Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 360 The Secret of the King of Boxing Tournament

In the end, eleven adventurers responded to the call and tried to buy the invitation, and none of them were easy to mess with.

As the number of people increased, the expression on Qin Ming's face gradually became serious, and he finally showed his serious attitude.

After all, Qin Ming is sure to take down one, two or even three or four of them alone.

But facing eleven good players at once, Qin Ming began to feel a little unsure.

He began to feel wary, and the adventurers running around him also restrained their violent tempers and behaved very quietly.

They are also wary of the peers around them, even though in killing mode, the so-called peers are prey.

But if everyone carries a gun and is not someone to be trifled with, then no one will dare to hunt casually.

The situation at the scene was like this. More than a dozen people were all masters. Whoever dared to cause trouble first would be easily beaten by a group.

Therefore, the best among this group of adventurers of the same level seemed very calm and polite at the moment, and no one tried to do anything anymore.

In this weird atmosphere, Qin Ming started the bidding process with the unused invitation letter in his hand.

In the end, under the bid of a big dog owner, the invitation was sold for a whopping 23,000 points.

Qin Ming, who had reached a deal with the other party, signed a contract, and started exchanging items, looked at the big dog who happily put away the invitation, and suddenly said.

"I have a question, is there any secret in this invitation? Is it worth so much?"

As soon as these words came out, the adventurers around him were stunned at the same time, and then they all looked at Qin Ming with strange eyes.

The big dog who put away the scroll frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Brother is a lone wolf?"

Qin Ming's eyes flashed when he heard this.

"It seems like I'm asking you a question now, right?"

"...The hidden mission of the King of Fighters Tournament has extremely rich rewards. I heard that if you win the championship, you may be rewarded with legendary equipment or even S-level skills. Even if you don't win the championship, as long as you participate in the competition and successfully reach the finals , the reward value obtained is definitely not less than 30,000 points, this is public information known to all major teams.”

"That's it. Thanks for clarifying."

"Brother, are you interested in joining the team?"

"If I want to join, do I have to wait until you invite me?"

"That's right! Farewell!"

Raising his hands and cupping his fists, the big man turned around and left, followed by several other adventurers who quickly followed suit. Everyone walked very decisively, even in a hurry.

They don't seem to be walking, but more like escaping at this moment, getting away from Qin Ming as quickly as possible.

Because Qin Ming is a lone wolf! Use your own ability to break through the nightmare space! Climbed to the position of intermediate adventurer! And a lone wolf who has become prosperous!

What does this mean? It means this guy is a monster!

It is generally accepted that it is difficult for a lone wolf to survive in the nightmare space. After all, without information, resources, and no help from others, accidents are too easy.

But similarly, there is another recognized thing in the nightmare space, and that is the lone wolf who can climb to the position of an intermediate adventurer and still not die! Don't mess with them!

You find a team to support you and get through the easy mode.

But they went it alone and fought head-on, forcing their way through the difficult mode.

So you think if these two existences collide, who will have a greater chance of winning? The answer is already obvious, isn’t it?

There is an unwritten rule among intermediate adventurers that when meeting a lone wolf adventurer, they should treat them as a team.

That is to say! Even if he is just one person! You also have to play with the same caution as playing with a team of good players! And it’s best if you don’t fight or don’t fight!

No one who can be a lone wolf has weak talents and skills, because the weak ones have been beaten to death.

This is why everyone chose to run away after discovering that Qin Ming was a lone wolf.

They are afraid of being targeted by the other party! Treat them as BOSS!

no! Compared to a lone wolf! They are the challengers! The lone wolf is the BOSS!

Qin Ming, who was not in the melee team, obviously didn't understand these rules, so he looked at the people running away quickly and was a little confused for a while.

At the same time, in a building outside the coffee shop, several figures silently put down their telescopes.

A man who looked away from Qin Ming now frowned and suddenly spoke after being silent for a long time.

"Is this him you're talking about?"

"That's right! It's him! I know him even when he turned into ashes!"

As voices rang out from the side, a figure came over.

And this figure! Surprisingly, it was exactly when there was a big fight in the bar! That one decisively hit the window and ran away! The Third Eye with special investigative skills!

His eyes looked at Qin Ming in the distance with fear. Even though a day had passed, his third eye still looked frightened.

"Captain, what should we do now? Are we going to contact him and try to get him to join us?"

As soon as Tianmu finished speaking, the leader nodded.

"Well, your proposal is good, then go ahead."

"Me? No! Captain! I'm a scout! I'm not good at fighting!"

"What? From what you're saying, do you think that if I, a combatant, went to talk to him and he turned against me, I would be able to escape alive?"

"Um, this..."

Looking at Tianmu, whose expression was frozen, the leader suddenly sighed, leaned over and put his arms around his shoulders, and spoke earnestly.

"Tianmu, I know that you have special talents and abilities. You were recently promoted to deputy captain. It seems that it is because of your talents that you have made great achievements."

