Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 356: The abandoned disciple expelled from the sect


"Qin Ming! You are expelled from the sect! Get out of my gym!"

At the entrance of the Shiranui gym, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were forcibly pushed out. Because Qin Ming was too big, several people were used to push him.

Qin Ming, who was forcibly pushed out, looked very innocent, and turned around to try to explain.

"Big sister, listen to my excuses... No! Listen to my explanations!"

"I don't want to listen! Take you, the pervert, and leave!"

"But I still want to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament! To build momentum for the Shiranui style!"

"You want to participate, right? Okay! Then participate! I will clean up the mess on the ring myself!"

The junior brother who disappeared for more than a year finally returned to the gym, but suddenly called out a woman.

The most important thing is that the woman attacked her chest as soon as they met! She behaved more like a hooligan than a man!

This made Mai Shiranui completely angry. She found that the man in front of her had changed! Not only his body shape had changed! His character has also changed!

He actually learned to associate with such a shady guy!

So Mai Shiranui made a prompt decision and chose to drive the two down the mountain gate.

Commanding a group of female disciples, holding a wooden spear for training, she forcibly pushed Qin Ming down the mountain.

Mai Shiranui stood at the front with one hand on her waist, and her eyes were wide open at this moment.

"You! And you! You two wait for me! When the King of Fighters Tournament comes! I will definitely teach you, the abandoned disciple of Shiranui, a lesson in front of everyone!"

After saying that, Mai Shiranui turned and left. Seeing this, Blue Mary, who was following her, had a bright smile on her face, and waved her finger at the two arrogantly, then put her hands on her waist and turned away.

King shook his head helplessly, too lazy to care about the mess inside the Shiranui Gym, and strode away.

For a while, only Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were left at the door, standing there alone.

Seeing that Mai Shiranui really wanted to drive him away, Qin Ming hurriedly shouted.

"Hey! You can hit me! But how can I participate? I don't have an invitation yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large card flew over and was caught accurately by him.

He grabbed the invitation to the competition thrown by Mai Shiranui and looked at Mai Shiranui and others who disappeared angrily on the mountain road.

Qin Ming, who finally retracted his gaze, suddenly turned his head viciously.

Kasamoto Eri, who was standing next to him, trembled all over like a conditioned reflex and turned around and ran away without even thinking.

When she ran, Qin Ming chased her, taking off one of his shoes while chasing her and raising it to slap her.

"Why did you grab her chest if you had nothing to do! You are used to being a hooligan, right!"


"Ah! Stop fighting! Didn't you say that before! You've already dealt with her!"

"Then I said I dealt with the final boss Orochi! Are you going to grab his chest too?"

"You can do it! Why can't I!"

"Little bastard! I'm not done with you today!"

On the street, two figures, one chasing and one fleeing, ran around everywhere.

Qin Ming was really angry at this moment. After all, who could have expected that the first thing that this woman, Kasamoto Eri, would do when she appeared on the scene would be to attack someone's chest!

Yes! When he was drinking before! He boasted about how short it took him to take down Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie!

But that was just bragging! He was not allowed to brag after drinking! He also boasted that the nightmare space was his!

Who could have expected that this woman, Kasamoto Eri, was so daring to believe it! It would be fine if she just went up and grabbed it! She even buried her head in it!

Qin Ming had been away for more than a year, and when he came back, he suddenly called out a woman, which had already shocked Mai Shiranui.

Now the other party started to act like a hooligan as soon as they met! This is no longer shocking!

After reacting, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were beaten by Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie, and were forcibly driven out of the mountain gate.

Now, the organization they just found is gone again. The only thing to be thankful for is that at least the invitation letter is in hand, and the two of them don’t have to look for the invitation letter like other adventurers and try their best to get it.

Those who can be issued invitation letters are either long-established masters or well-known forces, and it is not so easy to get them.

The first requirement for obtaining the invitation letter alone may eliminate more than 90% of the adventurers.

Half an hour later, two figures walked side by side on the road.

Qin Ming walked in front with a dark face, and Kasamoto Eri, who was beaten, followed behind with a half body length lower. The two kept on walking and remained silent.

After a long time, Qin Ming sighed.

"Forget it, if I'm kicked out, I'll be kicked out. With Mai Shiranui's temper and Blue Marie's character of fanning the flames, even if I don't act like a hooligan, I'm afraid I'll be kicked out. It'll be fine when they calm down."

He sniffed hard and looked at the city vaguely visible in front of him, and his eyebrows frowned.

"Now the urgent thing is to find a teammate quickly. After all, if we don't get three people together, we can't form a team to participate in the competition. For this teammate, do you have any good candidates?"

Qin Ming called out Kasamoto Eri in order to form a team for himself, so he had to act separately from Mai Shiranui and the others.

Therefore, although the process was a little different from what he expected, the result did not exceed Qin Ming's expectations. At least the invitation letter was successfully obtained.

But without the help of Mai Shiranui and the others, how to find another teammate has become a big problem.

