Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 355 Hidden Mission! King of Boxing Tournament!

Looking at Mai Shiranui performing a Sichuan Opera face-changing performance in front of her, Qin Ming stood behind her and couldn't help but smile.

After not seeing each other for a year, Mai Shiranui has not changed at all, she is still so carefree.

"Sister, I'm back."

Qin Ming's voice fell, and Mai Shiranui, who had her back turned to him, trembled obviously.

"You still know how to come back! I thought you would never come back! I was going to expel you from the martial arts school! You see! Even without your help! I can still run the martial arts gym very well!"

"I know, Senior Sister is an expert in business, how can I possibly compare to you? I, at best, can only be a thug when I come back."

"Hmph! Good to know! I have some personal matters to deal with! Excuse me!"

As he spoke, Mai Shiranui ran towards the back room, and while running, she raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.

Qin Ming, who watched her run into the room, quickly turned to look at Brumarie.

Looking at the private detective sitting on the table looking at him, he suddenly clapped his hands and smiled.

"Hey! Detective! Long time no see!"

Hearing this warm greeting, Blumari rolled her eyes, crossed her legs and crossed her arms, snorted and turned away.

Seeing that she was unwilling to pay attention to him, Qin Ming hurriedly changed his target and clapped his hands towards King on the other side.

"King! Stay safe!"

Seeing this scene, King shook his head helplessly and turned around, not bothering to talk to Qin Ming, an idiot who had nothing to say.

Qin Ming, who had been rejected twice in a row, shifted his gaze again in embarrassment and looked down at the third person present, which was Brumari's pet dog.

Qin Ming opened his mouth wide as he clapped his hands hard towards it.

"Long time no see! Dog meat hot pot! I don't think I have one!"

Hearing Qin Ming's call, the Dalmatian reacted immediately. Wagging its tail in excitement, it rushed over and pounced on Qin Ming... and bit Qin Ming's hand.

This sudden sneak attack startled Qin Ming, and it took him a long time to get rid of this guy.

Brumarie, who whistled back to her dog, narrowed her eyes at this, with a bright smile on her face, and rubbed the dog's head hard.

"Well done! Antonio!"

"You bitch! You bit me when we first met last time! You bit me again when we met this time! If I don't stew you today, my surname will not be Qin! Come here!"

"What are you doing! You want to bully my dog ​​again, right? Don't think that I'm afraid of you as you grow older! I'm good at ground skills! The last thing I'm afraid of is guys with big bodies! Do you want to do something? Come on!"

Seeing Qin Ming rushing toward her pet dog, Blumari was so frightened that she jumped off the table and jumped into a boxing posture.

She swung, and Qin Ming followed suit. The two guys crossed their arms, jumped around and tried to pull, turning the hall into a boxing ring on the spot.

It wasn't until King next to him who couldn't stand it anymore and walked over shaking his head that the confrontation between the two ended.

Originally, King thought that Blumari and Mai Shiranui, who had been talking about Qin Ming when they were drinking, would have a touching and tear-jerking scene when they first met.

It turns out that this is not a good thing, why is it that after meeting each other, the first reaction is to fight Qin Ming! How badly his guy deserved a beating before!

Under King's forcible obstruction, the Brumarie boxer, the floor fighting champion and nicknamed the Comeback Queen, sat down on the chair on the left aggressively.

The leader of the fight, player Qin Ming, nicknamed "Desperate Saburo", sat on the right with a look of dissatisfaction.

They were all in a bad mood now. Blumari was in a bad mood mainly because a year later, when she met Qin Ming again, she suddenly found that Qin Ming seemed to be doing well!

Not to mention that the hand has been taken back! The body has become so strong! It was completely different from the situation I had expected, where I would be homeless and miserable, and would not dare to write letters to my family!

In other words, this guy just didn’t write a letter on purpose! He is an indifferent bastard!

Qin Ming was in a bad mood because he finally came back once and rushed to the gym as soon as possible.

As a result, they met one after another! After meeting, I just want to beat myself up! Who has he provoked again?

Do you know how he has been living these past few years? How many times have you almost been beaten to death?

The two sides exchanged cold eyebrows, just like when they met for the first time. It took a long time for Blumari to snort coldly.

"What? It's been a year and you haven't been beaten to death yet?"

"Didn't you get killed by others just for peeping into other people's privacy, private detective?"

"My aunt has stopped being a detective a long time ago! I am now the second senior sister of the Shiranui Gym! I earn tens of millions a year! The most important thing is that I am ranked above you! You are the third oldest!"

"No! Why! I obviously got started before you! You were recommended by me!"

"The sect just demoted you, which is already an act of mercy outside the law! It's good that I didn't expel you from the sect! What else do you want!"

Looking at the triumphant Blumari, the corners of Qin Ming's eyes twitched violently.

"You and Mai Shiranui have opened such a large gym and even opened so many branch gyms. Are you not afraid of being kicked out?"

"Kick the gym? They dare! Is it an honor to beat our women's gym? Will it increase your reputation? Let alone kicking the gym at home! They didn't dare to accept the challenge when we challenged it in the past! It's natural to win, but lose your reputation if you lose. Shiranui Mai and I have already challenged more than a hundred gyms! Only Yuri Sakazaki from the extreme school dared to challenge us!"

