Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 367 Mai Zhuo's Speed

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

Mai Zhuo, who completely didn't expect that Qin Ming would continue to attack after seeing him appear, looked at Wei Si and rolled her eyes, and hurriedly jumped off the wall and rushed to stop her.

But she obviously underestimated Qin Ming's vengeful character. Even though he was already standing up after being pulled by Mai Zhuo, Qin Ming still didn't choose to let go.

Weiss, who was being dragged up by the neck, was like a rag doll, being tossed around by him.

After pulling hard for a long time, Mai Zhuo found that he couldn't let Qin Ming let go at all, and said anxiously.

"If she dies, something big will happen! She will attract Goenitz!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming, who was still in a rage and trying to give his opponent a neck massage, was stunned. Information about Goenitz immediately came to his mind.

The top master of the Eight Elites, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, a man who confronted the heir of the Three Artifacts Family head-on and almost won.

His strength is definitely top-notch, and is not at the same level as the other members of the Eight Masters.

Qin Ming relied on his own characteristics to kill the tiger Wei Si by surprise.

But if you face Goenitz...

Suddenly turning his head to look at Mai Zhuo, Qin Ming frowned.

"Will Goenitz come?"

Seeing Qin Ming finally reacting other than pinching, Mai Zhuo nodded vigorously.

"To be precise, he's nearby."

After receiving the answer, Qin Ming turned his eyes, and finally slowly let go of his hand, no longer exerting any force.

It was true that he wanted to kill Goenitz, a super-class player, but he definitely didn't go up to challenge alone stupidly.

Before gathering the experts, it is better not to face the opponent head-on.

It's just that you can let Weiss go, but she has to pay a price for hurting herself like this!

With a tightening of his arms, he directly activated the flesh-absorbing skill. Qin Ming began to frantically absorb the blood from Wei Si's body to restore his own injuries.

With the supply of blood, Qin Ming's destroyed eyes and ears began to slowly recover.

However, his injuries have recovered, but Weiss, who was already scarred, became more injured after being sucked by him, and her body began to twitch instinctively.

Mai Zhuo's face darkened when he saw this scene, and he quickly raised his hand to hold Qin Ming's wrist.

"Okay! Stop smoking! If you do, you will die!"

Looking at the man in front of him, Mai Zhuo frowned.

Why hadn't she noticed before that this guy had such a vengeful character?

She originally thought that Weiss, with her twisted personality, had a cruel temper.

The guy in front of me was even more violent than Weiss! Really just take action! That means trying every possible means to kill your opponent!

Although he had promised to let go, his body was still instinctively destroying his opponent, trying to kill him.

Seeing Mai Zhuo's obstruction, Qin Ming said nothing, but raised his hand and knocked on his eyes with a straight face.

Looking at Qin Ming's still unrecovered eye, Mai Zhuo couldn't help but sigh, knowing that if he couldn't recover his eyes today, he would never give up. Mai Zhuo suddenly raised his hand and pulled open his collar.

"I'll pay it back for her!"

Qin Ming was stunned by Mai Zhuo's action. He lowered his head and glanced at Wei Si, whose face was already livid and even her cheeks were thinning in her hands. Qin Ming twitched his eyebrows and finally let go of her...

A few minutes later, Mai Zhuo, whose legs were shaken by the suction, dragged Wei Si away.

That's right, it was dragging, just like pulling a sack, dragging Weisi by the collar on the ground, there was really no sign of pity.

Qin Ming, who had recovered from his injuries, stood there and watched the two of them disappear with an expressionless face.

Participating in the King of Fighters Tournament and earning championship rewards is his biggest goal this time.

It's not impossible to kill Weis by force, but if you do that, you can't expect to continue to participate in the competition.

I'm afraid he participated in the competition in the morning, and Goenitz came to kill him in the afternoon.

Goenitz, who prides himself on being the agent of the gods, will not tolerate someone hunting down the attendants of the gods.

Even if you want to kill! He must be the agent to kill!

Raising his head and scanning the surroundings silently, Qin Ming suddenly turned around and walked to Toudo Kasumi, who was still in a coma but had been bandaged urgently by Miles Kasamoto. He picked her up and turned around to leave.

And all around, a large number of adventurers who heard the news and came to check the situation huddled in corners to hide themselves, not daring to make a sound.

The terrifying combat power displayed by Qin Ming really frightened them, especially his resistance and recovery ability, which were simply outrageous.

They originally had the idea of ​​coming here to pick fruits, but they were so frightened that no one dared to step forward.

After all, it is not impossible for some adventurers who are good at speed to snatch trophies from the opponent's hands.

But with the opponent's strength and vengeful character, unless they run away after grabbing it, they will never come back in this life.

Otherwise, once the other party meets him, he may be torn apart on the spot!

Qin Ming wanted to participate in the King of Fighters competition to earn benefits, and even let Wei Si go for this.

They also hope to earn profits by participating in the King of Fighters Tournament.

The rewards from the King of Fighters Tournament are much more valuable than a mere boss treasure chest.

It's just that no one dared to provoke Qin Ming, but it was different with Mai Zhuo.

Because she lost the first-hand advantage, Weiss, who was forcibly pulled by Qin Ming, did not perform well in the fight just now.