There was such a huge crowd, where should they find a master to form a team?

Hearing Qin Ming's question, Miles Kasamoto who was following him frowned. After thinking for a moment, he gave a decisive answer.

"Asamiya Athena!"


"Take your brain out of your heel and use it! She is from the Super Power Team! How can she team up with us! Are you targeting her again! I warn you not to cause trouble for me! She is a vegetarian! Her master Zhen Yuanzhai is not like that!"


Kasamoto Miles, who was hit on the back of his head, glanced at Qin Ming with a sullen expression and said with a frown.

"With such an obvious answer, do you even need to think about it? Blumari joined the female fighter team! Someone else was replaced! Then let's go find the member who was replaced!"

"The member who was kicked out? Oh! You mean that woman named Cheng Zi!"

"My name is Toudou Kasumi! The current head of Toudou Kobu-ryu! Don't underestimate her! She is the strongest mechanical monster! She can even take on space phantoms!"

"I've said it several times, don't put the mechanics in the game into reality. Chen Guohan is still one of the top combatants in the game!"

Trying to recall the information about Kasumi Todo, Qin Ming's eyebrows furrowed more and more as he thought about it.

Because there is so little information about this woman, Qin Ming only knows that she is a daughter who has been looking for her father for ten thousand years, and there is basically no information other than that.

After all, this woman's appearances are not high, only a few times in total. However, due to the special skill mechanism, every time she appears, she is a high-performance figure in the first echelon.

It would be a good idea to find her to participate in the competition together. Blumari is nicknamed the Comeback Queen, but Kasumi Toudo is also a monster known as the Rookie Killer.

Quickly having a goal, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles immediately strode towards the city. As for why they should walk instead of taking a ride?

Kasamoto Miles is okay, but with Qin Ming's two-meter-three-meter figure, do you think anyone would dare to let him ride in the car? How big your heart must be!

Hurrying slowly, Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto finally arrived at the legendary Todo Gym before it became completely dark.

Looking at the huge gym in front of them, both of them had shocked expressions on their faces, especially Qin Ming. He never expected that the Todo Gym, which only plays a supporting role in the game, would have such a large territory. , with so many disciples!

Inside the huge gym in front of you! There are actually thousands of people! It’s not a little-known little gym at all!

Obviously, the information Qin Ming collected was incomplete.

Although this Toudou Gym was only briefly mentioned in the background story, the previous head of the family, Toudo Ryuuhaku, the father of Kasumi Toudou, suffered a huge blow due to his successive defeats at the hands of Takuma Sakazaki and Ryo Sakazaki. Faced with the disciples without shame, he started to disappear.

But the problem is! This doesn’t mean that Todo Gym will be small! Todo Kobu-ryu is a senior gym with more than twenty generations of heritage!

Todo Ryuhaku is even the Aikido master alongside the karate master Takuma Sakazaki! It has a high status in Japan!

Otherwise, the two would not have fought for the No. 1 spot.

How can someone who can fight with Takumi Sakazaki to the point of going back and forth and making the other party take him seriously, possibly be a weakling?

How could the gym he was in be a small place?

Todo Kobu-ryu has a long legacy! Even above the extreme flow!

"Sir, Madam, are you here to practice martial arts? If so, please come here to sign up."

Seeing Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles appear at the door, the eyes of the two disciples guarding the door lit up and they immediately came over, showing great enthusiasm.

There is a reason why they are so enthusiastic. After all, Qin Ming's physique is on display here.

If you can take such a strong guy as your disciple, regardless of whether he can fight or not, he will be a living sign by himself!

Nowadays, the newly emerged Shiranui Gym is in the limelight, although it is taking the female route, and is criticized by other martial arts schools as being evil and unworthy of publicity.

But all martial arts schools have to admit that they are really jealous of each other's ability to make money and their connections.

Shiranui Gym has now become a designated place for celebrities to exchange feelings with each other. It is a famous gym for women and a resting place for men.

After working hard to run the martial arts gym for more than ten generations, it can only make a name for itself and find a few powerful forces as backers.

However, it only took less than a year for them to become completely mixed up at the top. Recently, I heard that they are planning to appear on TV! We have officially cooperated with the local government!

What does it mean to comprehensively promote healthy living! Promote that martial arts are not just for fighting! It can also be used to shape a better life!

The traditional turf war is still going on here! The promotion and listing has already begun over there! How could other martial arts schools not be jealous!

It's a pity that the various secret medicines in the Shiranui Gym must be refined with special Shiranui, and others cannot imitate them at all.

Even if you can imitate it, if your gym, which is famous for its fighting, suddenly sells breast enhancement pills, it won't sound good if word spreads about it.

Therefore, major martial arts schools can only work hard, try every means to build momentum for themselves, and shift their focus to publicity that they have never paid attention to before.

And a human-shaped brown bear like Qin Ming is undoubtedly a perfect natural promotional material!

Can you beautify your skin? Enlarge your breasts and buttocks?

I can also strengthen my body! Increase muscle and size!

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