Blumari's words suddenly reminded Qin Ming that the Shiranui Gym at this moment was no longer the Shiranui Gym before.

If someone comes to challenge you, you will win against a martial arts gym that specializes in fitness, weight loss, and breast enlargement and whitening! If this spreads out, I’m afraid my peers will laugh at me!

Good guy! No wonder Mai Shiranui dares to claim to be the invincible fighter in Japan! What kind of invincible hand is this? This is because no one dares to take action against them!

Just when Qin Ming suddenly discovered the secret of Shiranui Gym and his invincibility in the world, footsteps suddenly sounded from the side. It turned out that it was Mai Shiranui who had entered the room to sort out her emotions. At this moment, she had walked out of the room.

After giving Qin Ming a fierce look, Mai Shiranui, who had already changed into ordinary clothes, suddenly crossed her arms and snorted.

"Third brother! For the sake of your daring to come back! Senior sister, I can give you a chance to make up for your mistakes! Do you know about the King of Fighters competition?"

Qin Ming was stunned by Mai Shiranui's words, and nodded quickly after realizing it.

"of course I know."

"It's good to know! We are going to participate in the competition! And win the championship! This will be used to promote our Shiranui Gym! You can be a pioneer this time! You are the pawn of our Shiranui Team!"

"Participate in the King of Fighters Tournament?!"

Qin Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this and he sat up straight.

Participating in competitions is a good thing. There are many experts in the competition. If you secretly kill one or two guys who don't like it, you can definitely make a lot of money.

"Of course there is no problem with this, but who exactly is participating here?"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, Mai Shiranui's expression froze, and she immediately turned to look at the two people next to her.

Originally, the three of them had already agreed to form a team to compete, and they just happened to be able to form a team.

But now Qin Ming suddenly returns, this...

"I'll quit and form my own team. Team Shiranui is not suitable for me in the first place. After all, I'm not from the Shiranui Gym."

In the end, it was King who spoke first and offered to withdraw. King's words made Mai Shiranui's expression even more awkward.

As soon as the junior brother came back, he turned around and kicked his best friend out of the team. This was a bit forgetful of friends.

"No, I'll form another team myself."

Before Mai Shiranui, who looked embarrassed, could speak, Qin Ming suddenly showed a serious expression on his face.

"Let's form two teams. The three of you will form a team, and I will find another teammate to compete. The two teams can also increase the fault tolerance rate."

Qin Ming suddenly spoke, causing the three women opposite him to turn their heads at the same time.

Feeling their astonished looks, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

There was naturally a reason why he suddenly proposed forming two teams.

Just after Mai Shiranui proposed to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament, the notification tone of the Nightmare Space rang in his ears.

Hidden mission! Triggered!

[Task Name: King of Fighters Tournament]

[Task Difficulty: Level A]

[Task requirement: Find a way to get the invitation letter for the King of Fighters Tournament! Form a team and compete as captain! And try to get a good quota as much as possible]

[Task reward: determined according to the final quota]

[Task Introduction: What’s wrong when you come to the King of Fighters world but don’t participate in the King of Fighters Tournament? Are you here to travel? 】

A-level hidden mission! If only this were done! The rewards are absolutely abundant!

But the problem is that this mission is so deadly that it actually requires you to participate as the captain.

It is not difficult for Qin Ming to participate in the competition, after all, there is Mai Shiranui.

Mai Shiranui definitely has the invitation letter for the King of Fighters tournament that is very difficult for others to get. After all, her current gym is very large and her popularity is also terrifying.

Even if it is just to attract popularity, the organizer will definitely invite her to participate in the competition.

But the problem is that with Mai Shiranui, a pushy guy, how can Qin Ming be the captain?

Look at Mai Shiranui's appearance, is it possible that she gave up her identity as captain? This time, we are competing as Team Shiranui! Why can't she, the senior sister, be the captain?

Qin Ming has been missing for more than a year. If he still wants to seize power after returning, Mai Shiranui will have to beat him.

This is not a question of power or not! Mai Shiranui doesn't care about this either.

But this is related to Qin Ming’s attitude! This clearly meant that he didn’t take her senior sister seriously!

So Qin Ming made a decision quickly! he! Prepare to form a team to compete alone!

"Two teams?"

"Yes! Two teams!"

"But where are you going to find two other teammates? The King of Fighters competition is not ordinary! Even if it is your senior sister, I dare not say that I can beat everyone! It would be very embarrassing for you to just find two crooked melons and dates!"

After Mai Shiranui finished speaking, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Qin Ming's face.

"You don't have to find two, just one. Now let me introduce you three! My good partner! A disciple of the Fantasy Dinosaur style! Miles Kasamoto!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming took out his pistol and fired a shot, while stepping aside to get out of the way.

At the door, with the sound of footsteps, Miles Kasamoto was summoned and appeared.

She walked into the hall in a military uniform while talking, and suddenly froze in the middle of her words.

"Boss! Are we going to start a new adventure again! It really is... Wow! Big breasted girl! Where did you find this top-notch girl?!"

Looking at Mai Shiranui standing opposite her, looking at her outrageous figure, Kasamoto Eri's eyes were wide open for a moment.

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