Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 368 Competition Begins

Just as Mai Zhuo finished speaking, a strong wind was howling in front of her.

The next second, a figure appeared out of nowhere with the strong wind, which was extremely abrupt.

He was wearing a priest's robe and his short hair was neatly done.

The man with the Bible in his left hand on his chest had a gentle smile on his face, and his right hand was hanging naturally, holding a human head in his hand.

He casually threw away the bloody head in his hand. The elegant and polite-looking Blowing Storm Goenitz, who was not even splashed with blood, smiled and nodded slightly to Mai Zhuo.

"Long time no see, Mai Zhuo."

Hearing this call, Mai Zhuo stood up nervously and raised his hand to his chest to salute.

"Hello, Lord Goenitz! Why are you here? Did you just arrive?"

"No, to be precise, I have been here all the time, and I came earlier than you. While you were busy fighting with that man, I cleaned up the other people who stole the power of our God Clan."

Gonitz turned his head and looked at the corpses on the ground with a gentle face, and suddenly shook his head.

"I don't object to the strong stealing the power of our Heavenly God Clan, nor do I object to them joining our Heavenly God Clan, but it is limited to the strong. Weak people like this can't do it. They are not worthy of the power of the big snake, so they can only die."

Qin Ming is not the only one who can use the skills of the Eight Heroes.

Mai Zhuo and Weiss are not the only ones who noticed that someone used the power of the Heavenly God Clan.

Goenitz, who has amazing perception ability, has almost locked on to all the people in the city who have used the power of the Eight Heroes, and has gone door to door to find them. Qin Ming is actually also among his targets for door-to-door visits, but Weiss got there first.

I found twelve people, killed nine, and recruited three. This is what Goenitz achieved today.

As he said, he does not oppose someone stealing the power of God. On the contrary, he is very keen to spread the power of God to the world and increase the number of God's believers.

But the premise is that you have to be worthy of this power! If you are not worthy! Then he will take it back! Even your life will be taken back!

Holding the Bible in his hand, he smiled and glanced at Weiss who was still unconscious, and then looked at Mai Zhuo who was very nervous in front of him.

Goenitz suddenly tilted his head and smiled.

"That man is very strong."

"My lord."

"You seem to know him."


"Don't be nervous, knowing him is a good thing. You and Weiss go to recruit him. The plan to resurrect God is about to begin. We are in urgent need of combat power, and he is a very good combat power."

At this point, Goenitz suddenly sighed.

"Lugar, that guy, could have been very useful, but unfortunately he died just like that. What a brainless idiot, my expectations were wasted."

Lugar, the final boss of King of Fighters 95, nicknamed the president of the transporting club, the man who promoted the heavenly sliding skill, and the champion of the King of Fighters figure contest.

He is very strong, even better than the ordinary members of the Eight Heroes, and he is a martial arts genius. It is said that any skill he sees will be learned instantly by him.

Then this martial arts genius, in his prime, ran into Goenitz, who had just become an adult, and was torn off one of his eyes in less than three moves by the opponent as a punishment for disrespecting the gods.

That was the first failure in Lugar's life. He tried to make Goenitz into a bronze sculpture and collect it as a trophy, but not only did he fail, but he almost died.

In order to test the effect and to win over Lugar, a master, Goenitz gave Lugar a drop of pure snake blood afterwards.

This caused Rugal's power to surge, and he began to become arrogant. Although he did not dare to continue to challenge Goenitz to avoid having his other eye taken off by the other party, he began to challenge fighters from all walks of life crazily, and even held the first King of Fighters competition.

In the end, he died because of his arrogance. In last year's competition, he was beaten into a grandson by Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi.

Unwilling to be defeated, he also tried to forcefully activate the blood of the snake, but the blood went out of control and he exploded like a balloon.

Goenitz didn't care whether Rugal died or not.

But Goenitz was very dissatisfied with the loss of a powerful helper at this critical moment.

Although he has recruited a lot of people in the past few days, and each of them has unique methods, I dare not say how strong they are, but they are all very difficult.

But this is not enough! Far from enough! He still lacks the real top combat power!

It was too late to urgently awaken the other gods of heaven. If we don't take advantage of the opportunity we have finally created to help the gods break the seal, it will be difficult to break it when the other party reinforces the seal.

With a rare serious expression on his face, Goenitz looked at Maizhuo solemnly.

"Maizhuo, I have a task for you. Go and recruit your friends. When the gods are resurrected, the snake will definitely reward him."

Maizhuo's face changed drastically when he heard this, and his expression was very tangled.

"But he..."

"This is not a discussion with you, this is an order. No matter what means you use, you must pull him in. I will give you three days. Remember, just three days."

As he spoke, Goenitz retreated.

After grabbing the Bible and bowing slightly, Goenitz disappeared in an instant with the wind blowing.

Only Maizhuo, who was pale, was left standing there biting his lips.