Of course, Qin Ming, who was fighting with Weiss, knew how terrifying this woman's power was, and that power definitely surpassed most BOSSes.

But the adventurers watching the battle around did not know! They only saw that this woman could not beat Qin Ming! Qin Ming was holding her attack hammer all the time!

Since this woman could not beat Qin Ming, who was also an adventurer, and now she has been disabled, does it mean that the strength of the Eight Heroes is not as terrifying as imagined?

Weiss performed so badly, so is Mai Zhuo, who is also a member of the Eight Heroes, also mediocre?

Adventurers are all gamblers. Now that they see that there is fruit to be picked, some adventurers who think they have collected all the information finally take action.

The footsteps stopped suddenly, and Mai Zhuo, who was walking forward with a cat step, holding Weiss with one hand, suddenly frowned.

Around her, with shadows flashing, several figures jumped down from the building and surrounded her in a triangular shape.

Looking at the three enemies who suddenly appeared, Mai Zhuo had no expression on his face and his eyes were very cold.

The three people who appeared looked at each other, and they suddenly nodded at the same time with black cloth wrapped around their faces to cover their faces.

"Don't get entangled with her! Kill Weiss!"

The leader roared, and the three rushed towards Weiss and Mai Zhuo in the middle at the same time. The goal was very clear, that is, to kill Weiss who had been severely injured and seize the fruits of victory.

Seeing this scene, Mai Zhuo frowned, and his body suddenly turned bloody.

Heavenly blood! Open!


In a flash of blood, Mai Zhuo, who opened his blood without any hesitation, disappeared strangely on the spot.

Before the three adventurers who saw this scene screamed, she had already flashed in front of one of them and grabbed the other's face.

Drag! Charge! Heavenly Slide!

Unlike Qin Ming's Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill, Qin Ming's Heavenly Kingdom Slide is only a half-baked one, and there is no Blood of the Great Snake to match it.

Therefore, Qin Ming's Heavenly Kingdom Slide, compared with damage, actually focuses more on the ability to charge.

On the other hand, Mai Zhuo's original Heavenly Kingdom Slide focuses on destructive power.

The blood of the gods of the Great Snake, how can a mortal body bear it.

Mai Zhuo, who was frantically injecting blood into the opponent's body, rushed out a distance and threw the opponent out with a flick of his hand.

The body had just flown halfway, and the guy who was also good at speed but was not Mai Zhuo's opponent at all, had already exploded with a scream and was directly shattered.

The Blood of the Great Snake detonated! Ignore defense! Internal explosion!

Mai Zhuo, who killed one person instantly, had a red light flashing in his eyes, and suddenly turned his head to look at the other two.

The situation here was completely beyond expectations, and the two were scared pale.

They turned around and ran without hesitation after finding that the information was wrong.

It's just about speed! Mai Zhuo is even better than Weiss! He is the second strongest person among the Eight Heroes after Goenitz!

How can you run away from her!

Blood is dragging on his body! He is chasing from behind at high speed! The moment he approaches! Mai Zhuo has already slashed out a huge cold light with a wave of his hand!

Skill! Light of Death!

With a clatter, the escaping adventurer turned around and took out his shield, trying to block the attack with his equipment.

Who would have thought that with the flash of cold light, in his astonished eyes, the shield did not play any role, and he was split in two on the spot with the shield.

Heavenly Protoss! Power of Beasts!

Effect: Ignore Defense!

Equipment? Mai Zhuo is most restrained by equipment!

When facing other Heavenly Protoss, if your attributes are not as good as the other party, you may be able to barely deal with them with your equipment and props.

But if you face Mai Zhuo, you will definitely die quickly, because this cold-blooded woman likes to focus on the vital points, and has a special power that ignores any defense. She is a pure killer of the weak.

Weiss may play cat and mouse with you for a while, and kill you when she gets tired of it.

But Mai Zhuo will definitely pull out your heart or throat in an instant, killing you on the spot.

At this time, the three adventurers in front of you are like this. They tried to seek wealth in danger and relied on their numbers to force Weiss to kill them. Two of them were killed in seconds as soon as they met.

But the third person successfully escaped Mai Zhuo's pursuit. At the moment Mai Zhuo pounced on him, his body actually flashed strangely and appeared directly a hundred meters away.

[Talent skill: Flash once in a lifetime]

[Effect: Use flash to escape, the maximum flash distance is 100 meters, once a day]

[Introduction: Why do others use their once-in-a-lifetime flash to save people, but you use it to escape? 】

Looking at the enemy who dodged strangely and ran away on the spot, Mai Zhuo frowned slightly and did not choose to chase him, lest this was a trap that the enemy would lead him away.

Walking back to Weiss, grabbing Weiss's collar, Mai Zhuo dragged Weiss with a stern face and continued to walk away.

Just a few steps away, her footsteps paused again.

Before she could turn her head with wide eyes, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in her ears.

Mai Zhuo's pupils shrank when she heard the sound, and she turned around and found that there was a corpse at her feet.

It was the corpse of the adventurer who had just escaped!

At this time, the corpse was severely twisted and had become a twisted shape, with wounds all over the body and all the bones broken.

Such a miserable death made Mai Zhuo's body cold, and he had already guessed who the person was.

"Lord Goenitz!"

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