Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 361 The love rival comes to you

Several days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the much-anticipated King of Fighters Tournament has finally kicked off.

There are a total of 304 participating teams, which need to go through the auditions and preliminary rounds, and finally select 24 teams for the finals.

And the Fujido team led by Qin Ming is one of them.

As the competition began, the organizer of this time, Kagura Chizuru, one of the three legendary artifact families and the master of the eight-foot mirror, began to speak on the stage.

Looking at Kagura Chizuru, who was wrapped tightly in Kagura shrine maiden clothes, Qin Ming couldn't help but pout.

As a shrine maiden serving the gods, she actually dressed like this, how could she be embarrassed?

This look can't even please ordinary people, how can she expect to please the gods? Bad review!

While complaining in his heart, Qin Ming took out his sunglasses and put them on, ready to check Kagura Chizuru's attributes.

However, just as he activated the ability of the glasses, Kagura Chizuru, who was speaking on the stage, had already looked over with a sharp look.

And the reconnaissance effect of the dinosaur sunglasses! It also failed again!

Qin Ming's face turned pale when he saw this scene, and he quickly put away his glasses, and at the same time he secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

It's a spoiled dish! This woman might be stronger than he expected! The heir of the three artifact families! Maybe they are all top-notch warriors!

The water in this King of Fighters competition! It's deeper than expected!

Qin Ming quickly retracted his gaze, and Kagura Chizuru on the stage also frowned and silently retracted her gaze.

With her own ability, she actually couldn't accurately detect someone peeping at her. The reason why she could react immediately and intercept the other party's reconnaissance at this moment was not because of her own ability, but because of the power of the treasure she controlled, the eight-foot mirror.

Raising her hand and touching the artifact on her chest, Kagura Chizuru did not feel angry because someone was peeping at her, but instead showed a smile at the corner of her mouth.

The reason why she held the King of Fighters Tournament this time was to gather the best players in the world to fight against the terrifying members of the Eight Heroes.

So the stronger the contestants performed this time, the happier she was.

Come all! Come all in response to the call! She wanted to see! Can that damn Goenitz defeat all the masters in the world by himself!

When she thought of Goenitz, Kagura Chizuru couldn't help but reveal a ferocious look in her eyes.

Just a month ago, she and her sister Kagura Mangui were suddenly attacked by the opponent. The two of them failed to defeat Goenitz together, but were beaten to death and injured by the opponent.

Goenitz, the Breathing Storm, used the blood of Kagura Mangui to forcibly loosen the seal that bound the will of the earth, causing the will of the snake to awaken.

Knowing that there was a huge difference between her and the opponent's strength, Kagura Chizuru also began to urgently recruit masters, trying to defeat Goenitz by numbers and prevent him from breaking the seal.

In fact, if possible, Kagura Chizuru would like to summon the other two members of the Three Sacred Treasures Family, and the three of them will work together to fight against the powerful enemy.

Once the three sacred weapons join forces! Goenitz will definitely die!

But the problem is that Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi don't get along, and they fight as soon as they meet. If Kagura Chizuru really calls them over alone, I'm afraid that before Goenitz comes on the stage, the two of them will be beaten into blood gourds.

So using the name of the King of Fighters to lure is the best solution now. Not only can you call those two troublesome guys, but you can also call a lot of helpers.

Although other fighters don't have the power of the artifact, their own strength is also extraordinary, even if they just help out, it's a good thing.

After quickly going on stage to finish the speech and announcing the final competition rewards, the title of the King of Fighters and a check of up to 30 million US dollars, Kagura Chizuru turned and walked off the ring.

And below the ring, several beautiful figures were standing there waiting for her.

They are the three members of Team Shiranui led by Mai Shiranui, and they are also the best friends of Chizuru Kagura.

And next to the three, there is another girl standing at this moment, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl wearing a tight white training suit and a rope tied on her head, looking full of energy.

She is one of the masters of the Extreme Flow, and is called the younger sister of Ryo Sakazaki, whose talent is even higher than Ryo Sakazaki by the master of the Extreme Flow, Takumi Sakazaki: Yuri Sakazaki!

As relatively rare female fighters, these people have a good relationship and can be said to belong to the same circle.

Watching Chizuru Kagura walk down the ring, Mai Shiranui and others hurriedly greeted her.

They also knew that Chizuru Kagura's sister had just died some time ago, causing her to be in a bad mood now, so they were very considerate, and Mai Shiranui was desperately livening up the atmosphere.

As for her way of livening up the atmosphere? That is to perform a classic crosstalk with Blue Mary, singing and scolding Qin Ming in unison...

Just when Mai Shiranui was complaining to her girlfriends about her junior's recent bad behavior, Qin Ming, who had already drawn lots and confirmed his ranking, welcomed his unconventional guest.

