Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 344: A contest of skills and strength

Speed! Extreme speed!

Dr. Scourge, who had mutated again, showed unparalleled agility at this moment.

The terrifying basic attributes, plus the ability to move quickly, caused Qin Ming to be completely unable to keep up with the opponent's speed, and for a time he was completely trapped in a passive situation.

With the flickering figure, the sharp claws kept cutting Qin Ming's body, and bloody wounds appeared on Qin Ming's body surface one after another.

In order to break Qin Ming's terrifying defense, Dr. Scourge has evolved claws specifically for armor-breaking.

However, Qin Ming's defense ability does not come from his own defense, but from skill damage immunity.

This caused the armor-breaking claws that Dr. Scourge had worked so hard to evolve to be of no use at all. The damage should be offset or it will be offset, which is also the main reason why Qin Ming can withstand such a long output.

Once again passing by, the sharp claws were swung out again, and several blood lines shot out from behind. Qin Ming, who had been keeping his hands protecting his head, suddenly contracted his pupils.

The next second, he turned around and swung his fist, hitting the neck of Dr. Scourge who was rushing over.

He didn't hit the opponent! It was the opponent who was moving at high speed! He hit the arm he swung!

Dr. Scourge was fast, but after all, he was just a scientific researcher and had not learned any fighting skills.

And people without any fighting skills will only follow their instincts when fighting, and have a great pattern of attack.

Qin Ming, who had been attacked for a long time, now has a thorough understanding of Dr. Scourge's movement pattern!

This sudden swinging fist was fast and fierce. Dr. Scourge, who hit his arm at high speed, had his eyes protruding and spun up.

Before he could recover from the severe pain in his neck, Qin Ming, who grabbed his arm with both hands, had already circled up and used an extremely basic but extremely practical fighting skill on the spot: strangulation!

Headlock! Hanging hand! Breaking arm!

Qin Ming, whose whole body was completely hanging on Dr. Scourge, used himself as a lever and tried his best to bend Dr. Scourge's arm, making a crisp sound.

The severe pain caused Dr. Scourge to scream, and he stood up and waved his arms desperately, trying to throw Qin Ming off.

But no matter how hard he tore, Qin Ming, who was hanging on him, was unwilling to let go. Instead, he kept using various military grappling and strangling techniques to madly destroy his joints.

High attributes? No matter how high the attributes are, if a person does not understand the skills, it is impossible to exert his 100% combat power, and he will suffer when encountering a fighter.

After all, the so-called martial arts is not a skill specially developed to enable the weak to fight against the strong!

Qin Ming, who has A-level fighting skills! He can definitely be called a fighting master!

He usually doesn't want to use skills when beating people not because he doesn't know how, but because those people are not qualified for him to use them carefully!

How can you use advanced fighting skills to kill someone who can be killed with two punches?

Only a lion will use all means to fight a tiger, but will the lion consider outflanking?

With a roar, he kicked Dr. Scourge at the joints, forcing him to kneel on one knee instinctively.

Qin Ming, who was hanging on Dr. Scourge's head, looked like a helmet at this moment, clinging to Dr. Scourge's head.

This caused Dr. Scourge to wave his claws frantically, leaving a lot of blood marks on Qin Ming's back.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Qin Ming, he rushed forward with him regardless of anything.

With a rumbling sound, the two kept crashing through the wall, knocking away all the soldiers and dinosaurs they met on the way, and broke through more than a dozen walls in a row, rushing out of the laboratory in one breath, and finally separated.

Qin Ming, who was hit continuously, couldn't bear it after all. With a burst of weakness in his palms and legs, he was thrown out directly.

Dr. Scourge, who finally got rid of Qin Ming, knelt on the ground in pain, covered his neck with his hands and coughed hard.

He was strangled by the neck! He suffocated for more than two minutes! He was almost strangled to death!

Dr. Scourge, who struggled to stand up with his hands on the ground, looked up fiercely, only to find that Qin Ming on the opposite side had stood up with a somersault. Seeing him looking over, he quickly dodged and hid behind the tree trunk, only half of his head was exposed and looked at this side silently, his eyes were very cold.

Dr. Scourge's mutant ability can be said to be completely beyond Qin Ming's expectations. After all, in the original plot, the opponent would not be able to do this!

The mutant version of Dr. Scourge in front of him is definitely much stronger than the normal version of Dr. Scourge.

Qin Ming, who had been prepared to fight against a fire-breathing brute force two-headed dragon, was caught off guard on the spot.

Because he did not expect that the enemy he faced this time was not only good at strength, but also at speed, which was his biggest headache.

Although the situation was beyond expectations, it was still under control.

The combination of the defense of the Iron Body and the endurance of the flesh and blood absorption gave Qin Ming a very high tolerance rate.

