one around, and he really fights Dr. Scourge purely alone, Qin Ming with his skills activated is actually no different from not having his skills activated!

Dr. Scourge found that something was wrong, and the younger brothers who were specially called to help not only failed to become his helpers, but became the knife that wanted his life at this moment!

This crazy bombing lasted for more than 20 seconds. When Qin Ming's mental power was completely exhausted and he had to stop shooting, the surroundings had become a mess.

The blood that was no longer controlled was scattered all over the floor, and the originally very neat laboratory had been blown to pieces.

As for Dr. Calamity, who had been bombarded for more than 20 seconds? At this moment, he was curled up in the corner with both hands protecting his head in the middle, motionless, and already covered with scars.

And one of the two dinosaur heads above had been blown up and drooped down weakly.

Looking at Dr. Calamity, who had been severely injured, Qin Ming was relieved immediately. He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but at this moment, Dr. Calamity on the opposite side suddenly began to tremble strangely.

Then, in Qin Ming's shocked eyes, his injuries began to recover rapidly, and the dinosaur head hanging beside him, which had been broken, also fell off automatically, and his body began to swell and twist.

It! Evolved again!

S-level passive skill! Imperfect gene! Turn on!

In just a blink of an eye, the two-headed dinosaur man just now has turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex standing upright. Dr. Scourge, still hanging on his chest, slowly raised his head, with an extremely ferocious smile on his face.

"Your ability is indeed good, but it is ultimately no match for my highest experimental result, the perfect dinosaur gene! My dinosaur gene can adapt to everything! This! Is my new form! A form that specifically restrains yours!"

[Name: Dr. Scourge-Adaptive Form]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 100]

[Agility: 30]

[Spirit: 30]

[Skills: Imperfect Gene (S-level) Hardened Flesh (A-level) Bloodthirsty Fusion (A-level]

[Introduction: A dinosaur mutant born specifically to restrain a certain power]

Looking at the drastic change in appearance , the attributes also changed dramatically, and even the skills of Dr. Calamity changed.

Especially seeing that his physical fitness value at this moment had reached 100 points, Qin Ming's face turned black for a moment.

Physical fitness over 100! What an outrageous value!

Qin Ming subconsciously took a step back and swung his hand to directly blast out a blood ball. Seeing this scene, Dr. Calamity did not even move, allowing his body to be hit by the blood ball.

With a muffled bang, the blood ball that hit him exploded directly, not to mention causing damage, even the skin was not injured.

The defense is extremely enhanced!

And not only was he not injured, as his body was stained with blood, Dr. Calamity's skin squirmed, and the blood slowly seeped into his skin.

special power! Swallow blood! Recover from injuries!

Dr. Scourge was severely injured by blood! He actually became able to completely ignore blood! It even absorbs blood in turn!

With a ferocious smile on his face, Dr. Natural Disaster walked towards Qin Ming with heavy steps.

Qin Ming was bombarded all the way, but his body didn't move at all.

With his terrifying physique and A-level defense skills, Doctor Calamity has completely transformed into an ultimate human shield!

The defense is even higher than the previous tank!

Dr. Natural Disaster, who withstood the attack and finally reached Qin Ming, suddenly grabbed Qin Ming. Seeing Qin Ming flexibly avoid his grasp, he began to wave his arms wildly to pursue him.

Two thick dinosaur claws continued to cut into the surrounding walls and ground, leaving cut marks.

The two sides attacked and wandered, fighting for a long time, but no one could do anything to the other.

Qin Ming hit Dr. Natural Disaster more than twenty times, but the damage was almost non-existent, and he couldn't hit Dr. Natural Disaster at all.

Dr. Natural Disaster also successfully seized the opportunity to hit Qin Ming several times, and then found out to his embarrassment that he could not hit the opponent!

As his body mutated, his physique increased significantly, resulting in a decrease in strength. Faced with Qin Ming's injury avoidance, he had lost the ability to break defenses!

Qin Ming now has some experience in dealing with this kind of super human shield. When he found that he could not penetrate the opponent's defense with his own strength, he jumped directly on the back of Dr. Natural Disaster, and at the same time forcefully tore off the grenades and explosives he was carrying.

As the ticking sound started to sound, Dr. Calamity turned pale with fright when he heard the sound. How could he not understand why a normal person would carry such a thing with him? He reached out randomly and tried to remove the explosive attached to his back.

However, after transforming into a muscular beast, he also encountered the legendary macho dilemma. As his muscles developed, his hands could no longer reach his back!

There was a loud bang, and huge fire spread throughout the room. Qin Ming, who hurriedly jumped down from behind Dr. Natural Disaster, had not had time to stand still before his whole body was blown away by the shock wave.

When he struggled to get up, he found that the room in front of him had been completely turned into ruins, and in the middle of the smoke, a figure was standing there.

Dr. Scourge, who forcefully took three rounds of C4 explosives and detonated them at close range! He's not dead yet!

He was covered in bruises, the wounds on his body were slowly healing, and his entire body was also distorting.

In just the blink of an eye, it had transformed from a huge dinosaur beast into a deformed monster that was thin but still tall.

Especially the pair of arms, which are simply terrifyingly long, and the fingers are as sharp as daggers.

he! It’s starting to mutate again!

Looking at Dr. Natural Disaster who slowly stood up in the smoke, Qin Ming's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

He dares to swear! This Dr. Scourge is definitely not normal! Although he can transform in the original game plot! But the ability to transform is definitely not that outrageous! It is even more impossible to achieve adaptive evolution!

This guy might have gotten some genetic item that doesn't belong to this world! And pass the research! In this way, he perfected his genetic technology!

Under Qin Ming's vigilant gaze, Dr. Natural Disaster, who quickly completed the mutation, raised his head and took a deep breath, feeling his new body with a bright smile on his face.

"You can force me to evolve continuously. I have to admit that your strength is really good, but no matter how strong you are, you are still just a human being! And this body of mine! It is a man-made body of a god! Even if you defeat me a hundred times A thousand times! I will also evolve infinitely for you to see!”

Grinning his mouth and looking down at Qin Ming with ferocious eyes, Dr. Natural Disaster's eyes were filled with an almost crazy brilliance.

"This! It's the dinosaur gene! The perfect power fused with the blood of the alien!"

[Name: Doctor of Natural Disaster-Second Stage Adaptive Evolution]


[Physique: 40]

[Agility: 70]


[Skills: Imperfect Gene (S level) Death Claw (A level) Displacement (A level)]

[Introduction: Dr. Calamity, who is able to develop dinosaur genes to the extreme, naturally also has the ability to develop other genes. The strongest one is not the dinosaur genes, but him! 】


Before Qin Ming could fully understand what strange abilities Dr. Natural Disaster had evolved again, Dr. Natural Disaster's silhouette suddenly flashed and disappeared suddenly.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and he was about to raise his hand to block, but the opponent's attack had already reached him in advance.

The sharp claws swept across and hit Qin Ming's chest instantly, leaving three bloody wounds on the top. The huge force even threw Qin Ming's whole body away.

Qin Ming, who struggled to stand up while rolling, looked up at the rapidly approaching enemy, only to find that the afterimage of Dr. Calamity was dragging behind him, and he was approaching him crazily. He was moving so fast that his sight was a little blurry. I can’t keep up with him!

The second targeted evolution! Speed ​​+ Armor Break!

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