Tianmu was shocked when he heard this, and a proud smile immediately appeared on his face.

"That's right! I found a good idea! I informed our boss! The boss also rewarded me with an A-level skill and an ordinary gold-level equipment!"

"Oh, then do you know what the good young man you informed the boss did?"

"What's up?"

"Actually, it wasn't a big deal. He was just a lone wolf and didn't want to join the gang, so he started a fight with us and killed more than 40 of us. Later, he had to join the gang because he couldn't beat us. Now he is a senior member of the team. Among the more than 40 people who died, there were four vice-captains of your level and two captains of my level."

Looking at Tianmu with a smile, although the man was smiling, his eyes were cold.

"Just a guy who can copy the skills of the characters in the plot has killed so many people. So if that guy outside also fights with us, how many people will we have to die? Are you and me among the dead? "

The smile on Tianmu's face froze when he heard this, and the captain patted his shoulder hard.

"Boy, for high-level people, the life of the master is their life, not ours. Even if you are not sent to the battlefield, when someone becomes a high-level person, you are not afraid that he will hold a grudge and come to find trouble and kill you?"

Letting go of his hand, the captain turned and left.

"As for your piece of information, just pretend I haven't heard it. You can decide for yourself whether you want to continue reporting it to the police. Don't involve me anyway! I don't want to try to find out what I can do in a person with two S-level skills. The monster has a few moves! I haven’t had enough! With that guy’s talent, he can even use his S skills if he gets anxious!”

With that said, the captain had already walked out of the room, leaving Tianmu standing there with a confused look on his face.

After escaping from the bar, he hurriedly ran over to report the information to the captain. He only thought about the benefits he could get from it, but he didn't think so much.

Only then did he understand why the other mid-level adventurers didn't like him so much, and all of them treated him coldly.

The information I provided last time! It turns out that so many people were killed!

Instinct turned to look at the coffee shop in the distance. Tianmu's brain was a little down for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

The moment he turned his head, he happened to see Qin Ming sitting in the coffee shop, also turning his head to look towards him.

When the two people looked at each other, their third eyes shivered, almost instinctively, and they lay down directly under the window.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he ran towards the exit in a hurry. The original thought of reporting the information and obtaining benefits had long since disappeared.

At the same time, in the coffee shop, Qin Ming felt that someone was peeping at him. He followed his gaze and looked at the strange man who disappeared from the window. He shrugged with a puzzled expression and did not take the other person seriously at all. Didn't remember who the other party was.

After all, Tianmu had been so decisive in escaping before, so decisive that Qin Ming could not even see his face clearly.

Now that we meet again, who can recognize who he is?

Qin Ming, who didn't know that his information had been seen through, was giggling as he looked at his harvest.

I earned more than 20,000 points without doing anything. This money was earned too quickly!

It seems that having a strong relationship is really popular! Wait till you go back! I can strengthen myself again!

Having said that, the rewards for the King of Fighters competition they mentioned before... Hey, S-level skills are okay. If you weren't afraid that using too many S-level skills would seriously affect your character, Qin Ming's third S I'm afraid all the super skills have already been released.

Therefore, he is not short of this S-level skill!

But the legendary legendary equipment! This is somewhat rare! Qin Ming so far! I haven’t gotten any legendary equipment yet!

If you can get one, that would be the best, but winning the championship is not an easy task.

Second-rate fighters like Toudo Kasumi and King are already so good at fighting. It's not easy to defeat the first-rate fighters in the participating teams.

The extreme flow of Ryo Sakazaki! Terry, known as the evil wolf!

And the King of Fighters protagonist! Kusanagi Kyo is also one of the three artifact families!

Tongwei is one of the three artifact families! As the second protagonist! Not only does it possess the power of an artifact! And it also has the blood of heaven in Iori Yagami!

None of these four guys are easy to mess with! In addition, there is Kagura Chizuru! Heavenly God Clan! Just thinking about it gives me a headache!

Although Qin Ming considers himself to be quite capable, he is not so arrogant that he despises everything. The main reason is that his opponent this time is too shameless.

Are S-level skills very strong? Is there a powerful eight wine glasses that can freeze time? Can there be a strong man who can burn everything? Can there be a strong formation of three sounds that can seal time and space?

Listen to what the hell these tricks are! This is something that people can fight!

Qin Ming felt his head hurt when he thought about the masters he had to face this time.

But he was really unwilling to give up the final reward after winning the championship, so Qin Ming felt that he might have to plan carefully this time.

.........Tsk! If it doesn't work, just fight fake matches! It seems that Mai Shiranui and Chizuru Kagura are the organizers! Still friends!

If not, let her ask Kagura Chizuru! Throw all those masters together in advance! Let them consume it internally first! He didn't believe that he couldn't win the championship!

Everything is for the Shiranui Gym! To make the Shiranui Gym famous all over the world! To fulfill his responsibilities! Qin Ming will do anything he can!

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