Looking at the three people coming aggressively from the front, Qin Ming's steps suddenly paused, and his eyebrows slightly frowned.

Eri Kasamoto also focused his eyes and subconsciously reached out to grab the pistol at his waist.

As for Fujido Kasumi? She may be a little silly, but she specializes in defensive counterattacks, and her intuition is extraordinary.

Her hands are really faster than her brain. Many times, before her brain can react, her body has already reacted reflexively.

This time was no exception. Feeling the strong hostility emanating from the leading man among the three people coming over, Fujido Kasumi almost instinctively stepped forward and stood in front of Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, with her legs kicking the ground and already in the standard Aikido starting position.

Fujido Kasumi's action was purely out of kindness and instinct. After all, as the most capable fighter in her circle, Fujido Kasumi has long been accustomed to protecting others.


Looking at Fujido Kasumi standing in front of him, protecting him tightly behind her, and whose height was just up to his chest, Qin Ming was speechless.

With a hand reaching out, he grabbed Fujido Kasumi's collar and directly lifted the serious-looking little girl up in the air and put her aside.

After doing all this, Qin Ming took a step forward and looked at the opposite side expressionlessly.

The three people coming over from the opposite side also stopped at this moment, and just as they stopped, the blond man in the lead had already gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Qin Ming! Do you still remember who I am!"

"Of course I remember, I was defeated."


The blond man opposite was none other than Andy, a former disciple of the Shiranui School and a childhood sweetheart of Mai Shiranui who has now been expelled from the school.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. Not only was his position taken away, but even his designated wife was taken away, which made Andy full of hostility towards Qin Ming.

If it weren't for the big brother next to him stopping him, he would have been so excited that he would have started fighting with Qin Ming.

Looking at Andy, who was a little excited, Qin Ming suddenly raised his eyebrows and spoke with a strange expression.

"No, why are you so excited? Didn't you become a disciple of Shiranui just to learn ninjutsu? And you didn't care about Mai Shiranui, and even ignored her pursuit. Now you have learned Shiranui's ninjutsu, and I helped you get rid of Mai Shiranui's entanglement. You should be happy, right? Why are you so angry?"

"This is different!"

With a loud shout, Andy suddenly took a stance and took the opening move of Shiranui.

"I want to duel with you! Do it!"

As soon as Andy finished speaking, he rushed over without even giving Qin Ming time to react.

As he jumped up, his legs were together and he was wrapped in flames. He came up with a super killer move: Super Fierce Bullet Breaker!

His sudden move caught everyone present off guard. No one expected that he would choose to take action on the spot.

After all, in the world of King of Fighters, even if there is a deep hatred between fighters, they will generally open the arena to face each other head-on, otherwise the victory will be unfair.

It is almost the instinct of fighters to defeat the opponent in an upright manner and thoroughly defeat the enemy.

Andy suddenly did not abide by the rules of fighters, and attacked as soon as he came up, and his first move was a special move. It was obvious that he was really angry.


Seeing this scene, the eldest brother Terry's face froze, and he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

Qin Ming, who reacted quickly on the opposite side, had no time to dodge. He could only take a deep breath and straighten his chest, trying to use his body to forcefully take this move.

The rotating fire killed Qin Ming in an instant, but just when it was about to kick Qin Ming's chest, it suddenly stopped.

No! It can't be said to be stopped! It should be said that it was intercepted!

Fujido Kasumi, who was standing next to Qin Ming, suddenly shouted, took a step forward, and rushed directly towards Andy.

At the moment of collision, he put his hands together, grabbed Andy's kicking leg, and threw him over his shoulder.

Special move! Destroy the body without throwing!


The loud noise spread all around, and Andy, who was shooting at high speed, was forced to change direction by Fujido Kasumi like a cannonball, and crashed into the ground headfirst.

And before Andy, who fell to the ground, bounced up, Fujido Kasumi, who used a move of Destroy the body without throwing, had already shouted loudly, raised his arms and swung them down hard.

Special move! Super heavy!


The violent airflow spread, and Andy in the air was directly blown away, rolling and falling to the ground.

Fujido Kasumi, who gave the opponent a set of counterattacks in an instant, took a step and was ready to chase, but she never thought that at this moment, the ground under her feet suddenly shook.

Sensing this scene, Fujido Kasumi hurriedly turned around and took a defensive stance.

On the other side, Terry, who saw his brother in danger, had already punched the ground hard.

Special move! Energy fountain!


The violent energy was injected into the soil and rushed towards Fujido Kasumi at a high speed, not seeking to hit the opponent, but only to stop the opponent's pursuit.

Terry's move was fast and fierce, and the energy fountain had already surged in front of Fujido Kasumi in an instant, but it did not gush out.

Because behind Fujido Kasumi, Qin Ming had also punched the ground at this moment! Posing exactly the same action!

Imitation-energy fountain!

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