Maizhuo was very afraid of Goenitz. To be precise, not only was she afraid, but Weiss was also afraid.

Because the two of them had been beaten by Goenitz more than once for not obeying orders, and they were beaten without fighting back.

If they were not useful, they would have died in the hands of the other party.

And they also witnessed the whole process of the cruel killing of Jiadilu, who was also one of the members of the Eight Heroes, because he was unwilling to carry out the mission and had a family.

It was not Goenitz who did the killing, but Jiadilu's daughter, a little girl who was only a few years old.

Jiadilu, who was beaten to a serious disability and had no power to resist, was brutally killed by his daughter who was forced to activate the blood of heaven by Goenitz, leading to madness, along with his wife.

His daughter survived, and as his replacement, she survived as a member of the new Eight Heroes.

This poor daughter is called Lianna! The female warrior! Lianna of the Angry Team!

How elegant and gentle he is at ordinary times, when it comes to resurrecting gods, how cruel and violent Goenitz is when he encounters disobedient people.

He is even more tyrannical than the self-proclaimed tyrannical Weiss!

He is a more cold-blooded butcher than the self-proclaimed cold-blooded Maizo!

He can do anything to revive the gods.

The most important thing is that he, who controls the power of wind, can accurately find other members of the Eight Great Masters through blood fluctuations.

If it weren't for the sudden incident and the short time to break the seal, he could even gather all the members of the Eight Great Masters!

So facing Goenitz's order, Maizo and Weiss must complete it. If they don't complete it, they will be punished, and they can't even run away.

Because no matter where they run, Goenitz can find them accurately, beat them up and bring them back.

The command of fate? No! For Weiss and Maizo! What really forced them to revive the snake! It's not the command of fate! It's the terror and oppression of the monster Goenitz!

Dare not to carry out the mission? Then you have to die! Goenitz will replace the gods! Take back all the power given by the gods!

Looking at the disappearing Goenitz, Mai Zhuo was soaked in cold sweat.

She knew that the other party was not joking. If they said they would give them three days, they would really only have three days.

After three days, they would either take Qin Ming over or accept the punishment. There was no other way to go.

Biting her lips hard, Mai Zhuo raised her hand and pulled Weiss's collar again, dragging her away...

In the blink of an eye, it was already the early morning of the second day, and the much-anticipated King of Fighters competition finally started.

The first round of the competition was a knockout round with a large number of ring fights. The strength of the contestants was uneven, some strong and some weak.

Facing this kind of audition, as long as you have some martial arts and good luck, you can generally pass.

And for a strong combination like Qin Ming, even all the members can't be used.

Fujido Kasumi alone is enough to calm the scene, even if she is still injured.

Fujido Kasumi's Fujido-style ancient martial arts, that terrifying defensive counterattack ability, is simply a killer of the weak.

Occasionally, if there are one or two tough ones, Eri Kasamoto will appear.

Eri Kasamoto has no fighting skills, and she is too embarrassed to take out grenades, pistols, machine guns, etc. on the stage.

The main reason is that there have been adventurers holding grenades on the stage, chasing opponents everywhere, causing the organizers to temporarily change the rules and prohibit the use of any hot weapons.

But the lack of hot weapons does not mean that Eri Kasamoto cannot fight.

The terrifying basic attributes, plus the B-level military fighting skills, all give Eri Kasamoto excellent melee ability.

Not to mention that she can also transform into a dinosaur, and her appearance after the transformation has caused the audience around to exclaim.

Because of her unique appearance, she has even become a very popular star player.

In a blink of an eye, a day has passed, and the auditions are officially over.

Tomorrow will be a more intense preliminary round. The players who can continue to stand out will officially enter the finals, and after entering the finals, whether they can continue to advance or not, they will receive a prize of one million US dollars.

This is why countless fighters are rushing to participate in the competition.

Who would not fight for such a good thing as fame and fortune?

As night fell, just as Qin Ming took Fujido Kasumi and Kasamoto Eri, who had been busy all day, out to have a good meal, the three people who were having dinner outside suddenly looked up at the same time.

And there, with the sound of footsteps, two beautiful women, one wearing a women's suit and the other wearing a long dress, walked over with cat steps.

Unlike Qin Ming, Kasamoto Eri and Fujido Kasumi beside Qin Ming were also very beautiful, but one was careless and the other was wearing a loose training suit, which did not show her figure at all.

The most important thing was that Qin Ming, a giant, was sitting next to them, so no one dared to approach them.

But the two beauties who came over were different. They were mature and beautiful, and they were dressed in secretary clothes. This temptation was full.

The appearance of the two of them immediately caused a cheer in the street restaurant.

But the sound suddenly stopped after a while.

Because the two people who walked into the room came directly in front of Qin Ming and others.

Seeing that Qin Ming's arms were almost as thick as his waist, the people who were cheering at first shut up and looked away very rationally.

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