Unless he encountered a type that completely restrained him, as long as there were shortcomings, he would easily be able to take advantage of his thick skin and flesh to take advantage of the opportunity to destroy him.

This was the case with Dr. Calamity in front of him. No matter which form he was in, his strength was terrifying, and Qin Ming was no match for him in a head-on battle.

However, Dr. Calamity's weakness of not being able to fight became the opponent's fatal weakness, and also became a breakthrough for Qin Ming to cripple him several times.

The two are not competing for who is more capable! But who has fewer shortcomings!

Or in other words, when Qin Ming fights with others, he is always fighting against others' shortcomings!

Except for the martial arts master Gang Quan who almost beat him to death with one punch, let alone finding shortcomings, he is not even qualified to fight. Facing his rogue style of fighting, few people can not be restrained!

Looking at his enemy who hides his body against the tree trunk and looks at him with cold eyes, Dr. Natural Disaster's eyes trembled wildly.

He is a genetic experimenter, where has he seen any fighting masters? In his eyes, the so-called fighting masters are just a group of weak rag dolls.

You have good skills? If you have good skills, go and throw the Tyrannosaurus Rex! See if it can eat your grappling skills!

It can be said that Dr. Natural Disaster has never looked down on the so-called fighting skills. He has always believed that physical enhancement is the real king.

And today! He who lives in the genetic age! But he bumped into someone from another world! Superb fighting skills from the era when fighting was king!

Dr. Calamity, who transformed into a dinosaur, was almost beaten silly by Qin Ming's five-whip lightning. Even now, he still couldn't figure out why he was beaten like this even though he was faster and stronger.

Strength! Yes! It must be that the genetic power is not strengthened enough!

As long as you continue to mutate! As long as you continue to evolve! Evolve to the point where you can kill your opponent with one punch! Evolve to the point where you can completely ignore any attack from the opponent! Then the flea in front of you will only be crushed to death!

With red light flashing in his eyes and his expression gradually going crazy, Dr. Calamity suddenly took out a large amount of medicine from the belt hanging around his waist and stabbed it hard into his neck.

As the medicine was injected into him, his veins bulged on his body and liquid flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

"Gene evolution is the final path for humans! Watch it! Watch it! You idiot who is destined to be eliminated! Look at this perfect power that belongs to the new humans!"

Medicine injection! Forced stimulation of genetic enhancement!

Dinosaur genes! The third enhanced mutation begins!

Amid the roar, Dr. Scourge's body began to expand rapidly. If he was half dragon and half human just now, at least he still had a human outline, then at this moment he had completely lost his human appearance and turned into a monster.

Looking at Dr. Scourge who was rapidly mutating on the opposite side, Qin Ming's mouth twitched, and he took out his final trump card without hesitation and prepared to use it.

As for what this final trump card is? This trump card is not a big killer that can turn defeat into victory, but General Modern's flying backpack!

Fight? What the hell is fighting! Endless mutation! There will always be a time when you can restrain yourself! Fighting again is not looking for death!

Qin Ming had already planned it when he came, and the plan was as simple and crude as before.

Start hammering when you see Dr. Scourge! Kasamoto Eri turns into a bomber! He turns into a blood vacuum cleaner! The two of them go together!

It would be best if he could be hammered to death, but it would not be a loss if he couldn't beat this final boss.

At worst, he could just use his backpack to fly away. He didn't believe that Dr. Scourge could fly up and chase him!

It can be said that Qin Ming came to challenge the final boss this time, not because he was sure of winning, but because he was 100% confident of escaping.

Since he could run away even if he couldn't beat him, why not come and take a gamble? Anyway, there's nothing to lose if he loses the gamble!

Now that he can't kill Dr. Scourge, Qin Ming is ready to run away.

As for the wolf? Well, at the critical moment of life and death, everyone should accept their fate. With the boy's timid character, Qin Ming felt that his life-saving props were definitely more than his own.

Just when Qin Ming skillfully put on his backpack and prepared to take off and escape, Dr. Scourge, who was rapidly mutating on the opposite side, suddenly changed.

That is, as his body mutated, Dr. Scourge, who was originally roaring wildly, suddenly screamed.

The next second, in front of Qin Ming's shocked eyes, his human body, which seemed to be a weak point but was actually ridiculously hard, began to separate from his body.

Dr. Scourge! It split!

No! It shouldn't be said to be split! It should be said that the human part of Dr. Scourge's body! It was stripped off!

As the body mutated successively, Dr. Scourge's body became more and more perfect, but no one stipulated that his human part could always be in the ranks of perfection.

After mutating to a certain extent! The body actually regarded Dr. Scourge as a burden! It eliminated him!

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